Chapter Thirty-Three: Champion

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Warning: N/A

Ming has acquired a new brother

Gēge=Big Brother
Niúgē=Brother Bull

"Noodle Boy!!" 

The voice of Red Son, jolted the two siblings out of the nap they'd been taking, up in MK's apartment. The elder of the two rushing to the stairs, only to forget the fact that he was blindfolded, tripping and falling down said stairwell...face planting into the tile floor.

"Gēge!!" Ming yelped, quickly and carefully rushing down the stairs, to try and help her brother up. "Are you alright?"

"'M'fine Ming, just a bump is all," MK chuckled, tensing up when he felt a warm presence behind him, shakily whipping out the staff.

"Watch it Noodle Boy!!" The fire demon's voice shrieked, barely dodging the 17, 550 pound staff. 

"What are you doing here Red Son?" The male monkey scowled, only for the younger monkey and the bull prince to sweatdrop, as they watch their enemy/brother face off with one of the shop's walls.

"First off, I'm over here," The horned male sighed in exasperation, turning MK around to face him, being surprisingly gentle as he did so. "Secondly, why do you have that ridiculous thing on?"

"Ah..." The younger teen trailed off, face flushed in embarrassment, as he put the staff away with Ming's help. "Well, dad--Macaque--sent this to help me with training to use my ears, but I ended up tying it so tightly that I can't take it off."

"Why on earth are you training to use your ears?" Red Son sputtered out, sending the monkey prince a look of disbelief, despite his adversary not being able to see said look. "Did they stop working or something?!"

"No," The little monkey joins in, the red clad teen looking down at her. "Gēge's learning to summon his second pair of ears, like how papa and I can." To demonstrate, the youngest's ears split apart briefly, before returning to normal.

"I see," Red Son hummed, bull tail flicking behind him. "Well, fighting you like this won't be satisfying in any way, so I suppose that I'll help you take the darn thing off, that way I can beat you in a real fight."

"What?" The siblings were shocked.

"You heard me!!" The demon snapped, stomping his hooved foot down on the tile, steam shooting from his ears. "Now then, let us be off!"

Not giving either a chance to speak or process what was happening, a whirlwind of flames engulfed the trio, teleporting them right into Red Son's lab. Ming's eyes sparkled at the sight of all the various weapons and gadgets in the room, tail wagging at the thought of being able to try them out. 

The fire demon bit back a fond chuckle at this, refusing to allow himself to get comfortable with the enemy, it was bad enough he'd helped them during Spider Queen's attack, and that he was helping them now.

"Now then," The red headed prince's voice gained the mountain eir's attention, both heads turning to where the fire demon stood, typing something down on an advanced looking computer. "Just walk over there and we'll get started on removing that stupid cloth."

"Where?" MK tilted his head in confusion.

The ador--NO! It was NOT adorable! Stupid! Noodle Boy was STUPID!!

Grumbling and yanking the monkey boy over to a platform with a red face, Red Son huffed as he pushed a button, "Just stay still."

Ming paled as several sharp blades appeared from the ceiling, running over and tugging at the horned teen's pant leg, "NO, NO, NO!"

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