Chapter Fifteen: Unfocused Prince

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Warning: Violence, Mentions of an eating disorder

Man, that boy cannot focus...but neither can I (ADHD go brrrrr)

Gēge=Big Brother

Ming giggled from where she sat on Wukong's shoulders, the older monkey dodging hits from MK, said teen gripping the staff and sweating furiously.

Today was another training day on Flower Fruit Mountain, and the two males were doing a mock battle, whilst Macaque made lunch for them back in the grotto. They weren't allowed to train near the house anymore, after blasting a hole through the wall, when Monkey King tried to show off for his daughter, who was watching the two.

During their current fight, MK was told to try and grab the little monkey from Wukong's shoulders, and to get her to the 'Safe-Zone' on the other end of the training grounds. Of course, Macaque didn't know that Ming was being used in one of his husband's lessons, because if he did, both the boys would be in deep trouble.

"You can do it Gēge!~" Ming cheered from where she sat on her father's shoulders, tail wagging happily, shrieking in joy when Monkey King bent backwards then forwards to dodge MK's attacks.

"Hey!" Wukong gave a playful scowl. "You're not gonna' cheer for your Bàbà?"

"Nope!~" The little she-monkey laughed. "Papa says you need to be humbled more anyways."

Monkey King deadpanned, blocking an attack from MK with his foot, "It's scary how much you're like Mac sometimes, kiddo'."

Ming just laughed, the little simian making a chirping noise, calling out for MK. Neither monkey expected the boy to answer, but were shocked when they heard one come from the teen, Wukong's eyes widening as he froze and turned to face the boy. MK immediately paled, dropping the staff, and slapping both hands over his mouth. 

He had no idea why he just did that!!

Checking to see if he heard that right, Monkey King let out a calling chirp to MK, the boy gave a muffled chirp in response. Immediately Ming began doing the same thing, calling out for her brother figure, whose face was redder than a fresh tomato as he answered every time. Wukong felt a grin spread across his face, the golden monkey grabbing MK in his arms and the staff in his tail, before blasting off towards the grotto to show Macaque.


Macaque smiled when he felt the earth shake, knowing it meant that the boys and Ming were back from training, the black furred monkey grabbing the lunch he'd made for them. The shadow demon opened the door, giving an amused but confused look, at the sight of his husband and daughter, trying to coax his son--MK into...doing something?

The tanned simian just shook his head with a smile, walking over to where the Immortality Granting Peach Tree was located, and setting the food down on the table underneath it.

"Alright you two, stop tormenting MK and come eat," Macaque called out, getting the trio's attention, who walked up the stairs to join the tan monkey. "Lunch is getting cold."

MK tensed up at the mention of food, sitting down in between Ming and Macaque, looking down at the dumplings on his plate.

"Can we try for four dumplings this time?" The tanned demon gave MK a gentle smile.

The teen nodded, taking deep breaths as slowly ate the dumplings, but only managing to eat three and a half before he felt sick. Despite not finish it, the demon family still gave the boy encouraging words, telling him how well he did. That made him feel just a bit better.

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