Chapter Thirty-Eight: Old House

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Warning: Violence, Cursing

MK gets to meet General Ba (The monkey above)
Also, when you think of a voice for Ba, think Valka from How to Train Your Dragon

Also, I'm very tired, don't have a lot of motivation for this first part, so it's gonna' be kinda' crappy :/

But I WILL, be posting six chapters today. That is a promise!


"Augh! We're getting nowhere with this!" MK growled, the boy's tail lashing about angrily as he, Mei, Ming and Sandy, all searched around the Two King's house, for some sort of weapon or magical artifact, to help ward off the Lady Bone Demon.

"Maybe we should take a break," The water demon suggested, himself and the others worried for the young prince, who hadn't slept much the past week, after his first meeting with the deadly Bone Spirit. "I could make some tea and--"

"The Bone Witch doesn't doesn't take breaks!" The staff user snapped, tired eyes glaring holes into the now silent tea drinker, before a sorrowful look overtook the young demon's face. "I...I'm sorry Sandy, I just..."

"Hey, we get it MK," Mei piped up, from where she and Ming were in the kitchen, the two females currently making lunch for all of them. "Meeting her was pretty jarring--to put it lightly--but you've been letting her get to you." The Dragon Girl set down the butter knife, and walked over, placing a hand on her brother's shoulder. "Maybe, we should eat lunch and take a nap, hmm?"

A small yawn had the trio looking back, to where a sleepy she-monkey sat on a stool, the youngest's eyes drooping from lack of sleep. MK's nightmares had mostly ended up with him waking up screaming, which would wake up little Ming. Meaning both were quite tired.

"That...*yawn*...actually sounds like a good idea," The boy nodded, himself and Sandy sitting on the couch, whilst Bai Long Ma's descendant grabbed the sandwiches and the monkey cub.


Speaking of the Two Kings, both were very displeased when they found out about their son's meeting with the undead demon, Wukong wanting to fly back immediately and beat the ever loving shit out of her. And whilst Macaque was in agreement on that course of action, he knew that flying in blind wouldn't be the wisest of decisions, so the black furred royal suggested another course of action......

ヽ (°◇° )ノヽ (°◇° )ノヽ (°◇° )ノヽ (°◇° )ノ

A figure, about 4ft 2 inches in height, walked into the house of Sun Wukong and Liu'er Mihou quietly, themselves smiling down at the sleeping figures of the two boys and the child before them. The person reached a hand out to touch little Ming, when a blast of green energy suddenly came from their left, the person....demon, barely able to dodge the strike as they looked to the source.

The 'source,' happened to be a young, black haired female wielding a jade sword, the teen girl's eyes narrowing dangerously at their opponent. Naturally, the noise woke up the others, who all gaped in shock at the intruder....except for the youngest. 

"Wàipó!" Ming squealed, hopping out of her brother's arms and into the arms of the monkey demon, who gave a chuckle and picked up the little simian.

"Wàipó?!" The others exclaimed in surprise.

"Hello you three, it's quite nice to meet you," The brown furred she-monkey smiled. "My name, is General Ba."

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"Wait, so you're one of Peach Pa's Generals?" Mei blinked, the group having listened to the eldest's explanation, before they migrated over to the dinner table to continue talking.

"That I am Little Dragon," Ba's sunshine smile was nearly blinding, something she and MK seemed to share. "As I stated before, I am here upon the request of MK and Ming's parents to help with magic training, and as an extra set of eyes to watch for the Bone Witch."

"But that happened only a week ago!" Said male teen exclaimed. "How'd you get here so fast?!"

Ba let out a laugh, "I still live on the island silly. In fact, I live over in that small hut near the Shame Temple."

"YOU'RE the owner of the small house nearby?!" MK gaped, pointing at the woman, whose laugh only grew at her grandson's face. "I thought that place had been abandoned!"

"Oh Little Prince, your reactions are so adorable~" The eldest monkey cooed, pinching MK's cheek, her tail wagging happily. "And no, I just tend to wander the island quite a bit, making it seem like nobody lives there."

"What kind of magic are you going to teach?!" Sandy's eyes sparkled in excitement.

Ba smirked, "Why don't we get started, and you'll find out?"

To Be Continued...........................

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