Chapter Fifty-Five: Showing Off

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Warning: Violence, maybe suggestive??? Again, IDK

So much flirting and fluff that I'm getting cavities 

"Please tell me that this isn't the kind of nonsense you two do with the kids," Pigsy deadpanned, himself standing next to a similarly deadpanning Macaque, the duo both watching as Wukong walked around, pulling up grass and dirt in search of...something.

"Nowhere close," The shadow king sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, tail flicking in irritation. "In fact, I have no idea what on earth he's even doing."

"Great, just great," The chef facepalmed, as Mo patted his head sympathetically--Macaque honestly thought that the cat was smarter than he looked--and meowing. "While my husband has been kidnapped by some strange demon, and potentially getting eaten, we're out here gardening."

"Wukong," The tanned monkey's voice caught his husband's attention, who immediately zipped over with the same loving gaze he'd had on since waking up, nuzzling affectionately into the taller simian's cheek. 

"Yes, my darling Liùěr?~" Monkey King cooed, wrapping their tails together.

"Peaches," Macaque knew he'd have to play along, if they were going to get anywhere, sighing internally upon seeing his partner melt further at the affectionate nickname. "Mind telling us what you're doing? I mean, we're supposed to be looking for Ta--your master, right? So why are you playing in the dirt?"

Pulling back, the ginger furred demon gave a cocky smirk, "Oh Míhóu, I'm not playing in the dirt, I'm searching for the local Tu-dee!~"

Macaque paled at this, "I-I see...and, are you absolutely sure that you need to talk to one?"

"Positive!~" The golden eyed king puffed out his chest in pride, before kissing the shadow demon's cheek and rushing off to continue his search. "Just watch! I'll show you how great of a partner I am!~"

"Alright then..." Trailing off, the dual eyed monkey groaned once Wukong was out of earshot. "We're doomed."

"Mind cluing us in?" Pigsy spoke up, walking over and giving his friend a curious look. "What's a 'Tu-dee'?"

"Tu-dee are local mountain spirits, who have the knowledge of everything that goes on within said mountain area," Macaque explained, trying to push down the oncoming headache. "Unfortunately, this leaves them with a lot of stories, and a tendency to trail off without getting to the point...and seeing as my husband has a knack for getting distracted easily..."

"Oh great," The chef threw his hoofed hands up in exasperation. "We're never going to find Tang!"

"Not necessarily," The puppeteer hummed out, tail flicking in thought. "Tu-dee can be a useful long as we keep them on track."

"There you are!~" Wukong's cheerful voice caught the duo's attention, who turned to see the small mountain spirit happily greeting the ginger demon. "Great Tu-dee, our master has been captured by a ferocious demon and we fear for his safety! Do you have any idea of where we might find this creature?"

Tu-dee began to chatter on, with Macaque quickly stepping in, "Honorable Tu-dee, while we appreciate the storytelling, right now is not a good time...may we please get the location of the demon's home?"

Stopping, the spirit gave a nod and spoke once again, motioning to a strange shape in the distance which--upon further inspection--turned out to be the outline of a castle.

"Thank you great one," Our dear shadow mother bowed thankfully, corralling Monkey King away before the simian could ask for a story from the spirit, with Pigsy and Mo quick to follow. "Perhaps we can listen to your stories another time!~"

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