|Chapter LXVII: Legacies|

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| Two weeks later,

Gotham City,

Location: Wayne Manor |

Liliana was curled up in a ball under the covers of Jason's bed with her headphones firmly over her ears, when Dick walked into the room and she opened her eyes. Liliana's eyes were red and puffed from crying, as she turned off her music and she sighed. "I-I will just go, so that you can have your room back-" She whispered and he shook his head, as he put his bag down and his jacket, as he walked over to her and he sat down next to her.

"I heard about the announcement that you made on TV, about there never being another Robin... that was pretty gutsy." Dick murmured and in response to the words, Liliana swiftly hugged her older brother tightly and she sobbed, as Dick looked stunned at how emotional she was and Liliana's wrists dug into his back from how hard she was hugging him.

"He's gone, Dick." She whispered and Dick nodded carefully, as she silently shook her head. "He won't even look at me D. He says that it's all my fault." Her voice cracked and she buried her face in his shoulder, as Dick was shaking his head at her and his arms quickly moved around her.

"Where's Bruce?" Dick questioned and Liliana pressed her watch on her wrist and motioned for him to say it again. "Locate Bruce." Dick said again and it showed the location of the Bat-Cave, as he looked at her. "You really are a genius with technology." He admitted and she nodded a little, as she stood up.

"The funeral was last week." Liliana murmured quietly, barely audible as she swiftly walked out of the room with her headphones hanging around her neck. Liliana felt her phone buzzing in her pocket and she looked at the number. "Liliana Grayson." She said, as she picked up the phone.

"Hey Lili, how's it going?" Liliana sighed at the sight of two fellow sidekicks walking up the driveway and she hung up the phone, jogging out to meet them. "You didn't have to hang up, we just wanted to come by and say hi." June Queen said as her twin brother Thomas came up to the two of them and they all hugged silently.

"We're real sorry about Jason... Dad wishes that he could have made it out for the funeral, but he had some... issues, to take care of. Back home, if you get what I mean." Thomas admitted and Liliana looked up at the two, who at 5' 10" and 5' 11 respectively, towered over her.

"I'm just glad that you guys are here." Liliana murmured and she saw that they had parked the truck that they had arrived in, over at the edge of the driveway and she snorted. "Come on you guys, bring the truck over and I'll open the garage." She said with a faint ghost of a smile on her face, as Thomas caught the keys and he jogged over to the truck. Liliana remotely opened the garage and the twins grabbed their stuff, as Liliana led them over to where her room was in the "guest wing" of the house. "This one is my room, June you can stay in it. Thomas, you can take any one of the other guest rooms..."

"Where will you sleep, if Junie has your room?" Thomas interrupted as he put his stuff down on the floor of the guest room and Junie looked at Liliana, who was shaking very slightly and then she steadied, with help from a deep breath.

"I, uh, I'll be in the old Robin room." Liliana said and Thomas looked like he wanted to kick himself, as neither of the twins needed anymore of an explanation after hearing that. Liliana was going to crash in Jason's old room, while she gave up hers. "Some of my clothes might fit you, June, but I would highly, highly recommend raiding Victoria's closet first." Liliana murmured as she pulled out a tennis ball and she looked at it, before she tossed it into the air absentmindedly without thinking about who she had with her.

Two arrows had pierced the tennis ball and it was buried into the wall, as Liliana looked at it, before she turned back to the twins and as she expected, it was what she saw. Thomas held a compound bow similar in color to the Green Arrow's, while June's bow was dark purple with green stripes around it and Liliana scoffed. "You two are too good, at what you do." Liliana remarked quietly and they lowered their bows.

"Yeah, well, we trained with some of the best." Thomas replied and they put their stuff away, as Liliana carefully worked the arrows and the tennis ball that they were stuck in, out of the wall of Wayne Manor.

"That was my last tennis ball that didn't have arrows shot through it." Liliana remarked as she walked to the garbage can and dropped the tennis ball into it, while she handed the arrows back to the twins. "You guys want to see my training area, outside of the Cave?" She questioned and they were both following her, as Liliana led the way through the big manor house until she was quick to reach her exercise room.

The twins whistled in appreciation, when they saw that Liliana's exercise room had everything from archery targets to the massive jungle gym in the middle of the room. Liliana took a running start and she jumped up quickly, swinging and clambering lightly up onto the top, before she dove off of it and she landed like a cat on the floor, as they clapped for her.

"I remember when Bruce first built this." They all looked over at Dick, who was standing in the doorway and Liliana stood up. "He built it with all of the sidekicks in mind. Me, Roy, you guys and Liliana. Jason and Victoria to a degree, even Donna used it often." He remarked as he walked in and he looked at Liliana, who stood between the two. "I was told that Victoria is still on Themyscira, any word when she is supposed to be returning?" Dick asked and Liliana was shaking her head.

"No clue. She was broken up after Donna, none of us have heard from her since. Shield can't even reach her, I'm guessing stuck and having trouble, getting through the barriers around the island of Themyscira." Liliana replied quietly, feeling a storm of agony tearing through her at the mention of Victoria Dawson, the Wonder Kid who had been devastated by the loss of her mentor only about four months ago. "Are you bringing the Titans in?" She asked and Dick sighed, as he looked at her.

"If I brought them in, how pissed would you be?" Dick questioned and Liliana held a Robin symbol shuriken in her hands, as she carefully shook her head at his words. "Is that a yes, that I can bring them in?" Dick asked again.

"Fine, but keep them away from the computers." Liliana said and Dick nodded, as he sighed. "I know that look... you're going to see Barbara, aren't you?" She asked and he nodded slightly in a form of admittance. "Don't push her into anything." She warned, as he turned to walk away from the room.

"As if I actually could." Dick said with a sardonic tone in his voice, as Liliana laughed hoarsely as Dick was walking away and Liliana looked at the twin archers, who were taking up positions in front of the archer targets.

"Don't hit me." Was all that she said, as their training regime had begun.

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