Lost Girls: Elena I

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Before I could ask another question, the waitress came back with the coffee drinks that we ordered when we first got there. "Thanks," I said, as she smiled and walked away. Once she was gone, I looked at Stefan with an analytic glare. "Last night, you said you don't kill to survive," I prompted. "Animal blood keeps me alive, but not as strong as Damon. It can be very powerful," Stefan answered.

"And yet you all let him get involved with Caroline?" I challenged.

"Elena, nobody forces Damon to do anything, and lives to tell the tale," Dean interrupted. "Hell, I might be the only one that he's actually scared of and I still couldn't do it. Not without risking my brother's life." I tilted my head. What was that supposed to mean? "What do you mean, you might be the only one that Damon is afraid of?"

Dean opened his mouth to answer, before closing it again. "Let's get back to telling you about Stefan first before we get into our backstory. Trust me, it'll be much easier," Sam put in smoothly. I narrowed my eyes but relented.

"He was hurting Caroline," I snapped, leaning forward in my seat. "He was feeding on her," Stefan corrected. "He was able to take away her memories of being bitten using a form of compulsion. She never knew what was happening to her. If he wanted to kill her he would have."

"Is that supposed to make it okay?" I balked.

"None of this is okay, Elena," Sam sighed. "But now you know why we couldn't exactly go to the police with this type of information."

"Well, at least not the normal type of police," Dean snarked.

I directed my attention toward the boy who I thought was my best friend suspiciously. "What's that supposed to mean?" "It means that in human society, you call the police whenever there's a murderer on the loose. Well in the supernatural community, whenever a monster gets a little too sadistic or vicious, you call the Hunters otherwise known as Yours Truly, Sam, and Dean Winchester," Dean responded.

"Of course, there are other hunters out there, but Dean and I are very proficient at it," Sam added.

"Why do you hunt monsters? How did you even discover monsters exist?" I rambled.

Sam and Dean's faces darkened and Stefan cringed somberly, making me wince internally.

"It was November 2nd, 1995," Dean started. "Sam was six months old at the time, and I was four or five maybe. We were living in Lawrence, Kansas with our parents, John and Mary Winchester. Dad had just put Sammy to bed in his nursery and said good night to me before we turned in for the night."

Dean stopped mid-sentence, and I watched as tears welled up in his sparkling green eyes. Sam placed a gentle hand over his brother's clenched fist while Stefan put his hand on Dean's shoulder. A pang of guilt flared in my chest, and I almost told Dean to forget I asked.

"A while later, my dad woke up to the sound of my mom screaming in Sam's room, and he ran upstairs to go check on them. Sam was fine, but when my dad looked up, he saw my mother pinned to the ceiling with her stomach slashed open," Dean gritted out painfully, causing me to gasp and cover my mouth. "Then she caught fire on the ceiling and Dad told me to take Sammy outside and placed my little brother in my arms. I ran... as fast as I could out of the house, never once looking back. My dad tried to save my mom, but it was too late."

"Oh, my God!" I breathed.

"After that, my dad packed us up and moved us out of Lawrence. He became obsessed with finding out the truth and discovered that monsters exist. From that point on he raised my brother and me to be monster hunters, and that was that," Dean exhaled. "Four years ago, the three of us got separated. Sam ran off to a boarding school in California and my dad went missing; so I tracked down Sam and begged him to help me find Dad and maybe kill some monsters along the way. When we did find our dad, he told us that thing that killed our mom was a demon and that there was a weapon that was strong enough to kill it called the Colt."

The more I listened to Dean talk, the less sense everything seemed to make. Vampires were one thing, but hunters and demons? Just how many supernatural creatures existed that nobody knows about?

"Anyway, we tracked down the Colt and planned to use it to kill the demon, and ran into a whole bunch of complications," Dean continued. "Ultimately, we failed to kill it, and all three of us nearly bit the bullet. When we came to, Dad was dead and the Colt was gone, no doubt that yellow-eyed son of bitch is running around with it now. After that, Sam and I quit hunting and moved in with our Uncle Bobby for a while, but hunters always seemed to be coming and going through there, so Bobby sent us here to Mystic Falls, where we have lived more or less normal lives for the last three years."

"Until now," Sam scoffed.

Deciding that was all I could take from their side of things, I nodded and changed the subject. "So are there other Mikalaen Vampires?"

"Not in Mystic Falls, not anymore," Stefan replied.

"Not anymore?" I frowned.

"There was a time, long ago, when this town was very much aware of vampires, and it didn't end well for anybody," Stefan elaborated. "That's why it's important that you don't tell anyone."

"I can't promise that," I shook my head.

"Elena, you saw what happened to Caroline, you know what happened to all of those other victims. And that's what Damon does when he is under the radar," Dean said. "You've met him. And even though you don't know him like we do, does he strike you as the type of person that bends to the will of humans?"

"Dean," Sam said warningly, making me sit straighter in my chair.

"No, Sam, she needs to hear this," Dean snapped. "Tell me, Elena, does Damon Salvatore strike you as the type to lay low or obey human laws or do anything good and upstanding? If the answer is anything other than no, then you're fooling yourself. And if he finds out that you are the reason that people know about vampires in this town, he won't stop coming for you until you're dead."

My blood froze in my veins, and I almost missed when Sam punched Dean in the arm. "Listen, Elena. Even though he could have broached the subject more kindly, Dean is right. You're already on Damon's hit list because you're dating Dean, and have done nothing but stand up to him over and over again," Stefan agreed. "If you try to expose him, you'll be dead before you can say "vampire". But if you give us time, we will answer all the questions that you have, and keep you safe. And if you still want to tell everyone, then it'll be your choice and we'll accept whatever you decide."

I heard Dean scoff dismissively, and it took all my willpower not to glare at him in response. "Okay."

The Supernatural Diaries {Book One}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt