Chapter Seven: Jade Palace

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Warning: Video Game Violence

Ming's first sleepover y'all!~ 🥺❤️

Gēge=Big Brother

Ming watched in fascination, as the pretty pixelated warriors, danced across the screen in front of her. When Macaque had dropped her off that morning, MK, Mei, Sandy and his cat Mo were in front of the arcade game outside of Pigsy's shop, the group greeting both of the disguised monkeys before MK and Mei went back to playing. Naturally, Sandy took on the roll of babysitter, whilst the two teens played their game.

It'd been a week since the clone incident, and Macaque had been kind enough to use some magic, to regrow the hair MK had lost. Alongside Ming forgiving the boy, much to MK's relief, the teen happily squishing the poor mini monkey in a hug.

"Button mash all you want, MK~" Mei coos teasingly to her friend. "You'll never beat my Ancient Galloping Fury Power!~"

Between the two characters on the game, Ming liked MK's more since it reminded her of her bàbà Monkey King, but the female insisted on rooting for Mei since the dragon girl had been kind enough to teach Ming how to play earlier.

In an attempt to help his friend, Sandy spoke up while Ming and Mo sat on his shoulders, "Up smash, up smash!"

"I'm trying, Sandy!" MK interrupted, his cries desperate, as he tried to beat the female teen. "Okay?! I'm trying, I'm trying!"

Mei gives an evil laugh, the female not looking the slightest bit fazed, whilst MK was sweating nervously, "No one can defeat me!~"

Mei goes to finish MK's character off, when the sound of her phone ringing stops her, the others look down in curiosity as Mei pulls out her phone. Ming sees an image of an older woman, who looks similar to Mei, the she-monkey guessing that this was Mei's mom.

Mei's face falls, and she walks off to answer the phone, her tone sounding very unenthusiastic. Ming watches with Sandy as the girl walks off, only to hear the evil snicker of MK, making the monkey turn to see MK wailing on Mei's defenseless character.

Ming puffed her cheeks out in a pout, not liking that MK was cheating at the game, so she used her tail to move Mei's controls. The boys blinked in surprise, when the screen displayed Ming to be the winner, the simian giggling as Sandy set her down to talk to Mei.

"Ming," MK whines. "I was about to win~"

"You were cheating," Ming huffs, a tiny and adorable scowl, appearing on her face. "Papa says that it's not nice to cheat, 'Because cheaters never prosper!'"

MK sighed, picking the little girl up, "I know.....still would've been nice to win though~"

"Bàbà says that you should use your losses as a lesson, to show you what to improve upon for future battles," Ming smiles, from where she was clinging to MK's back, like......a baby monkey.

"You sure do learn a lot of stuff from your dads, don't you?" MK humms, a frown on the boy's face. "What....what's it like?"

"What's, what like MK?" Ming blinks, confused at the teen's question.

"Parents," MK said, his right hand gripping onto his left jacket sleeve. "What's it like having parents?"

The she-monkey tilted her head, still very confused, "Don't you have a bàbà and a māmā, MK? Or two of either?"

The male shakes his head, sitting down and setting Ming in his lap, "No, I grew up in the Foster Care System, jumping from house to house."

"What's Foster Care?" Ming asked, looking up at MK.

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