Chapter Fifty-Eight: Royal Chef

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Warning: Violence

Wukong likes cute things, but nothing can be more adorable than his own kids

Both pairs of eyes sparkling, Wukong and Ming place marshmallows down onto their sticks, before hovering them over the fire to roast, as Mei films them with a giggle to share to Macaque later on, who is currently talking with Tang and Red Son about the first ring, and Sandy and Mo slept in the van. As for MK and Pigsy, the father/son pair were happily watching a show that the monkey teen had grown up with, called Cooking with Chang'e.

"You two having fun over there?" The dragon girl asked, as father and daughter carefully put together their s'mores, the younger of the two simians nodding over at her sister. "I'm glad."

Placing her creation on a plate, Ming hops off of where she sat on Monkey King's lap, happily walking over and gently tugging on Red Son's trench coat, the demon looking down with a humm, "I made this for you!~"

"Thank you Golden eyes," The bull demon graced our lovely princess with a smile, accepting her gift and taking a bite, his tail wagging ever so slightly at the sweet taste. "You'll have to teach me how to make these some time--put that wretched device away."

Ao Ji's granddaughter only laughed, as she continued to film the adorable moment between flaming prince and the little star, stopping the recording when Macaque shot her a playfully scolding look not to further antagonize DBK's son.

"Alright Red," Macaque's voice garnered the bull prince's attention, who turned to face the shadow demon alongside his simian friend. "I want you to touch the ring and try calling out to the fire, perhaps it'll recognize it's creator, which will calm the raging magic down a bit."

"You speak as if it's sentient," The red clad teenager hummed out, his tone showing curiosity and confusion. 

"In a sense," The shadow demon hummed, summoning forth his lantern and placing it on the table, the magic artifact pulsing with a purple light. "Strong magical sources--such as my lamp--contain something similar to sentience, but only if their creator's magic level itself is high, allowing the artifact to take a bit of one's consciousness and merge them together."

"Fascinating," Red Son murmured, taking the ring in his clawed hands and doing a few deep breaths, closing his eyes and concentrating on calling out to the Samadhi Fire's magic, faint sparks showing around the teen's form.

Maroon flames sprung up from the golden ring and began to wrap around the demon prince's arms, whispers dancing in the bull teen's mind as the warmth surrounded him.

Nobody seemed to notice how Ming flinch in pain when the flames sprang to life, a paw clutching the cloth over her chest...

"Good job Red," Macaque praised with a smile, himself, Tang, Mei and Wukong all watching in awe at this development...MK and Pigsy still engrossed in their show. "So...tell me, what do you hear?"

"Whispers," Red Son hummed out, the voices around him getting louder. "They're...they're calling"

Gasping suddenly the bull prince was sent flying back into a tree, dropping the ring in the process, with MK and Pigsy springing up to their feet and rushing over to see if the red-head was ok, the younger of the two helping his cru--friend up, "Red!! Are you okay?! Does anything--?!"

"I'm alright Monkey Boy," Brushing the boy off with a faint pink on his cheeks, the son of Iron Fan growled and stormed over to the ring, eyes blazing with an angry fire. "I just need a moment to snap this infernal ring in half--"

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