Chapter 4

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To be honest, I don't want to attend the wedding. I intended to stay in and snoop on Y/N. However, when they mentioned that they were attending Stella Morrone's wedding after my father informed them that they were, I immediately became anxious. I was both thrilled and anxious. She is Italian, so we must meet. By giving up French, I specifically learned Italian for her. She and I both speak English. Therefore, conversing won't be a problem. I made an extra effort to look good. I wanted to make a good impression on her and show her how much I care. I spent hours picking out the perfect outfit and making sure every detail was just right. As I got ready, I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness, hoping that our meeting at the wedding would be everything I had imagined.

We arrived at our destination. Although it was a private ceremony, cameras were present because the Vice President's son was married to a Yakuza leader's daughter. I then came across her. She looked stunning in the dress she was wearing, and the smile on her face had already warmed my cold heart. She ate and walked with such gentleness. Shit! I have an unholy thought in my head. I decided to defend her at the first location. I couldn't help but be captivated by her grace and elegance. It was clear that she had not just a beautiful face but also possessed a kind and gentle soul. The more time I spent with her, the stronger my desire to protect her from any harm that might come her way.

We approached them. Both my dad and her dad exchanged greetings. They introduced themselves, and we did the same. The people most eager to meet her were my grandmother and sisters. My grandmother approached her and remarked, "Beautiful darling," as she ruffled her hair. Grandma said, blushing, "You are more beautiful in person." She expressed her gratitude while grinning sweetly.

"Come, let's sit." As Albert Morrone put it, I noticed people were looking at us as we approached the table. Of course, we invaded Africa, and since we are now here, they ought to be aware. I would like to explain to them how we are connected. The world will then be hers. She arrived a bit later than expected and sat next to her twin. Even though they were alike, I could tell them apart. I finally learned who my Malissa is. Since it was the wedding of his best friend, Jin, my cousin, was also invited. He was making fatherly jokes. She was beaming and laughing. I saw that she was eating a steak right then. To maintain her health, she must eat more. She was not thin, but delicate.

Dance time had come. After the bride and groom's dance, it was time for more. Seeing that Y/N was also on stage, I took my sister and asked her to dance with me. When she finally came to me, we switched partners. I shouted, "Ciao!" She added a smile and exclaimed, "Ciao!" I told Malissa, "You are gorgeous." She thanked me while blushing and grinning. "Y/N, given that we're getting married soon, don't you think we should get to know one another?" I inquired. She gave off the impression of being wary of interacting with strangers. but said, "Okay!" I took her to the garden so she could see the sunset.

Her hair was touched by chilly breezes that also touched my face. Her scent made me sneeze a lot. What would you like to discuss? She quashedly inquired. What do you want to accomplish? I chuckled. "A fashion designer." She said it while beaming broadly. She enjoys designing. "Yes, please design something for the Cora Nostra event using my clothing. " I said as I grinned at her lovely face. "Really?" It was her. After chatting for a while, it was time for us to return since my engagement to Malissa would be announced. 

I approached her and put both of my hands on her waist before I left. I wrinkled her soft, smooth body. She turned her head away. She seemed overly timid to me. To face me, I raised her chin and gave her forehead a peck. She felt it as she closed her eyes. I gently retreated and kissed her red cheeks. The question "Shall we?" I offered my hands for her to hold as I asked. Her hands were like feathers, and she nodded shyly.

"It seems like you guys get along with each other fast." My father made fun of me for observing our hands. " Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, Could I please have your attention?" As he spoke, Albert clapped his glasses. "I would like to share the engagement of my daughter." He said this as the crowd applauded. I, European Yakuza Leader Albert Morrone, hereby announce the engagement of my daughter Malissa Y/N Morrone to Justin Jungkook, the son of Asian and African Yakuza Leader Jae Hyuk-JJeon. He said this as the crowd applauded and gave us praise. I smiled and said, "I appreciate it." We had to return home because it was time.

We parted ways and walked over to my car. I promised Dad that I would return after seeing Jin. However, I had arranged to see Malissa. They remained inside the palace. They will stay at the palace and depart for their mansion tomorrow, according to what I overheard in the conversation. They are staying the night here, so I have to locate her room. I saw her say good night to her family before entering a hallway. At the end of the hallway is her room. I entered her room covertly and saw that she was taking off her dress, probably to take a shower.  

Shit... She couldn't see me because I was approaching her with my back to her. My hands were on her waist. When I put my other hand over her mouth, she flinched terribly and was about to yell. I said, "Shh, it's me. As soon as she realized it was me, she calmed down. "What the heck are you doing here, Jungkook?" She turned to face me and yelled and whispered simultaneously.

But fuck, her dress fell from her shoulders, exposing her sexy collarbone and neck. By imagining things and observing her cleavage, I was becoming bonier. She gasped when she saw my eyes and tried to hide. I stopped her by bringing her close and saying softly in her ear, "Your entire being is now mine. Don't try to hide from me. It's just you and me." 

I could feel the tension in the air as she hesitated, unsure of how to respond. Her eyes darted around nervously, searching for an escape from the intensity of the moment. Realizing that my words had taken her by surprise, I gently reassured her, "I don't mean to frighten you. I just want us to be honest with each other and embrace what we're feeling." 

Yakuza's love - JJK [COMPLETED] ✅ Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin