Chapter Six: Royal Army

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Warning: N/A

Poor little Ming, so confused as to which MK is her MK 
This is short


"Woah~," Ming's eyes sparkled at the sight of the building in front of her. "What's this place?"

"It's a museum," MK smiled, walking in. "I saw that they had this cool artifact exhibit, full of stuff from when Monkey King was traveling west, and thought we could check it out."

The little girl squealed from where she sat on the teen's shoulders, looking around in awe as they passed various exhibits, asking all kinds of questions as MK walked over to where the special exhibit was being advertised. The disguised she-monkey's eyes sparkled, when she looked at all the various artifacts that were being displayed, MK telling her each one and it's origin.

One in particular caught Ming's attention, "Hey, that one looks exactly like papa's lantern."

MK stopped at a purple lantern that was on display, reading out what the information plaque said it was, "Shadow Lantern. It was used by General Liu'er Mihou, otherwise known as the Shadow General, who worked under the Monkey King back before the Pilgrimage with Tripitaka. The lantern is said to have the ability, to absorb the shadows of it's victims, at which time the user could then have the victim's shadow fight for it. It is unknown how to free someone from the lantern." MK shivers, "Man, Macaque's pretty scary when he wants to be."

Ming nodded with a humm, "It's a good thing this is just a copy." 

"Huh?" MK blinked and looked up at Ming in confusion. "Whatdda' mean by that?"

"The real one is with papa," Ming says. "He only made copies to fool power hungry dummies."

MK 'oohed' in understanding, taking one last glance at the lantern copy, before moving onto another artifact. And for the rest of the day, even after the two had finished with the special exhibit, MK and Ming explored the museum together and enjoyed themselves.


As for MK and Mei, who'd just finished their fight with MK's Porty Clone, they were relaxing up in MK's apartment. It was only when a certain black furred monkey, appeared on the fire escape to MK's apartment, that the two realized something was amiss.

The two were startled by a knock on MK's window, turning to come face to face with a.....very unhappy Macaque, who motioned for one of them to open the window. MK gulped in fear, shakily opening the window, watching as Macaque entered.

"Mind telling me why you don't have Ming with you?" The male simian raised a brown, tail swaying irritably.

"Huh?" The two blinked in confusion.

"MK," Macaque pinched the bridge of his nose, giving an exasperated sigh. "I gave you Ming this morning to go somewhere together, you said you had the day off."

The teens paled.....they'd forgotten a clone......AND THAT CLONE WAS WITH MING!! 

"I...I didn't have the day off," MK admitted, scared at how much trouble he was going to be in, when he admitted to Macaque what'd happened. "I uh, I got overwhelmed by trying to help everyone, and then Mr. Tang suggested that I make clones like Monkey King did and--"

"Let me guess," The tall monkey narrowed his eyes at the two, making them shiver in fear, gold and purple piercing through their very souls. "Since you hadn't been taught how to properly control the clones everything went haywire, and in all the confusion, you forgot that Ming is with a clone."

They nodded, paling when they saw Macaque's eye twitch in irritation, before the simian summoned a few shadow clones. 

"Find Ming and the MK clone, then report back to me," Macaque said, watching the clones nod and wisk themselves off to find the little she-monkey. "MK."

"Y-yes Macaque?" The teen sputtered fearfully.

"You'll be running extra laps for a month," Macaque glared at the boy. "I'll make it more if you whine even a single time."

MK didn't dare open his mouth, watching as a shadow clone appeared, saying something he and Mei couldn't understand, before disappearing.

"They've found Ming, let's go," Macque hummed, summoning a Shadow Portal, and walking through as the teens followed.

They walked out to see Ming and the MK clone across from them, the two sitting down and cheerfully talking, each eating an ice cream. Ming's ear twitched, and she looked up to where the trio was, eyes sparkling at the sight of her father, before her brows furrowed in confusion at the sight of the second MK.

Macaque walked over and picked the little monkey up, looking down at the MK clone, "You've had your fun, but now it's time to go."

The clone got up with an easygoing smile, ruffling the still confused Ming's hair, "Okay, it was nice spending time with you Ming."

The real MK and Mei blinked in surprise at how easy this one was, thinking it'd be as stubborn and unruly as the rest, the clone merely disappearing in a puff of golden smoke and hair. Ming looked very confused, rubbing her eyes and looking down at the small piles of hair, then at the real MK.

"Papa....MK....Mei?" Ming looked at each in turn. "What happened?"

Macaque chuckled, "Turns out you were right my Little Shadow, MK was overworking himself, and he ended up making clones like your dad. Unfortunately, he wasn't properly trained to handle them, so they ended up going haywire. The MK you spent the day with was a clone yèdēng."

The she-monkey frowned, pouting at MK and narrowing her eyes, which reminded the teens of a smaller and more adorable version of Macaque, "I told you to get rest!"

MK just gave a nervous laugh, "Yeah....sorry Ming."

The girl on huffed, crossing her arms and turning away from the boy, opting to ignore him until she decided that she forgave MK. Mei laughed as her friend began to whine, trying to get Ming to forgive him, as Macaque just shook his head.

"Alright, it's time for us to go home," Macaque smiled, opening up two Shadow Portals, and pointing to the one on the right. "This'll take you two home, I'll see you tomorrow....hopefully with no clones this time."

The two nod, thanking Macaque and walking through, MK still pouting when Ming ignored his goodbye but she waved Mei off.

The two monkeys watched as the teens disappeared, Macaque looking down at his daughter, "How long are you going to ignore him?"

"Only until tomorrow, just like you do when bàbà does something dumb," Ming gives her father a devious smile. "That way he overthinks it, and feels really bad."

Macaque snorted in amusement, ruffling her hair as he walks through the portal, "I see the saying really is true, The apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

End Duplicatnation.............................

To be Continued in Coming Home.........................

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