She placed the plate of grapes down and turned around,

"Thank you, Aurora." Said Caspian.

She turned around with her head bowed, "It is only a pleasure My Lord, and My Fair Lady." With that Aurora scurried away and was surprised that he had noticed her.

She felt the heat rush up to her and did not know why she was so pleased when he had said her name.

What game was he playing? She looked around needing to occupy herself but nothing needed to be done unless the table she served needed someone to tend to.

He was immersed in Nadia so he might have wanted to come off as kind, so he seems as if he cares for his servants.

Nadia stood up and knew she was being led to the restroom, and she was surprised when Caspian was motioning for her to come over and was pointing at his glass.

Aurora went to his table quickly, and she stood there, she grabbed Nadia's glass and refilled it and then took Caspian's glass and poured some into it and placed it in front of him.

Her eyes widened when she felt him grasp her hand a bit as she placed his glass in front of him. She looked at him then and he was grinning at her.

Aurora was blushing and felt tingles, and she let go of the cup, as she was retreating,

"Thank you Aurora, I hope to see you later."

Aurora tried to not blush as she went back but felt a bit ashamed that she was enjoying his advances, it was as if she could not help herself.

She stood back at the corner and her mind went back to Caspian, what was she doing thinking about him? He was busy seducing his wife-to-be.

"Excuse me, My Lady." Aurora turned and found a good-looking gentleman and she was surprised that he had approached her.

"Want to see the garden?"

"I am not allowed to leave my post as I have to attend to the prince My Lord."

"How about when you are done?"

"It would be my pleasure, My Lord."

Aurora looked up, and she saw Caspian calling her and she curtsied at him and went hurriedly to Caspian's table.

"You called My Lord."

"I need more platters, I don't fancy these."

Aurora nodded,

"I thought you said these are the ones you love the most," Nadia asked him.

"I changed my mind."

Aurora took the trays and went hurriedly to the back, and she took new fresh ones and walked back. She put them on the table,

"I hope this suits your needs, My Lord, My Lady."

She walked away and stood by the corner, she wondered who the man that sought her out was.

She stood by her usual place and kept on stealing small glances at Caspian and Nadia. Lunch passed and tea time came, she served them some tea and scones, some sweet delicacies.

Aurora headed to the forest and she was glad when the gathering was done, and the tables were cleaned.

At least today she did not need to serve Caspian tea on her own, she walked down the usual road, and then sat by her tree, which she was now familiar with.

She sank down and didn't know why her heart felt heavy, was she really sad that she wouldn't see Caspian again?

"Mind if I sit next to you?"

Aurora looked up and was surprised to see the gentleman from earlier on, as she was about to get up and greet him formally he stopped her and flopped down next to her.

"Your name My Lady?"

"Aurora, but I'm no maiden."

"You are to me."

"How kind of you Sir."

"I am not a Sir too, I don't come from a pristine background and I am a servant too. My name is Elliot by the way."

"Pleasure to meet you, Elliot."

Elliot grinned at her, "Are you purely a maid?"

Aurora saw that he was a bit shy in asking her that and knew very well what he was implying by asking.

"Yes, I am only a maid."

"No man has caught your eye?"

Caspian's image popped into her mind and quickly cleared it from her mind.

"No, not really."

He smiled at her, "Well, we have something in common Aurora."

After a few more words she needed to go to dinner.

This time she was the first one to arrive and she scarfed her dinner down very fast, she was not in the mood for her friends to interrogate her.

She cycled back to her place and climbed into her bed, this was the first time in quite a while she was early to her place.

Aurora started to think about the events of the day, the way Caspian had noticed her and touched her fingers intentionally. Her heartbeat was fast and was afraid that she was falling and falling way too fast for her own liking.

Then came Elliot whom she had met today, he was handsome and very sweet. He didn't seem to be the aggressive type and they both seemed to be in the same ranking, that's why she could relate so much to him.

It would be better for her to be alone, and stop daydreaming of what could never be. She had watched Nadia and could see she was a swan and they were wild geese.

Everything about her stood apart, the way she carried herself and her mannerisms were all graceful. She was just stunning all together.

One could dream of ever being friends with her let alone be her. She rolled over and finally, her eyes gave in.

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