|Chapter XLIX: Wilson|

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"Still waiting for the identity of the silver-haired girl?" Liliana asked as she knocked on the open doorway to the computer room, as Gar spun around in his chair to look and Jason stopped the familiar pattern of his pacing for a bit, as he turned his head to look at her. Liliana held up two trays of coffees that Victoria had sped off to get when she wasn't paying attention. "I bring peace offerings. Of coffee and muffins." She said and they both walked over to her. "Also, get out of my chair Garfield!" She said and once they had gotten their coffee and food, she took the rest and sat in the chair that Gar had vacated.

"Come on. How long does the fucking computer expect us to fucking wait?" Jason asked and Liliana cracked her knuckles quickly, before she started typing across the keyboard. She clicked a few keys and sat back in the chair, as the many varying search and locate algorithms, started at more than twice the speed that they were originally going at.

"You were saying?" Liliana questioned as she turned around in her chair to look at him and Jason lifted his hands in surrender. "I created the algorithms for a reason, Jase. You should use them, or you'll be no better than Batman who leaves me behind during fights to run them." She reminded and Jason shrugged at her, as she turned back to the collection of screens. "How long have you been waiting?" She asked.

"Longer then the amount of time that you were sleeping yesterday, Lili." Jason responded and she drank her second coffee, as her first coffee had been gone before she had brought the boys' their coffees and muffins.

Liliana looked up as the computer beeped. She started clicking the keys and her eyes were flashing, as her eyes jumped from screen to screen as pictures and facial recognition software started to pop on and off of the screen and she was finally able to pinpoint it. "Rose Wilson. And that's her dad... holy fucking shit." Her voice dropped to a freaked out whisper and Jason was shaking his head, as he walked over to stand next to her and Liliana's hands were trembling a little bit.

"Slade Wilson? What is so bad about him?" Gar asked and Liliana was wincing at the casual way he spoke about him, as Liliana hit the enter button and Gar's eyes widened.

"No fucking way. Deathstroke." Jason muttered when he saw the name "Slade Wilson" appear on the screen and he looked at Liliana, whose eyes were stormy and right along with the storm of anger, there was a whole lot of fear. "Hey, he can't get in. Remember?" He murmured and she looked like she was about to be sick, but still she nodded and she took a few deep breaths.

"I will call Dick about this." Liliana murmured to them and then when she tried to grab her phone, her hands were shaking so badly that she dropped it and Jason caught the phone and she was shaking her head like the rest of her was shaking.

"I will call him. Just get a beer or something, you're shaking like a leaf." Jason muttered and she was nodding slightly, as she stood up and Victoria had once again appeared out of nowhere, as she scooped her up for a piggyback ride and Liliana disappeared right along with the half-Themysciran warrior.

Liliana sat on the couch with a big mug of hot chocolate in her hands, when Dick came up to her after walking out of the elevator and he looked at her. "Go into the computer room, Dick. The information that has her shaken, is in there." Victoria was suggesting from the kitchen as Dick nodded slightly as he looked over at Liliana once again and she was still shaking.

Jason came over to her after Dick had declared the matter closed and he sat down quietly next to her, as she moved closer immediately and his arm went around her automatically. "What did he say?" She asked quietly.

"He just said that he would deal with it, as usual." Jason muttered and she moved her head to rest on his arm and he shifted around a little. "You tired again?" He asked and she nodded at the words.

The elevator opened and Liliana jumped up with a loud call of excitement, as she bolted down the hallway and she jumped straight into a hug from Donna Troy, who was the first one out of the elevator. "Woah! Most enthusiastic welcome, right here." Donna remarked with a grin on her face at the sight of her and Liliana had a small smile on her face. "Hi Liliana."

"Hi Donna. Hank!" She jumped into the air to tackle-hug the former football player and after that, she hugged Dawn after. "You guys okay?" Liliana asked after she was finished crushing the air out of them and she jammed her hands in her pockets, as the others had joined them in the entryway.

"It's just some very old Titans business. Why don't you guys go and get some more training done?" Dick's tone of voice made it very clear that they were not getting an option or opinion on the matter, and at the dismissive tone of voice, Liliana's face fell.

"All right. Come on guys." Liliana's voice was quiet, as she nudged Jason ahead of her and she could tell that he wanted to stay and listen as well, but there was no reason to think that any of them could possibly convince Dick otherwise and she walked with the rest of them to the training room.

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