Chapter Four: Golden Prince

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Warning: Violence

MK is becoming a role model 🥺


Ming sat tied up on the floor next to Red Son, the disguised she-monkey wanting nothing more, than the comfort of familiar faces. The fire demon would glance at the little girl on occasion, surprised that she wasn't screaming or making any noise, simply sitting quietly and avoiding eye contact with him.

Curiosity naturally getting the better of him, Red Son picked the child up, and placed her on his lap. The thing looked like a deer in the headlights, motionless and stiff, golden yellow eyes wide in fear. The fire demon lifted a brow, poking it on the nose, making the child's nose scrunch up.

This made Red Son smirk in amusement, poking the little girl's nose once again, her nose scrunching up.....before she let out the most adorable kitten sneeze. Red son's eyes widened, he wasn't expecting her to react like that, was.....cute.

Surprised at this thought, the demon shook his head, "And what might a little thing like you be doing at a fight? Noodle Boy wasn't exactly smart to bring you with him, now was he?"

Ming blinked, tilting her head as she gathered up, enough courage to speak to Red Son, "W-why do you call him that?"

Once again, the little girl managed to surprise Red Son, who wasn't expecting her to talk, "Call who, what?"

"M-MK," Ming squeaked out. "Why do you call MK 'Noodle Boy?'"

"Because he's a peasant that works with noodles," Red Son huffed out, rolling his eyes. "THAT, is why I call him Noodle Boy."

"O-Oh...." The little girl trailed off, lowering her gaze, to once more avoid eye contact.

"You never answered my question Golden Eyes," The teen spoke up. "Why are you here? Even my parents, weren't stupid enough, to bring me to a battlefield as a child."

Ming blinked, 'Golden Eyes? Was that what Red Son was going to call her?'

"I g-got permission, f-from papa and bàbà, to stay with MK and his f-friends for the day," Ming sputtered out, still not raising her head to look at Red Son.

A silence fell over the two, Red Son causing more weather disasters, and Ming sitting on his lap. Eventually, both the warmth radiating off of the fire demon, and the peaceful atmosphere started to lull Ming to sleep. The little girl leaning onto Red Son, who's eyes widened when he felt the little girl lean on him, surprised at the level of trust she had in him to fall asleep on him.

Heaving a sigh, Red Son rolled his eyes and allowed the girl to sleep, seeing no issue in letting her sleep. Of course, one of the other tied up peasants began to make a ruckus, that being the Dragon Girl. The sleeping girl in Red Son's lap squirmed a bit, the noise causing her to stirr, which made the demon growl. He ordered two Bull Clones to tape their mouths shut, said robots doing so, which had the benifit of allowing Ming to sleep more.

Red Son snicked with a smirk, "Peasants~"

A voice shouting from above made the demon stop, "Oh, Red Son!~"

Suddenly MK crashed through the ceiling, being dropped off by an unusually colored bird, and causing Ming to shoot awake. The little girl looked around, dazed and half asleep, her sleepy eyes lighting up when she saw MK was alright. Red Son stood up, handing Ming off to a Bull Clone, who carried the little girl like a stuffed animal.

"Let's settle this for real!~" MK said, getting into a fighting position, once he reached the ground. "I won't let you get away with this!"

Red Son laughed, "You back to beat yourself up some more?"

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