Chapter Thirty-Four: Royal Feast

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Warning: Violence, Cursing, Mentions of Murder (Listen, they threatened Ming, aight?)

MK protecc, MK atacc

Just to be clear, Pigsy and Tang began fostering MK when he was 5 and Mei was 6

Gēge=Big Brother
Jiějiě=Big Sister

Happily whistling a tune as he got out of the Noodle Cart, MK danced to the beat of the music in his headphones, as Ming let out a giggle and handed her brother the delivery. The house was only across the street, so the elder simian left his sister waiting in the cart, volume turned down low so he could keep an ear out just in case she decided to wander off...again.

Though the younger running off wasn't what got his attention, but the sound of a motor driving full-speed in his direction, the teen jumping up and backflipping onto the cart's roof, right before the driver could hit him. Originally going to scold the driver, only to groan as he saw that it was one of those stupid Speedy Panda drivers, who had skidded to a stop to glare at him.

For the past week, they'd been harassing him and Ming on their delivery routes, trying to destroy the food and actually physically harm him. They'd tried to do that to the younger monkey only once, but quickly learned how stupid an idea that was, when MK proceeded to beat the ever loving shit out of all of them, the moment they'd tried to lay a finger on her. Of course, he didn't use the staff, only his fists.

But oh, did he want to.

Macaque had to remind Wukong of their current mission, the moment his golden husband tried to bolt off on his cloud to kill the drivers. The tanned monkey didn't mention that they shouldn't kill the drivers, just that they had a mission to do. Besides, Pigsy had that covered, the other's sweatdropping in the background as the chef, the Sun King, Mei, and MK all schemed together.

He'd gotten full permission from both parents to use the staff if those drivers tried anything again.

Heaving a sigh, the mountain prince hopped off his vehicle, summoning the staff with a whirl, "Really guys? Again? What is this, the 4th--5th time?"

Four more drivers showed up behind the teen, who sighed once again, pinching the bridge of his nose, "Listen, I don't have time for you, so could you maybe...I dunno', leave us alone this one time?"

His answer was the four all zooming towards him on their mopeds, aiming to ram the teen.

"Guess that's a no."


Face planting onto the indoor bar with a groan was what got Pigsy and Tang's attention, the husbands looking up from their respective tasks, as Ming climbed up onto a stood next to her brother, rubbing his back in a soothing manner.

"Another one?!" The pig demon shouted in anger, watching as the young she-monkey began to fix her brother's hair, himself placing a bowl of noodles down for each kid. 

"We got cornered at the first stop, and Gēge easily sent them flying with the staff," The young princess explained to her two uncle figures. "But at each stop, their were drivers waiting, some even trying to keep him from leaving the cart."

"Neither of you are hurt, right?" A certain noodle loving scholar spoke up, making a move to go and get the first aid kid.

"No, we're fine Mr. Tang, m'just tired," MK gave a yawn, flashing his fangs momentarily, before rubbing the exhaustion from his eyes.

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