Ch 126 Day at the Wall

Start from the beginning

The soldier stood quiet for a moment before speaking confidently. "I was wary that you were preparing for a counterattack."

"If I wanted to counterattack, I would've done so before you hit me with your shield, not after," I retorted. "Your equipment and your fighting style are total opposites of each other. Your footwork, attacks, movements and feints all point to a speed-type augmenter, but your armour, shield and even sword say otherwise. At this rate, you'll confuse yourself before the enemy. Pick a side and stick with it."

This was normally good advice but Alexander's the only exception to this considering he fights in armour that weighs over 150 lbs like it's nothing, but with his swordsmanship being the Bladestorm style his armour's weight makes it even more unpredictable and lethal.

After he sent me to the wall we'd dealt with numerous mana best attacks and Ellie had somehow convinced gramps to be stationed here at the wall while I was here. Damn that old Elf. I made sure her post was at the top of the wall and only to shoot down at the mana beasts. I had the captain of the bulwark division make sure to get her away if the fighting got bad.

But Elijah's recommendation to reinforce the wall by building new sections to make kill boxes. They have been working extremely well at repelling attacks.

Quite a few soldiers that had been relieved of their posts to take a break had lined up to spar against me. A small crowd of merchants and people not currently preparing for the beast horde had gathered as well, excitedly wondering if any of them would land a hit on me despite all of the limitations I put on myself.

So far, I had barely exchanged two or three moves before stopping my blade just short of a fatal blow and giving a few unadulterated pieces of advice to the soldiers.

Just as a new soldier stepped up into the stone ring I had conjured, Sylvie's voice chimed in my head. 'I thought you said you were going to try and get some rest?'

I looked back to see her descending the stairs. 'I couldn't fall asleep so I figured I'd warm up my body and train a few soldiers while I'm at it. How was your trip up to the top of the Wall? Is Ellie doing okay?'

My bond cracked a grin as she walked up to me before speaking aloud. "Ellie is adjusting pretty well. When I went to see how she was doing, she was busy practicing shooting from the edge with a few other soldiers. One looked around her age too."

I looked up at the towering wall, surveying the bustling activity within it as everyone repaired damage after last night's attack.

"Mind if I go next?" a familiar voice called out to my left.

Sylvie and I both turned toward the source of the voice and I could feel a flood of elation leaking from my bond as she dashed off.

With gunmetal-gray hair, a shade darker and still dripping with water, and bright turquoise eyes that seemed to nearly glow on their own. I saw my Girlfriend wave in our direction.

"Tessia!" Sylvie cried, as she basically ran straight into the elven princess.

I smiled, taking in the sight of the two of them. Something seemed off however, she got stronger, almost too strong for her core stage and since the last time I saw her... taking a glance at her mana core it was still at light silver but her strength nearly bordered on the lower end of a white core mage.

My princess shifted gazes between Sylvie and I with a thin smirk pressed against her mouth as she gave a sly smirk at us as the confusion and surprise must have shown on our faces.

"No more sparring for today!" I called out to the crowd of soldiers and adventurers waiting in line with weapons in their hands before I made my way toward my childhood friend.

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