Chapter 40

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Sitting and eating breakfast with the whole class in complete silence wasn't how I expected to spend a random Tuesday in November. But here we are. Eating breakfast. In silence. I nibbled complacently at some toast to avoid getting yelled at, but my tight stomach didn't really appreciate it. Eventually, it got too suffocating, and I had to say something.

"S-so..." Everyone turned to look at me in unison. "Uh... How... How did everyone sleep?" There was a general noise of 'good' and 'not bad' being muttered before everything went quiet again.

"Oh... Okay." I murmured, going back to nibbling my toast. Kat threw down his fork and sighed loudly.

"We can't do this. We're not going to just sit here like fucking mice trying to pretend that eveything's normal!"

"K-Kacchan please sit down. Let's just have a nice breakfast-"

"Shut up you shitty nerd! You think that our teachers are getting a nice breakfast right now? You think Endeavour and All Might are having a fucking tea party?" I saw Todoroki tense slightly.

"What can we do about it?"

"Great question, toad!"

"I'm a frog, kerro." Tsu shook her head.

"We're going to rescue the pro heroes!" Kat grinned as if it were simple.

"That's complete madness, Bakugo." Tenya also stood up, waving his hands around dramatically. "We don't even have our provisional licences."

"Who else is going to do it?"

"There are pros left."

"Like, four."

"More than that!" Kat rolled his eyes.

"He's right."

"Not you too!" Mina grabbed my arm as I also stood up.

"There's twenty of us. Yaomomo, Midoriya, Tenya. You're all super brainy and the rest of us have enough experience to know what we're doing. We could make a plan of some sort."

"I am standing now." Todoroki's chair scraped against the floor. "I too would like to bring the pro heroes back. Our teachers need our help. And my father, I suppose." He added after a moment's consideration. We nodded at each other. Both of us having our family taken meant that we had an unspoken alliance beyond our normal friendship. Even if he didn't seem to really care.

"If Shoto's doing it, then I will too. It'll be dangerous. But I still want to be there."

"Even stupid Deku knows it makes sense. Are the rest of you extras joining us, or can we exclude you from the plan? Ow!"

"Stop calling everyone extras! They really won't want to join if you keep being mean." Kiri had whacked him over the back of the head.

"What did you say to me, Shitty Hair! I'll fucking kill you!" He started throwing explosions at the red head next to him, who was also using his quirk.

Most people were somewhat reluctant to agree. It's not that they didn't want to help. But we'd be breaking into the middle of the League of Villains, getting into somewhere heavily guarded, and we'd have to get a number of people back out again. We had no idea what condition any of them were in.

Kat and Kiri were still bickering by the time everyone had given a semblance of an answer. Kiri pushed the blonde away from him a bit too hard.

"Kat!" He hit the wall. It made a whirring sound. I grabbed his arm and pulled him away. Slowly, a panel opened to reveal a bunch of briefcases. I picked up one and opened it.

"It's our hero costumes!" Someone yelled.

"It's a sign! It means we should go!" Mina squealed.

It had been almost an hour.

The Other Side - Katsuki Bakugou x OCDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora