|Chapter LXIII: Day After Day|

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Liliana was in her room when she heard the yelling and she tossed her headphones to the side and she bolted off quickly. Just like it had been nearly every day since he came back, Jason had been screaming during the night and Bruce usually got Liliana to come and help.

But Liliana had developed a habit for listening for the screams, as she raced down the hallway and she found that Jason was screaming, as Bruce looked up at her and she waved him out of the room. "Jason." Liliana said and when she gently touched his shoulder, she felt tension immediately and her quick-thinking wasn't quick enough, as he caught her wrist and twisted it hard, slamming her into the ground. "Jason!" She shouted as he had her wrist in a painful lock and she tucked her shoulders and threw back her head and shoulders hard into his face, hearing a crack and she felt the pressure release.

Liliana jumped onto her feet immediately, as she turned around and saw that Jason looked immensely guilty, as she rubbed her wrist and she looked at it, as there was bruising around it and he wiped his nose, as blood came out of it. "You okay now?" She asked as she flexed her fingers, checking to see that she could move everything properly and he nodded slightly at her.

"I'm really sorry." He said and she shook her head quickly at him, as she already felt the adrenaline leaving her. "Is your wrist okay?" Liliana nodded and she looked at the sun that was rising again.

"Did I break it?" She asked and he shook his head, as his nose was bleeding and not broken at least in his mind. "Good. Because I don't need to be seen fighting next to a Robin with a broken nose, that is just worrying." She pointed out and Jason smiled, as he walked over and she hugged him. "Third night in a row, Jase." She murmured quietly and he returned the hug without hesitation, as his chin gently rested on top of her head.

"I know, I know." Jason replied and she looked up at him with raised eyebrows. "What is it now, Little Grayson?" He asked and she rolled her eyes at him, as she shook her head. "Hey now I just want to know. What is it?" He questioned and she laughed a little at his sudden insistence.

"You were screaming." Bruce interrupted and Liliana looked irritated at his sudden and swift intrusion, as Liliana sometimes just wanted to scream at him to knock on the door, once and a while... but she knew that there was no way that he would listen to her. Ever.

Jason got his jacket and he looked at them, as he was getting ready. "I have gotta meet somebody in the city." Was all that he said, as Liliana got out of his way and was sitting on the desk in the far corner of his room, trying to stay out of his way completely at the moment and left the talking to Bruce. Which in the benefit of hindsight, was not a smart move.

"It has been a few weeks of these dreams. You sure that you are okay?" Bruce did not exactly have a tactful way of approaching these sorts of situations and definitely, he did not have the best track record of success either.

"You shouldn't ask people if they're okay. You are not really good at it." Jason's words, they shot out of his mouth like bullets from a gun long before he could stop them and when Liliana looked between the two, she could see the tension that she hadn't realized was there to begin with. "Bruce, I didn't mean..." Jason sighed, as he tried to find the right words. "People have bad dreams. It's not a thing. Liliana knows it as well as I do." He said and Liliana winced at being dragged into the conversation as an example, as her fear of needles ran far deeper than just simple "bad dreams" but she knew that he was desperate for an example and she resolved to talk to him about it after.

"I would like you to see an old friend of mine, that Liliana also went to. Dr. Leslie Thompkins." Bruce replied calmly and Jason lifted his eyebrows, as Liliana dropped her head a bit at the memories that were being suppressed, as she tried to avoid them at all costs.

"What kind of doctor?" Jason asked as he looked around for his jacket, only to realize that Liliana was wearing it. Liliana handed it over to him, before she returned to her spot on the desk and he looked back to Bruce.

"A psychologist." Bruce answered his question and Liliana was already silently shaking her head, as she sensed the anger in her friend at the mention of such a doctor and Jason was still shaking. Although, whether that was from the bad dream or from the fact that Bruce wanted him to see a shrink, that part was exceedingly unclear.

Jason scoffed and Liliana was reaching up to her neck for her headphones, only to realize that they weren't there at the moment. "You're sending me to a shrink? Because I have some fucking dreams?" Jason was pissed and the others could see it, as Liliana was fidgeting with worry, as she had started chewing on her fingernails.

"She's more than simply a psychologist. She completely understands everything that we three do, knows everything about me. She even was the one to help Liliana through it all, after her encounter with Scarecrow..." That was the wrong thing to say and Jason's eyes darkened in a fury.

"Well then, she didn't do a very good job with that job that you gave her, did she?" Jason retorted and Bruce looked at Liliana, whose hands were clamped over her ears tightly and she was shaking her head, murmuring to herself. Jason walked over and he moved his arms around her carefully, knowing that if she was to snap, that she would be three times more dangerous then he had been moments earlier. "I've done my time with shrinks," his voice was calmer now as Liliana moved her hands off of her ears. "Not gonna happen." Jason finished.

"No more Robin until you see her." Bruce's statement stunned the both of them, both of his sidekicks as Liliana raised her head off of where it had been resting on Jason's shoulder and she could feel the tension that had multiplied swiftly with the statement, as she looked at Bruce like he was insane.

"What?" Jason asked and Liliana was shaking her head at Bruce, having the feeling that Jason wasn't going to like Bruce's reply to the simple, one-word question and Liliana's hand reached out and took his hand in hers.

"I've set an appointment for tomorrow." Bruce replied.

"Bruce, please don't do this. I'm fine." Jason urged and Liliana stood up, as she silently stood next to him. As both reinforcement for his statement, despite not believing it herself for a damn second after what happened in San Francisco and second, to provide support.

"If Leslie agrees with you, then you can just go right back to being Robin. But until I hear the word from her, you're shut down. Eagle will have to operate alone." Bruce replied coldly and Liliana looked down at the floor as she was silently waiting for one of the two ticking bombs to explode in the room.

Instead, she heard footsteps walking away and she looked up at Bruce who silently nodded at the doorway. "Damn you, Bruce." She said and she raced off quickly, snatching her bo-staff and escrima from the wall, throwing them into a bag along with her suit and taking off after Jason from a distance.

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