Chapter Seventy-Nine: Sha Wu Jing

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Warning: Violence, Cursing

Pigsy meets the River Spirit Pilgrim
Season 4 Wukong

Waking up after the harsh landing, Pigsy grunted slightly in pain as he felt his back crack, turning to see if the others were alright, only to pale when he realized that he was alone, in an area filled with broken weapons and very little life beyond a large, black, river a few feet ahead.

"Shit..." Summoning the rake he'd gotten from his previous incarnation's chapter, the demon looked around cautiously in search of a familiar face, internally praying that the others were okay. "Tang, Mei, MK, Ming....Red Son? Where the hell are you guys?"

A noise from behind the pile of broken weapons next to the chef, had him jump and scramble to find cover, peeking out upon seeing a strange giant--wait...that's--!

"Sandy!" Scrambling out from his shelter, the foster father goes to embrace his old friend in a relieved hug, only to remember that he was still in the scroll, meaning that this wasn't the old friend he knew, this was Sha Wu Jing...the river spirit that helped the monk on his journey. "A-ah! I mean, Sha Wu Jing, hey there!"

"Who are you?" Wu Jing snarled, summoning forth his weapon and pointing it down at the pig, his glowing blue eyes glaring daggers into the shaking chef. "What business do you have near my river?"

"U-um...well, you see, I'm looking for some friends of mine, and--"

"Don't care," Scoffing, the spirit rolled his eyes and began walking off, nonchalantly kicking away a nearby skull that the horrified swine hadn't noticed before, into a bigger pile of skulls. "Now leave me be, I am awaiting my next challenger!"


"Yes," Turning back with a bone chilling smirk, the water demon began to explain the situation, his dark expression was seemingly quite terrifying. "I am the strongest demon around, and demons from far and wide have come to challenge that, thus the broken weapons and bones! Any, who defeat me can claim the title of strongest, but those who lose..." With a dark smile, the blue skinned male trailed a thumb across his neck, as a symbol to show he killed any that lost to him.

Biting his lip, Pigsy realized that if he wanted to get the spirit to listen to him, then...."Then--then I will take on the challenge!"

Sea blue eyes glowed with a dark glint in them, as the pig demon was picked up by the back of his scarf and chucked into a nearby arena, Wu Jing following and slamming down before the swine, "It's been a while since my last challenger! Let's hope you're worth my time!~"

Charging forwards, the chef let out an animalistic--pig like--squeal of fright, as he dodged blow by blow, using the rake to block each attack as they came raining down upon him. On occasion, some would make it past his defences, electing pain filled noises from the cook, who had to force himself from looking at the wounds appearing on his skin.

"Is this truly all you have?!" The water demon snarled angrily, irate with the fact that his opponent was holding back, and not actually giving it his all. "Where's the monster that I know is inside?! Huh?!"

Huffing and puffing, as he strained against the strength of the blue skinned boatsman, Pigsy realized that he'd have to give his old friend a few bruises, if he were to get into the possessed spirit's thick skull.

"Fine then! You want a monster?!" A terrifying pink aura surrounded the swine. "I'll give you a monster!"

Swinging the rake, the noodle shop owner used his smaller size to quickly land attack after attack, as he dodged the slower blows given by the ginger haired spirit, who cried out in pain when some of the rake points dug into old scars.

The battle continued on for some time, before Pigsy finally managed to knock Wu Jing down onto his knees, "Well? Go on then...finish me off!"

"No...I won't," Shaking his head, the chef put away his rake and walked up to the spirit. "Because just 'cause we look a certain way, and 'cause our monster incarnations were monsters, doesn't mean we have to be like that! I won't let their, legacy define mine! And neither should you!" The demon's words seemed to shock Sha Wu Jing, as he finally began to listen to the noodle shop owner. "You're the strongest, the biggest, the bluest guy I know! But all you've ever used those muscles for, is to help people in need. Your friends...your family......"

Memories began to flood Wu--Sandy's mind...

"That don't sound like a monster to me."

Gasping, tears welled up into Sandy's eyes as he rushed forwards and embraced his old friend into a hug, "I'm so sorry Pigsy!"

"Ha,'s alright big guy. I'm just glad you're back," Managing to wiggle an arm out of the bone crushing hug he was in, the pink skinned demon patted his friend on the back, right as a golden flash of light shone overhead, and Tang, Mei and Mo all came falling down next to them.

"Sandy/Meow!" The trio all exclaimed, laughing--or purring--happily as their blue friend pulled them in for a hug as well.

"As grateful as I am that we've gotten you back, we need to get moving," Tang sighed, as he and Mei shared a serious look. "We need to find Ming, Red Son and MK. Azure Lion, he's...not who we thought he was."

To be Continued..............................

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