Chapter Fourteen: Gladiators

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Warning: Violence

Season 3 designs for our dear heros is completed....Ming looks so freaking cute!~ 🥺

Gēge=Big Brother

With the two demons shouting for the racers to go, Mei had no choice but to speed off on her bike, hurriedly zipping up her pocket to keep Ming in and safe. A trail of green light was left in the dragon girl's wake, as she sped down the track, the sounds of MK cheering her on disappearing the further away she got.

The sounds of race car engines behind her, let Mei know that Red Son wasn't far behind, the fire demon rapidly catching up.

"Get out of my way Dragon-Horse Girl!" Red Son shouted, trying to pass Mei to no avail, the girl swerving in front of him each time he tried to pass her.

"Nice try Red Boy!~" Mei called after her with a laugh. "But I'm winning this thing!~"

That was a bad call, because the demon immediately began to try and run Mei over, his hair flaming up angrily at her teasing. Mei shrieked in fear, not for herself, but for the tiny ferret in her pocket taking a nap. Mei could handle a crash on her bike, having gone through multiple when driving in the past, Ming could least Mei didn't think she could.

"Watch it!" The dragon snapped behind her, angry green lighting, sparking behind Mei. "You could've run me over!"

"That's the point!" Red Son gave a maniacal laugh, going to try to slam into Mei once again. "I'm aiming to eliminate the competition!"


From within the stands, MK saw what was happening and growled, running out of the booth to where the crowd couldn't see him and summoning the staff, using it to launch himself off to where Red Son and Mei were. He wasn't about to let Mei get run over by that jerk!

Unfortunately for him, MK failed to calculate just how fast the staff could go, and end up losing control halfway. This resulted in him not being able to stop himself in time, and the poor teen crashed right into Mei, destroying her bike in the process.

The dragon girl got up and immediately checked her pocket, sighing in relief when she saw that Ming was okay, before turning to help MK up, "Why'd you do that?"

"I was--"

He was interrupted as Red Son sped up to the two in his car, doing a couple of donuts in front of them and kicking up dust, before speeding off once again, "Victory is mine, peasants!~"

The two heros coughed and waved away at the dust, MK turning to Mei with a sad look, "I'm sorry Mei, I didn't mean to crash into you. I just...I saw Red Son was trying to run you over, and I wanted to help, but I kinda'...."

"Lost control over the staff?" The girl supplied.

"Yeah..." MK rubbed the back of his head.

The dragon girl huffed out a sighed, walking over and giving her friend a hug, "It's okay MK, you were only trying to help. We're just lucky that you didn't get Ming hurt."

"What?" The boy blinked in confusion, giving Mei a look as they pulled apart from the hug. "Isn't Ming at the shop?"

"You see...." Mei trailed off, pulling a sleepy ferret out of her pocket.

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