Chapter Fifty-Six: Flaming Prince

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Warning: Mentions of heat stroke

Ming likes sand...just only when it's on the beach
This artist is so freaking funny, they're call Swaggin on Tumblr, go check them out
Half awake but still gonna' write :D

Panting as our group of heros trekked across the flaming hot desert, Mei used her jacket to shield herself from the sun, Sandy sluggishly walking alongside her whilst carrying an exhausted Ming, and MK on the dragon girl's other side. Both males had taken off everything but their shorts--and the monkey boy's bandanna--whilst the girls were left in their tank tops and shorts.

"I'm going to strangle those idiots, the next time I see them," Ao Ji's descendent growled, her tail leaving marks in the sand as it dragged along behind her. "They're as good as hear me? Dead!"

Unfortunately, these words were the last thing that poor Mei was able to get out, before she collapsed onto the golden floor of the desert, MK, Sandy and Ming quickly following after, all passing out...leaving them to the mercy of the vultures above.

( 〇□〇)( 〇□〇)( 〇□〇)( 〇□〇)

Narrowing his eyes down at the group of familiar faces, a horned male sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, huffing as he lugged them all into the back of his car, grabbing a half-awake MK, who looked up in confusion, "Wh-...wha-...?"

"Go back to sleep Monkey Boy, you'll be fine when you wake up."

Despite wanting to confront the--in his heat stroke induced haze--unfamiliar voice, MK couldn't help but pass out once again, as he was tucked into the plush cushion of the passenger seat of a car, hair blowing in the wind as said vehicle took off.

ヽ(O_O )ノヽ(O_O )ノヽ(O_O )ノヽ(O_O )ノヽ(O_O )ノ

Creaking his eyes open, our dear mountain prince groaned and sat up in a red sheet bed, the walls of the room he was in a deep shade of purple, lined with gold, torches lighting the area. Confused, the male teen immediately jumped to his feet and went to rush out the room to find his family, only for a wave of nausea to hit the poor monkey, who desperately tried to keep his food down.

"I see you're up," Turning, the simian was faced with none other, than the Bull Prince himself...Red Son.

"" A side effect of heat stroke was known to be slurred speech.

"First off, get back in bed you ignoramus, you're still recovering," Huffing, the demon dragged MK back to the bed, who was still too weak to fight back, and simply allowed himself to be dragged. "Secondly, I found you and your friends all passed out in the middle of the desert...and even I'm not that cruel, as to leave you all outside for the vultures to eat."

"Than...Re..." The monkey teen slurred out again, taking the water in his paws that his host was kind enough to offer, and chugging it down in just a few gulps.

"You're welcome," Red Son grumbled, turning his head so MK wouldn't see the slight blush on his cheeks...the bull prince had forgotten his slight cru--NO! NO! Stop that right now! We do not think like that! 

A tugging on his jacket had the demon brought back to reality, brows furrowing at the worried look on the successor's face, "Min...Me..San...?"

"Your sister and friends have all made a speedy recovery," The horned teen explained. "Thanks to her dragon genes the Jade Girl recovered first, with the Blue Man following suit...your sister took a bit longer due to the fur, but since--according to the dragon girl--she'd had the most water, she was also suffered the most out of all of your friends."

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