Chapter 17 Spilling it out

Start from the beginning

Chica: Yeah you're right... Bye my love.- she said to Roxy before kissing her.

Sun: Bye Roxy!- they said before going to the door, the guitarist following. They both went outside, the girl letting Sun at their house, them going inside and locking the door.

They moved upstairs and changed to their pijamas, before going downstairs and begining to cook.

I'm sorry that happened to you. It's fine... You couldn't change what happened... I just wanna forget. I understand... How did it went with Monty? I was still asleep when that happened. The usual... I wish they could admit it... You can't make them do it. I know. But it doesn't make it easier when the one you love does this.... I know darling.

The taller ate dinner before going to watch their soap opera, feeling the urge to grab their phone and text his crush, doing so.

Sun: A new episode of that soap opera came out tonight.
Sun: I know you're going to leave me on read, but I wanted to say that.

Monty: Why were you scared of me?
Monty: Am I a monster?

Sun: No I just can't be with you while you're drunk.

Monty: I drank before and it didn't affect us why is it suddenly a "problem" and why are getting away from me?

Sun: It's nothing.
Sun: But you do really have drinking problem.

Monty:Go fuck yourself.

Sun put down their phone, hearing it blow up with notifications.

I don't get it. He's sweet and kind and then turns on you. They're not well mentally... I think deep inside of them, he still cares about me it's just... It's burried inside him and it wants to come out ... This isn't the Monty that I baked with. And definitely it isn't the person I had sex with.

Sunrise got up from the couch, grabbed their phone, took it upstairs, not looking at it but just taking it. They laid down on their bed, toss and turning for around ten minutes until they were finally fell asleep.

Around 3 am the daycare attendant jolted awake, Moon had waken up has well, in fact they were the one in control of their body, but the nightmare wasn't his, it was Sun's. Moon took deep breaths, calming themselves down, Sun didn't want to make noise but Moon heard them cry.

Moon: Are you alright Sunny?

Not really.

Moon: Can I do anything for you?

Could you turn on the light?

Moon: Of course darling.- he said before turning on the beside table's lamp, letting Sun out, they slowly getting out of their bed. They walked over to the bathroom, turning on it's lights before going inside. They drank some water from the faucet, before their eyes meeting with their reflection Sun's mind being flooded.

You slut. You let it happen. It's what you get from hanging with drunks. Sun! Stop it! You can't have been assaulted, you were hard. Sunny listen to me, not the intrusive thoughts I'm here! If you weren't so nice you would be fine. You should've done something. You're fucking useless. Sunny!

Moon kept calling the other but it was to no use, the intrusive thoughts drowned them out, leaving Sun by themselves in this. They cried, they got onto the ground and cried, desperately wanting to get away from those thoughts, not wanting to do something stupid. They used many of their usual techniques, eventually calming down. They left the bathroom before going back to their bedroom, whipping off their tears, has they moved inside. They shut the door, before going into their closet and pulling out their childhood stuff toy. It was a medium giraffe, when they were a child they couldn't sleep without it, but now, they only used it when they couldn't sleep or when things were to much. They went back to their bed, pulling their covers over themselves, hugging the giraffe before checking their phone. That was a mistake. They saw all of the horrible text Monty had left them, making him spiral down once again. In a desperate attempt to not hurt themselves they called one of his friends.

Chica: Sun? Are you alright honey?- she asked in a sleepy tone has she slowly got up.

Sun: N-not really...- the taller proceeded to tell her everything that happened tonight, the girl going silent for a second before speaking.

Chica: Get a bag with clean clothes ready, I'm picking you and you'll sleep in my place. I don't want you alone after that.

Not much else was said, the taller did has asked, taking his giraffe with them, seeing the girl in her car, still in her pijamas. They drove back to the girls place and then went to her bedroom.

Sun: Where do I sleep?

Chica: We could both sleep in my bed, if you're comfortable with it, we're like siblings after all... It's easier this way if you need anything you can just wake me up.- she said laying on bed.

Sun: Alright... Thanks for not making fun of my plushie.- they replied, laying on the opposite side of the bed, leaving some space between them two.

Chica: It's the bare minimum darling. Now sleep, I doubt you'll like dealing with cranky children if you are cranky.

Sun: Thanks for everything Chica, you're the best...-they said before they drifted off to sleep.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter if so please comment your thoughts and vote.
Much love!!


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