Chapter Seventy-Five: The Lion of Camel Ridge

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Warning: Cursing, Violence

Here is Mei's Season 4 design
Also, GTE stands for Golden Tusked Elephant

Also, also, TLT stands for Traffic Light Trio

Many, MANY Years ago........Pre-Pilgrimage Days......................

Laughter sounded out from the inner sanctuary of Flower Fruit Mountain, as DBK slammed a fist down upon the table, sending food flying from the might of the blows, as the Golden Winged Peng, Yellow Tusked Elephant, Six-Eared Macaque, Azure Lion and Sun Wukong all smiled and watched on.

"Such foolishness!~" The Bull cackled, turning his head to face his ginger friend again, a bright smile adorning the animal demon's face. "Now, tell them what you did next!~"

Taking a deep breath, Wukong jumped onto the table and dramatically pointed upwards, a confident look on the king's face, "You dare insult me?! The Monkey King?!" Pulling out his staff, the ginger was careful not to hit his mate and friends, as he swung it around at imaginary enemies, "For this grievance, I shall henceforth be known as...The Great Sage Equal to Heaven!~ I will muck your stables no longer! Wukong out!" With that, he slammed the staff down upon the table, creating a crack where he'd put it, earning a warning glare from Macaque.

Laughter once more erupted from the table, as Peng, GTE and DBK all erupted into giggles, the elephant demon leaning on the wooden surface, and looking up at his friend, "Wukong, we're to believe, you gave the Jade Emperor such lip?"

"Well, I'm paraphrasing, but, you get the idea--"

"More like embellishing," General Ba's voice sounded out, as she and the other three monkey generals walked into the dining area, having finished their rounds for the night, Ma rushing over to give Peng a side hug, as his twin shook her head with a sigh. "Now get  off the table, you're going to get fur all over the food!"

"Ooohhh, better listen to your mother," Bull King teased, his snickering quickly coming to a stop at the scathing look the female shot him, making the demon cough and send her a sheepish look. "Apologies, General."

"The upcoming, potential, war is going to be such a headache," Pinching the bridge of his nose, General Beng sat down on the other side of his elephant friend, who sympathetically patted the grey furred simian on the back. "Thanks to your carelessness, my king."

"Maybe you should've taken Venerable General Macaque with you," Marshal Ma teased, poking fun at the newly courting couple....though nobody but the four generals knew what Ma meant by his teasing, who flushed slightly, tails curling in embarrassment. "He would've kept you in line, that way I won't have to get up so early for the fight!~"

"Shut up, lazy ass!" Marshal Liu huffed, tossing a peach pit over at her brother and hitting him square on the head, the light purple monkey shouting in anger and glaring at his sister. "Those Celestial jackasses insulted out friend and king out of fear and jealousy of his power, and you're suggesting he just takes it, for the sake of a few more minutes of sleep?"

"Wh--?! No! That's not--!"

"It's alright Ma," Hopping back off the table, Monkey King ruffled his male friends hair, before happily sitting back on his seat with a causal air, trying to dispel the oncoming twin argument. "I know you meant no harm. And besides, it's not like those heavenly jerks will be able to even get within five feet of the beach, before we send them running back to their realm, tails between their legs!~"

"What an insolent little chimp you are," Peng teased, not minding as Ma used his side as a cushion, used to the male clinging to him. 

"I still can't believe we're going through with this," Finally speaking up, Macaque handed over a bowl of Dragonfruit to Ba, who thanked him and took some out, cutting it up and feeding some to the younger monkeys resting in her lap. "It's already stressful enough keeping out of trouble here on earth."

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