Minisode Eleven: Renewing Vows

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Warning: This is so fucking sappy, and I fucking love it

This was suggested by a user called @ANDREEA30112005 

Tsao Chün--Tea Drank between the couples of a Chinese wedding ceremony

"Pa, what're you doing?" MK's voice had the golden king looking up, from where he was staring a hole into the paper before him, half of it filled with jotted notes, that'd been furiously scribbled out, in obvious frustration, as both his draconic and siman teens entered the house. "And why is your paper looking like it's about to give up the ghost?"

"You dad and I's anniversary is coming up soon, and after some-thousand years, I've kinda' run out of ideas," Groaning and slamming his head face-first onto the table, Wukong's tail thrashed about in frustration behind him. "I mean, what do you give or say to someone as amazing and beautiful as him?!"

"I love you??" Mei and MK both said in confused unsion, tilting their heads like curious puppies.

"That's not good enough!!" Shouting angrily and flipping the table, both of the cubs jumped at their father's outburst, eyes wide as the sun king turned to them. "You don't understand! This is Macaque, we're talking about! He-he's just--! Augh! I can't even say how amazing he is!!"

Sharing a look as Wukong slumped back to the ground in defeat, both heros squatted down on either side of their ginger father, patting his back sympathetically, as the dragon girl took the lead, "Hey, it'll be okay Peach Pa', I'm sure you'll think of something."

"And hey, if you're still having trouble, why not ask--THAT'S IT!!" Jumping, father and daughter turned to their son/brother in confusion, as brown eyes sparkled in excitement. "Why not renew your marriage vows?!"

"Like how Piggy and Tang did?" Mei asked, raising a brow, remembering when the tow of then were fifteen, and played ring bearer and flower girl for the 'event'. "I mean, that depends if the flower dads have done it or not."

"Renew our vows?" Thinking over the many years of anniversaries, Monkey King found he couldn't think of one time that, he and his husband had done the human tradition. "I...are you sure that Mac will like that?"

"It's dad/Shadow mom," Both teens deadpanned, thinking over the many times they'd witnessed how sappy their parents had been, internally sighing at how self-conscious their father was being. "He's gonna' love it."

"Alright, I guess we're giving this a shot.." Sighing, the sun king let himself get dragged into the living room, where the pair got to work on helping plan how the day would go.

✿(* ^)(^ *)✿✿(* ^)(^ *)✿✿(* ^)(^ *)✿✿(* ^)(^ *)✿ 

The day of the anniversary, Macaque had found himself being dragged up the mountain by MK and Mei, after they'd jumped him and forced the king into his old wedding outfit, much to his confusion, before proceeding to put a hearing dampening spell on his ears, followed by blindfolding him.

Coming to a stop, the shadow felt the spell be lifted and blinked as the blindfold was removed, looking around in confusion, taking a moment before he recognized where he was, dual colored eyes widening at the sight of a nervous Wukong, also dressed in his own wedding attire, "Hello look as beautiful as the day I first met you."

"Wukong, what--?"

"Liùěr Míhóu," Pulling out a familiar looking box, the warrior felt his heart start to speed up, as the old wooden top was pulled off to reveal a familiar courting tail-band, resting next to his wedding ring, that Ming had asked to borrow the day before. "Would you perhaps, be willing to uh--oh geez. Why does this have to be so nerve wracking? I've done this before!"

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