Stiles shushed Erica, he tried to free her but was electrocuted in the process.

"You can be helpful, you know ? You can actually talk to me" He turned to you.

"It's pointless, Stiles. You can't free us, the amount of electricity in these wires is too high for your body to handle. You need to stop helping us before you hurt yourself" You warned him.

"No ! I'm getting you guys out of here ... I don't care what happens to me" Stilinski touches the electrical wire again.

"But your father does. A father's love for his son never dies" You reasoned.

"Ow" He yelps, Gerard entered the small cellar.

"They were trying to warn you ... It's elctrified" He pointed out to Stiles.

"What are you doing with them ?" Stiles faced the hunter.

"At the moment ? Just keeping them comfortable. There's no point in torturing them. They won't give Derek up -- the instinct to protect their Alpha is too strong" Gerard takes the final step.

"Okay, so, what are you doing with me ? Because Scott can find me, all right ? He knows my scent. It's pungent, you know ? It's more likes a stench. He could find me even if I was buried at the bottom of a sewer, covered in fecal matter and urine ..." He anxiously trains his eyes on Gerard.

"You have a knack for creating a vivid picture, Mr Stilinski. Let me paint one of my own -- Scott McCall finds his best friend bloodied and beaten to a pulp. How does that sound ?" Gerard stepped closer, stopping inches away from Stiles.

"I think I might prefer more of a still life, or landscape, you know ? What - what are you ninety ? Look, I can probably kick your ass up and down this room --" Stiles didn't get chance to finish when Gerard back handed him.

He grabbed Stiles by the shirt, punching him in the face.

"Okay, wait ! Wait, wait ! Okay, wait, wait !" He protested as Gerard punched him three more times.

1 and a half hours later

"Shush !" Chris took ahold of your wrist, using his knife to cut you free.

"Why are you helping me ?" You rubbed your wrists, examining the shock marks.

"Because you don't deserve to die. You're just a kid, it's not you fault that your dad killed Kate. You shouldn't be punished for someonelses wrongdoing" Chris puts his knife back in it's sheathe.

"What about them ?" You nodded to the barely conscious Boyd and Erica.

"I can't free all of you. Gerard might become suspicious. He already thinks I'm plotting against him. So, I want you to punch me. Hard" He instructed.

You punched Chris in the jaw, just about hard enough to leave a mark.

"What ? I don't get the opportunity to punch you without any repercussions often" You realize that blood is dripping from your squeezed fist.

"He could believe that you were able to overpower me. You're the most trained werewolf he's captured. Go, find Derek. Help him and Scott with Jackson" Chris grimaced, touching his bruising cheek.

"Thank you, Argent. I owe you a favour" You sneak out the back door.

Beacon Hills Preserve

"There you are. Where have you been ?" Scott greeted with a gentle hug.

"Locked in the Argent's basement" You explained, returning the hug.

You, Peter, Derek and Scott exchanged a glance.

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