Chapter 32

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Kissing her one more time I pulled away and hug her tight. "Y/N you promised me you won't cry," I said sternly when I heard her sob a little. I pull away for the hug and force her to look up at me. "My my, look at you, why are you crying like a waterfall?" She cried harder and buried her head into my chest more. "Shh... I'll be back home, back to you just after 2 months. Till then I want you to take care of my kids and especially take care of yourself my love. And if think you need me just call me. I'll always be there for you."

She giggle a little while I frowned, "Quit saying that romantic stuff. You look weird because I have listened to you getting all horny rather than romantic." I smile at her and replied after giving a sweet peck on her forehead, "I could be horny if you want." We laughed lightly and then she looked up at me. "Take care Jungkook, stay safe. I need you because I don't have anyone else than you and my kids." I nodded.

Kissing her hungrily one last time I pull away and opened the door of my room hand in hand with her. Turning to our left we open the door of my kid's bedroom and entered. The nannies were making them wear their clothes as my daughter was blabbering some stuff in her language and Taehyung was chewing a silicone teether. "How many times do I have to tell you to leave the door open whenever you are inside my children's room?"

I asked in a very deep voice since I was frustrated by their behavior. Why do they have to lock the door when they are inside? What are they doing with my children that it has to be private? I sighed frustratedly and said, "You are fired." They look up at me with wide eyes but still didn't say anything and walked away after giving us a bow.

I looked down at my daughter who was trying to reach me while opening her small arms to touch my face

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I looked down at my daughter who was trying to reach me while opening her small arms to touch my face. I smiled at her and picked her up from the crib. "Baby did matching with dada?" I asked as she wore a cute little white shirt. She moved her jaw up and down and tried to pronounce the words. "Dada," I pronounced it one more time for her. "Dada." She said. Oh fuck!

I could feel almost tear up when I heard that word in her mouth. And she was calling out to me again and again. She hasn't stopped just one time. I looked at my side to see Y/N with Taehyung in her arms and she was already shedding tears while Taehyung was looking at his mother with his sweet eyes. I motioned her to come closer and picked Taehyung from her arms. My 2 kids were in my arms one wasn't stopping calling me 'dada' and the other wasn't stopping admiring his mother's necklace.

Taehyung had his concentration on his mother's necklace and honestly, he is the best kid. He would not cry unnecessarily even if Kiara would fake cry to get the attention he would just watch her. He was very a obedient child no matter if he is just a 7-month-old boy. He is very calm and collected. Whereas my daughter is the complete opposite. She is a very noisy one, cheerful and a naughty kid. Yet she is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.

I kissed Kiara's palm which was placed on my cheeks near my mouth. Whatever she is doing, if she once saw me she would put that on hold and turn all of her attention to me, and this little act of hers always makes my heart warm. Whereas Taehyung, his eyes would sparkle when he would see me but won't fake cry like his sister so that I could pick him up. Taehyung would do some stupid yet cute stuff to grab the attention of his mother and he succeeds every time.

Kissing my wife's forehead I said to her in a whispery voice, "Take care, baby. I promise I won't take long." She nodded and sighed picking Taehyung from me who was already eager to go to his mother, she walked passed telling me to let go downstairs as the family members are waiting for us.

Coming downstairs I gave my daughter to a maid named Lisa. And she started crying already getting out of her hold because she saw me going. I smiled at her and my family one last time before getting inside the car.


After I saw my husband's car fading away from my view I sigh and look to my side to see my daughter crying and the maid struggling to keep her pace. "Give her to me," I said as she nodded and gave me Kiara. My daughter look up at me and stopped crying a little. I smile sweetly at her and said, "Dada will come home soon. Till then he wants Mommy to take care of you. C'mon, let's eat something and then will play with your bunny toys."

Placing my children in their high chairs comfortably I started walking a little fast to the kitchen because I felt a little nauseous. Throwing up in the sink I wash my mouth a little with the water. An elderly maid enters the kitchen and gasps looking at me. "My young lady. Are you ok? What are you doing here? Young master would be very angry if he saw you doing things in the kitchen." She asked politely.

"I ain't feeling well. I hit sudden nausea that's why I came up to throw." She nodded and smiled sweetly. "Let me take you to your room, madam. Will you like to have something?" She asked as she held my right arm gently leading the way to my bedroom. I shake my head weakly and said, "No, just bring a small bowl of Guava." She nodded and smiled at me. I sat on my bed and sighed. I felt another nauseous hit me and I immediately ran up to my washroom to throw it up.

The maid patted my back and said, "Young madam why don't you take a pregnancy test?"

I think this chapter is the sweetest one so please give me your views about it.

Yakuza's love - JJK [COMPLETED] ✅ Where stories live. Discover now