"I'm not sure as I barely see him."

"Does he have no interest in you?" Evelyn asked.

"No he doesn't he has Princess Nadia and I think they are a match made in heaven." Aurora tried to sound neutral but those words were choking her for some odd reason.

"I saw you serving them yesterday." Lucy counted her.

"It's my job I'm afraid."

"Who was the handsome man that approached you yesterday?" Lucy asked.

"You have someone." Ella piped in.

"Tell us everything." Evelyn chimed in.

"I met him the first time yesterday we exchanged a few words and that's all there was to it I'm afraid, there is no story or whatever you all are looking for."

All her friends pouted, "Now you are secretive." Ida remarked.

Aurora carried on forking food into her mouth no matter how full she felt, they would also question that so she would let it fizzle out.

She carried on eating in silence and could feel the stares from her friends, she did not mind whatever they thought about her for now.

When lunch was finished, she went to go and prep the tea. She carried it to Caspian's chambers and knocked as per usual.

"You may enter."

She balanced the tray and got in, she was surprised to see Elliot standing there.


"Elliot." She replied to him brightly, as she had not expected to see him here, and she immediately went back to her normal self when she placed the tray on the table.

"You may leave Elliot."

"Thank you Sire."

Elliot gave her a small wave and smile, and she watched him out the throat, she was drawn back in when she heard Caspian clear his throat, and she turned her attention to him.

"You fancy Elliot?"

"No My Lord, just an acquaintance that I met."

"You were talking to him yesterday." It seemed as if Caspian was accusing her,

"It is the first time that I have met him," Aurora replied surprised that Caspian had watched her so closely as to whom she was talking to.

Caspian got up and stood in front of her, her heart beating fast, "Is he the reason that you didn't want to kiss me back?"

"No, My Lord." She blushed profusely at her own answer as to how she had eagerly said it.

"So you do want to kiss me?"

Aurora was too confused and didn't want to know her own answer so she just stared down and did not say a word.

"Tell me what you want Aurora."

She could not focus with him so close to her, she tried to take a space from him so that she could answer without her mind being clouded.

Yet Caspian pulled her back into his arms, she didn't dare look at him as he drew nearer to her but she covered her mouth with her hand.

Caspian placed a soft kiss on her hand that was covering her mouth.

Why was he playing with her heart so much, she needed space so she would not make a mistake.

"I need to leave My Lord."

"Why Aurora? I can see it in your eyes that you want me."

Aurora swallowed at his words, why could she not just let herself go? Just this once? Caspian tilted her face and he placed a kiss on her lips.

She realized that she had dropped her hand from her lips, and Caspian's mouth meshed with hers and she was failing to catch up.

This felt too good, up until she remembered that he was to be betrothed to Nadia and all this meant nothing to him and she struggled out of his arms and Caspian let her go.

She was breathing heavily, and she bowed her head,

"I want you Aurora."

"I am just a maid."

"No you are not, I know who you are."

Aurora grasped her hands together, and the sudden realization came down upon her, he really didn't know her at all.

She was just another maid he wanted to get her into his bed. She had seen how he had treated Nadia, with pure gentle reciprocated affection.

He valued her every thought and to solidify it Nadia was educated and a beauty.

Not for her, he did not care how she viewed him as long as he got what he wanted from her.

"Excuse me, My Lord."

She felt as if Caspian wanted to say something but she turned and was out the door, Aurora was glad that no one stopped her as she walked fast to her tree and she sank down.

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