Chapter Sixty-Seven: Shadow King, Star Princess and the Fire Prince

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Warning: Mentions of injuries and burn scars, mentions of child trauma, cursing 

Ming Training Arc :] 

Xiao Long Bao--A type of small Chinese steamed bun traditionally prepared in a xiaolong, a small bamboo steaming basket.
Chow Mein--A dish of Chinese stir-fried noodles with vegetables and sometimes meat or tofu.
Ròu Jiā Mó--A street food originating from the cuisine of Shaanxi Province and widely consumed all over China. In the United States, it is sometimes called a Chinese hamburger.
Cōng Yóu Bǐng--Also known as scallion pancake or "green onion pancake", is a Chinese savory, unleavened flatbread folded with oil and minced scallions.
Gong Bao Ji Ding--A spicy, stir-fried Chinese dish made with cubes of chicken, peanuts, vegetables, and chili peppers.
Liáng Bàn Gié Zi--A dish is usually made with a combination of eggplants, scallions, garlic, ginger, soy sauce, oil, sugar, and Chinkiang vinegar.
Jiaozi--A Chinese dumplings commonly eaten in China and other parts of East Asia. Jiaozi are folded to resemble Chinese sycee. We also know them a 'potstickers.'

Yes, the Xiaomi Pepper is an actual pepper that you can find in China, and it's VERY spicy. 

Nǎi nai=Grandma

Upon arriving at the temple, both Red Son and Ming's stomachs were grumbling at the sight of food, our pair of kids trying not drool at how much Macaque had made them for lunch. It ranging from steamed buns, Xiao Long Bao, Chow Mein, Ròu Jiā Mó, Cōng Yóu Bǐng, Gong Bao Ji Ding, Liáng Bàn Gié Zi, Jiaozi and finally, some nice green tea to help settle their stomachs, after the mass amount of food the motherly simian had made for them, happily sitting down and eating up their lunch.

"Everything alright?" The monkey in question came out with a bowl of sliced fruits, setting it down with the rest of the foods, and sitting down with the two kids, making himself a plate, smiling when he got nods from the pair. "Good, I was worried that I might've messed up a few's been a while since I've cooked like this. Pigsy usually does all the cooking whilst Wukong and I--..."

Both of the younger demons stop eating, placing down their chopsticks and looking at each other nervously, knowing how sensitive of a subject that the ginger monkey had become, especially after the ritual. Giving out a nervous cough, Red Son made quick work in changing the subject, "What uh...what type of peppers did you use for the Gong Bao Ji Ding?"

"A-ah..." Noting how his ward seemed to have changed the subject, giving Macaque the opportunity to think upon something else, the shadow demon thought back to when he was making their lunch. "The Xiaomi Pepper...I think that you've mentioned it's one of your favorites?"

Upon hearing this Ming immediately froze, a portion of the mentioned dish hovering slightly in front of her mouth, the poor she-monkey putting the spicy food back on it's place, opting to eat another dish.


After finishing and washing their dishes, the trio walked back over to the temple balcony, Red Son instructing the youngest to meditate whilst he and her father talk about what to do next...alongside about the events that transpired on the ritual site.

Taking deep breaths, the small child closed hers eyes and relaxed, both the elder demons turning to talk once they were sure she was far enough into her meditation, not to hear.

"So? How is she doing?" Macaque asked, biting his lip nervously, tail lashing about.

"She's progressing quite quickly," The bull prince hummed, thinking over their past few weeks of training, wincing at the few times his 'student' had accidentally gotten him injured with various falling objects, before a frown spread across his face. "Though not quick enough...if I were heartless, I'd have pushed her much harder...but she's still young, and barely able to keep a grasp on her already existing powers. The one like she's been given is incredibly volatile, connected deeply with her emotions, and tending to lash out at her more powerful emotions. Such as anger, fear, excitement and sadness. Currently, she's in no state to fight the Lady Bone Demon."

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