Minisode Nine: Auntie Chang'e!~

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Warning: Threats (I mean, Red son is in this episode, so it's inevitable)

Cooking with the Aunt and Uncle!~

Sitting down at the stool at the indoor bar, Ming was coloring away at the pages that MK had made her, whilst Pigsy was cooking away excitedly on a new dish that he'd received in the mail from Chang'e.

Tang was busy with teaching at the University he worked at, MK was on a date with Red Son, Mei was working on her tech, Kieran was with Rumble and Savage; helping them teach Bai He to control her newfound powers, Sandy was out doing work at the docks, and both Wukong and Macaque were meeting with Nezha; in order to catch up with one another. So Pigsy was left to watch his niece, as the shop was closed for the day.

A knock on the door had both demons looking up in confusion, with the older one walking over and opening it up, only to gape in shock at who was there, "Chang'e?!"

"Hi Pigsy!~" The woman in question, pulled her friend in for a hug, squealing in excitement when she noticed the young monkey. "Oh! Ming! How lovely it is to see you again!~"

"Auntie!~" Hugging back, the little simian's tail wagged excitedly, before she realized something. "What're you doing here?"

"Oh! Well, I decided that it was about time that I took Pigsy up on his offer, so I used my ship to come down and visit!~" Twirling the little monkey around, the goddess stopped and turned to look at her pig friend. "I hope that's alright?"

"Of course!" Quick to dismiss any worries of his moon bound friend, the pig demon lead her towards the kitchen, Ming's tail happily wagging at the idea of making food with her aunt and uncle. "Hope my humble kitchen is alright with you."

"This place..." Trailing off as she looked around, Chang'e smiled fondly at the pictures on the corkboard, showing varying parts of her friend's life, including when he first started fostering MK, before she turned back to Pigsy. "It's filled with fond memories....I don't know anywhere I'd rather cook than a place filled a happy and warm aura."

"Well then, how about we make dinner together as a surprise for the gang, and have it here?" The pink skinned chef offered with a chuckle. "A nice family dinner!~"

"That sounds perfect!~" The goddess squealed in excitement, warm blue eyes sparkling happily.

"Can I deliver the invitations?" Ming piped in, tugging at her uncle's white jacket. "Please?"

Humming in thought, "I dunno' shouldn't--"

"Hey piggy!~" Mei's voice cut the demon off, as the dragon girl came barreling into the kitchen, gasping when she spotted Chang'e. "No way!~"

"Perfect! Mei! You go around and help Ming deliver invitations to dinner tonight," Pigsy smiled, placing the young monkey in her sister's arms, and pushing the two gently out the door. "Make sure not to let anyone know that Chang'e's here, it's gotta' be a surprise, alright?"

"Uh...sure, but--" She didn't even get to finish, before the door was slammed in both female's faces, making them sweatdrop, the older looking down at the younger. "Where to first, I guess?"

"Why don't we go around the city first, then the mountain, and finish off in the Celestial Realm?"

"Is that were the fruit dads are?" Mei rose a brow in question to her sibling's response.

"Mmhmm~ They're catching up with Uncle Nezha."

"Guess we're off then!~"

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