Chapter Sixty: City of Light

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Warning: N/A

Ming loves the lanterns and snow~

Gēge=Big Brother
Jiějie=Big Sister
Hónggē=Brother Red

Driving down the road, Ming's eyes sparkled as the scenery became more and more snow-filled, with Red Son muffling a chuckle from where he sat next to her working on another machine, finding the youngest's fascination with snow amusing.

The reason for the child's interest in the white powder, was that she'd lived on Flower Fruit Mountain all her life, which had been enchanted to never go beyond the spring season, which meant that she could only see snow in books and pictures. So seeing it in real life was a dream come true to the small, golden eyed cub.

As for the others, Sandy was brushing out Mo's fur on the second floor, Pigsy was driving with Tang napping in the passenger seat, the scholar tired from a long night of navigating, and both Wukong and Macaque were going over the plan for recovering the ginger monkey's ring. Finally, Mei was playing games on her phone, her brother MK drawing on the floor.

"Whatcha' drawing bud?" Looking up from his image to see his pa, the monkey teen smiled and showed the green covered paper.

"It's Mei using her sword in training with dad," The younger of the two simians chirped happily, tail swaying to match his emotions.

"Nice job kiddo', can't wait to see what you make next!~"

"Oh! What about me?" Turning to see that Tang was now awake and had joined the father/son duo, sitting down to inspect the other pages filled with color and life, smiling at his foster son's talent. 

Quickly snatching a few pieces off the floor, MK eagerly handed them over to the college teacher dressed as a monk, excited to see his reaction. To which Tang was equally excited, cooing happily over the four images his son had drawn; One of him reading stories to the trio--MK, Mei and Ming--before bed, one of him making food with Pigsy, one of him studying the map to help navigate, and one of him napping with the gang.

"These are beautiful MK, mind if I keep them with me?" At the monkey teen's nod, the scholar folded and tucked away the drawings into an inner pocket of his clothing to keep safe, before motioning for the others to follow him. "Though that's not why I'm back here, come, we've made it to Lantern City."

Quickly rushing towards the front of the vehicle, they all gaped in awe--including Red Son, who'd never visited the city before--looking down from where the van was driving across the hill, Wukong chuckling, "Lantern City...hasn't changed a bit~"

Sending his husband a sympathetic look, Macaque sighed and patted his partner's shoulder, "Oh Peaches."

b( ̄▽ ̄*)b( ̄▽ ̄*)b( ̄▽ ̄*)b( ̄▽ ̄*)

The group was next seen using the monorail on the outskirts of the city, with poor Monkey King stuffed in between a pair of citizens, one even having the guts to fall asleep on the poor disguised simian, as his somewhat sympathetic partner stood in the middle of the train, trying to hold back a laugh.

MK and Mei also stood near their dad, snickering evilly--according the Wukong--whilst Ming sat on Red Son's shoulders, the two immortals coming to an agreement that she wouldn't run off, as long as she sat on his shoulders, and he wouldn't have to use the dreaded...backpack leash, that she'd grown to hate in the past few weeks they'd been driving towards their final destination.

" maybe the city has changed a bit," Grumbled the ginger monkey, sending a glare over at his family, though it had no real malice behind it. "Little help Plums?"

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