|Chapter LXXIII: Plans go to shit|

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"You think that you can talk Jason out of whatever he is planning to do? You can't, Dick!" Liliana was saying to him as Dawn had left the room to give the two of them time to talk.

"Why can't I?" Dick asked and Liliana looked at him, as she was shaking her head.

"Maybe Dick, because the last time that you saw him alive before he died the first time, you treated him like total shit!" Liliana was sick of it and Dick looked insulted. "Send me out to talk to him, Dick, maybe I of us all can talk him down." Liliana said and Dick scoffed at her.

"No. I am really and truly sorry to say it, Liliana, but you are too close to this. You aren't to go out into the field, at all, until we figure this shit out with Jason." Liliana's jaw was dropping at the order.


"That is an order and I expect you to follow it." Dick snapped at her and Liliana slammed her jaw shut and she lifted up both of her hands to face him and she flipped him off. "That isn't going to change anything. Give me your keys." He said and Liliana could see that she wasn't going to get any headway and she tossed her keys at him.

"Get out of my room, Dick." Liliana murmured coldly and Dick looked at her, before he walked out of the room and Liliana went over to the window.

She stared out the window and then her phone rang in her pocket. Liliana lifted her eyebrows and she picked up the call. "Who is this?" She asked and despite the question, she had a feeling that she already knew by a gut feeling who was on the other end.

"Hey Lili." Liliana was still quietly looking out the window and she was looking down at her free hand, which trembled at the familiar voice.

"Why didn't you come home, when you were brought back?" She asked and he hesitated, as her tone of voice was breaking.

"I-I didn't know how Bruce would take it. I didn't know how you would take it, I thought that Bruce would think that it was unnatural." Jason explained and his tone was trembling as well, while Liliana wiped tears out of her eyes.

"You can come home now. We aren't going to hurt you here, none of us are and," Liliana lowered her head as she was choking on her own words. "The Titans, they aren't going to hurt you... they will bring you back." She said as he sighed.

"Come and see me. The place where you saved my ass, when Matthias and them tried to kill me for boosting his car. Come and see me." Jason said and Liliana sighed quietly.

"I can't, Jason. Dick would kill me if I even left the house." Liliana said and he snorted.

"What if you never actually left the house? Never left the property, I could meet you in the tunnels." Jason said as Liliana hesitated, and she looked over her shoulder to verify that no one was listening.

"Where?" She asked quietly.

Hours later, Liliana dropped down into the tunnels from the old spot and she was only partially surprised, to find that he was actually waiting for her.

Liliana was holding her briefcase with her Eagle suit in it and she had her weapons on her person, her bo was hidden in her pants, as she didn't trust him and Jason stood up straight from where he had been leaning against the wall.

Liliana was wearing her normal clothes, sort of, it was an oversized jacket, a t-shirt and cargo pants as he looked at her from a few feet away.

"You have a gun." She noted as he indeed had a holster with a loaded gun undoubtedly, as it was sitting on his hip and Jason looked at her.

"Had to make sure, that even if you had set me up, that I would have one weapon to defend myself at least." He replied and they looked at each other for a few seconds, before Liliana was walking forward and right into his opened arms for a hug.

"Damn you, Jason Todd." Liliana whispered and he moved his arms around her, as he rested his chin on the top of her head. "You should have told me." It was a mere whisper and Jason kissed the top of her head, and Liliana's face was against his chest.

"I missed you the most." Jason murmured and Liliana said nothing in response to that, and she shut her eyes and he sighed. "You really think that they would accept me back?" He asked quietly and she looked up at the question.

"Even if the rest of them don't want you back, I won't say no." Liliana said quietly and he chuckled at her.

"Still trying to save me? Again and again?" Jason asked and she shrugged a little, as she felt his hand in hers and she smiled slightly at the sight.

"Forever and always. I'm not gonna lie to you, Jase." She murmured and he sighed.

"You see the worst in the world but when you trust the people that you do care about... you refuse to see the bad in them. That's why I love you." He said and she leaned her forehead against his, as he smiled a little sadly at her. "I have to go." He murmured as she looked up at him with pain in her eyes and he looked guilty. "I know, I'm sorry, but... I'll see you soon, okay?"

She nodded slightly and her phone was ringing in her pocket, as she shut it off and Jason saw that there were tears welling in her eyes. "Hey, hey, I'll be back soon. Okay?" He asked and she was trying to blink them back and he carefully wiped them off of her face. "I'll contact you again, I swear."

He disappeared into the darkness of the tunnels once again, and Liliana's phone rang out insistently in her pocket and she picked up the phone.

"Yeah?" She asked, fighting to keep a steady tone of voice as Gar scoffed at the tone.

"We needed you up here, fucking hours ago. Hank is attached to a bomb!" Gar snapped and Liliana's eyes widened.

"What happened?" She asked quietly.

"Jason put a bomb in his chest, after he tried to go after him alone and it is measured by his heartbeats per minute. He only has a few minutes left, maybe. So where you are had better be close!" Gar snarled and Liliana ran for the ladder.

"Tell him that I am on my way right now." Liliana said and was scaling the ladder as she spoke, and as she hung up the phone and popped her head up into the bathroom of the Bat-Cave from the tunnel entrance, a loud explosion rocked the manor house above the cave. "Oh, oh god." She whispered as she got out of the bathroom and she fled to where the cameras were on the computer.

Which was when she saw Gar and Kory hugging each other and that the camera for Hank's room, it was out and Liliana felt like someone had just stabbed her, as she remembered what Gar had said to her, only moments ago.

"Jason put a bomb in his chest."

Liliana looked over at Gar and Conner, who had come back down and now they were screaming at her for not being there and for not helpin' the team.

"I didn't even know." Liliana whispered, but nothing that came out of her mouth could possibly be able to change their minds now.

"What the fuck did Jason do?"

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