Lovers To Strangers

Start from the beginning

T : Karan..

She pleaded...her voice being soft and apologetic..

He didn't nod or anything just kept silent but she could feel that intense gaze on her.

This is the first time she had seen him this grumpy. Normally she's the one who always threw a fit and he would oblige or even if initially he would act as if he's not bothered later he would find a way to cajole her. This time he didn't, because unknowingly, she had poked him continously and his situation hadn't let him think or act rationally.

After hearing from his sister and talking with him it was easy for his family to figure out that he was really exhausted. His mom had cried thinking that he was there all alone even though he had his friends, team members. His sister had made a ticket for 26th Feb for parents and had informed jess.

On 27th his parents reached around 9 at night and just one hour before jess had informed him after Parvez had picked them up from airport. He was surprised for real..

He just stood there as his mom and dad moved from here to there trying to arrange the things and freshen up.

Papa : the man beside me kept on watching something in his tab. I don't understand how he could do that continuously for hours..

Mom : you've told this to me million times already..

His mom replied from the kitchen area as she kept the water in water heater to boil.

Papa : I'm not telling you..I'm telling him.

There were moments when you won't know how you feel. When something you didn't expect but somehow it happens then it feels like as if you're living in a dream. you calm yourself and try to just live in that moment, just a bit longer.

That's what he felt and went through. He kept watching and just hearing.

He missed the presence of his near ones immensely and all of a sudden a surprise by his parents had just caught him off guard.

he was sitting silently in the dining chair just looking down, his mom noticed and came near him. When he looked up to her with teary eyes she didn't say anything and just dragged his head to give him a hug in same sitting position. He held his mother's hand tightly, the one that was wrapped around his neck.

His dad watched them for few minutes unable to interrupt..

He hadn't told her about his parent's visiting.. Her shooting was on last phase and on 19th she had preponed the flight to 27th because it would be over by 26 itself. She just wanted to go back.

She got up from the dinner that they were having on set to answer her brother's call. After finishing it when she turned the guy stood there.

R : see.. I'm really sorry for that day.. This is all I wanted to say.. I was drunk and..

He tried to act as if he's genuine.. He knew he had made a mistake. She folded her hands and just watched... That made the situation awkward.

T : would you be okay if someone says these things to anyone close to you.

R : I don't even remember properly.. So whatever it was I'm sorry.

He tried to act as if it's truly just a mistake.

T : I'll remind you.. You asked me how I'm getting paid by him and also you conveyed your great concern about how can someone like him like me, not so attractive and all.

The guy squirmed a bit as it did make him feel as a .. The only reason he was apologising was because he knew that if she actually wanted to she can make a huge issue out of it. mistakenly he had forgotten that he can be dragged mercilessly for this because her bf had all the connections to pull the strings.

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