Ch 125 Confession

Start from the beginning

"But there was a problem, both sides of my family had a history of genetic diseases and after a while, my parents grew sick and passed away. Their life insurance didn't give us much but we held on for a while and we had the house. I had to start working when I turned 14 which was the youngest age I could work legally." I felt the exhaustion from those days weigh down on my shoulders and my eyelids.

"I don't know if I was lucky or had the worst luck because I didn't get sick till I turned 17, and by that time It was just me. I worked myself to the bone, scraping the money together to pay for the experimental medicine and drugs because there was no cure for the disease, but It just wasn't enough."

"Soon enough I quit school and started working to save up money to donate to research for our disease. Not even to live happily because I knew I was going to die before I was twenty." The words fell from my mouth as I played my memory of the day I died.

"And that's when I met Boreas, he'd killed me by accident because of the meddling of the god of Shadows and trickery Erebus, and took pity on me after he found out about my past, He granted me knowledge of the future and sent me here." I lied about how I knew the future, That was the one thing I wouldn't tell her. I don't know how she would react if I told her that she used to be only a fictional character in a novel.

"So that's why you trained me so hard, you knew that my core would have been shattered in the attack," Claire's voice was barely a whisper as she spoke.

"I will admit that I never intended to fall in love, hell I thought falling in love was stupid knowing the war was coming at first... But then I got to know you, how you always smiled and cared for your friends so much. and by fucking Boreas I fell for you before I even knew it." I smiled weakly not looking her in the eyes as I rubbed the back of my neck looking at my feet with my head hung down.

"But you deserve to know this. Kai didn't disappear, he was an alacryan spy. I had director Goodsky assassinate him." I spoke coldly through gritted teeth, showing her Kai at the scene of the attack killing a student and aiding the attackers as they killed Theo, as well as nearly Tessia, Feyrith and Curtis if not for her holding him back.

I felt her breath stop abruptly and the shock and disbelief cloud her mind, "He was a traitor? A spy? but Kai was my friend, a comrade." I heard her thoughts over our bond as I pulled out a mental projection of a knife and held it in ready to end it all if she said so.

I felt Claire's callused yet delicate and soft hands grab the sides of my head and yank my head down to look at her tear-filled eyes before she pulled down my head and kissed me. I felt a wave of warmth permeate through my body as I let go of the knife.

She still loves me.

Tears welled in my eyes as I held her close and kissed her back, breaking away from me. She didn't even need to speak for me to know what she wanted.

I broke our mental link and we were back in our bedroom before long she pulled me into her arms and I fell to the floor pulling her down with me as I just let tears of joy pour from my eyes.

"I love you so, so, so much more Alexander, through all that pain you kept going for your family. it makes me proud to be your wife." she ran her fingers through my hair as I felt myself break down more and more letting down every emotional dam I made even the ones I didn't know I had.

My breaths were shuddering as I felt a burning heat in my chest, I lost my old family, some of my new family, but she knows what I did, who I had killed and who I had assassinated. but She still smiles at me and loves me.

I felt raw as I wrapped my arms around her waist and hid my face against her chest and let everything out. Timed blurred as I sat there holding her in my arms as she silently combed her fingers through my hair transmitting just how much she cared about me.

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