|Chapter LXXVIII: Inhalers|

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"Jason's gone. He is the Red Hood now." Dick was saying and he turned around to look at whoever Kory, Gar and Conner were looking at. Liliana stood there with Thomas and June on either side of her, as she looked angry at the words.

"You have given up on him, haven't you?" Liliana's words phrased it as a question, but the tone that she used it with was much more like a statement than a question.


"Jason is still in there under that goddamn helmet, Dick. You might not be able to see it, but I have. The drugs are messing with him, but he is still there. Jason is buried under it, under the weight of emotions that he has no control over. But you just refuse to see it, because you just want someone to blame." Liliana said and Dick looked at her with anger in his eyes and now, Liliana recognized the look.

"Red Hood is killing people! He is spreading the drug around Gotham and people are being critically and gravely injured, they are also being killed! How can you fucking believe that he is still in there?!" Dick was losing his cool and Liliana looked at him and her eyes were flashing in a cold state of anger.

"Because I have seen it, Dick. You have only seen him with the mask on, Dick, but I've seen him without it and he is still in there..."

"You are way, way too close to this subject, you should have left town with Bruce." Dick said and Liliana felt pain stabbing her at the words.

"Jason took me as fast as he could right back to his apartment after the sniper shot me and he bandaged me up, when you were off in the woods and doing only god knows what back at the cabin." Liliana said and Dick's eyes widened, and Liliana shook her head at him. "But, you don't care anyway. You will go after him, hunt him down and you will kill him if he doesn't stop whatever the hell you think that he's doing..."

"He killed Hank!" Dick shouted at her and Liliana was blinking and he scoffed. "He killed Hank, he tried to kill us, he drove Bruce out of town, why do you still believe in him?" He asked and Liliana looked at the other three, who had been watching the proceedings with worry in their eyes.

"You wouldn't get it, Dick. Hell, none of you would. Dick, if you want to kill Jason... you're going to have to kill me too. I would rather die, then be called to a scene to identify, Jason's dead body again." Liliana whispered hoarsely and before they could say a word, she pressed something on her watch.

"All records of Jason Todd, anything and everything at all, seal it up." She ordered as the computer went to work.

"Liliana!" Kory tried, but Liliana wasn't listening and she walked away as the twins looked at each other.

"Can you guys talk to her?" Dick asked as Thomas scoffed at his words and they looked at him.

"You just threatened to kill Jason, the only person who anchored her when it was you who left her alone with Bruce, constantly. She saw his body once and look where that got her. You want us to talk to her for you, Richard? For the fucking love of god, do it yourself for once. We aren't your errand runners for when you fuck up." Thomas' words hurt, but they were necessary as Dick looked wounded.

Thomas and June started firing at targets, while Dick went to find his sister to try and talk some sense into her. He knocked on the door to the room that had become hers after Jason had died and vacated it.

"Hey..." Dick ducked the chemistry textbook that was thrown at his head and he sighed. "Look, Lili..." Liliana's escrima was thrown at his head and Dick managed to catch it, as she was shaking her head.

"You don't get to call me that. Not now... not ever!" Her voice was hoarse and Dick sighed at her, as he tossed it back onto her bed.

"He patched you up and he seemed... normal?" Dick questioned and Liliana nodded as she was lookin' through the drawers and closet for things to wear.

"His pupils were normal, he was not either on it or high on the drug, when he took care of me." Liliana said as he looked at her. "I know the difference between drugged Jason and regular Jason, Dick." She said and Dick sat on the edge of the bed.

"I don't want to kill him at all, Liliana, but I can't let him destroy the city either. Do you get it?" Dick asked and Liliana looked at him with a slight nod.

"Give me one chance, Dick. Let me talk to him, on my own without any wires, no trackers and funky shit. If I can't talk him down from it, then you take him in. But if I can and he comes back to us, you leave him out of what you do to Crane." Liliana said and she held out her hand to her brother. "We have a deal?" She asked as he nodded and shook hands with her. "Good to know. Now get your ass out of here, so I can change." She said and Dick was laughing a little, as he walked out and shut the door behind him.

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