|Chapter XLIV: Worried & Angry|

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"Would it be stupid of me to ask if you are doing okay?" Jason asked as he knocked on the open door and Liliana was tossing her escrima into the air, and then catching them as they came back down and she looked at him.

"Will you ever be trusted to learn your lesson about standing in the doorway of a teenager proficient in the art of throwing weaponry?" Liliana shot back and Jason smirked a little, as she tossed the escrima at his head. Jason caught them both and Liliana cracked a grim smile, as Jason walked back into the room and he held them back out to her. Liliana took the weapons back and she looked at the scratched up weapons, marked up with the "marks of war" as Bruce was fond of calling them. "I am guessing that is a no." She said and he shook his head at her.

"I'm going to talk to Dick about bringing us back to Gotham, you in?" Jason asked and Liliana looked at him with a faint smile on her face, although neither one of them cared to comment on the fact that the rings around her eyes were starting to look permanent.

"All right. Piggyback?" Liliana asked and Jason chuckled, as she moved her arms around his neck for the piggyback ride, as he carried her back toward the training room where Dick was still there and he was inspecting the training weapons.

Liliana picked up her coffee from where she had left it, as she was ready to let Jason do all of the talking in the conversation for their side and that was normal. "Yo, look man, it has already been three months, man. When do we both get to go back to Gotham City?" Jason asked and at his words, Dick turned around to look at the two of them.

"Liliana is free to go back whenever she wants, we trust her. But she has only really been sticking around for you." Dick remarked and Liliana saw the pain that flooded through Jason at the words. "Bruce doesn't think that you're ready yet, and neither do I. I'm sorry, man. You blew your privileges."

"What?" Jason asked incredulously as Liliana stood next to him in silence, trying to be a sort of moral support. Liliana had more than a few ideas about what Dick was referring to, but he was on a few counts incorrect, if she knew what he was thinking.

"The Batmobile joyrides-"

"The Batmobile joyrides were my idea! I kept getting sick of being stuck behind the computer screens for every mission, so I convinced Jason to drive the Batmobile and let me hop in on the passenger side." Liliana blurted out and Dick looked at her. "I have the old footage." She said at the disbelieving look on his face.

"The Batmobile joyrides, and the motorcycles on the staircase." Dick continued as then Liliana looked over at Jason's face silently, when that came up and she was shaking her head in disappointment at the mention of the words "stairs" and "motorcycle" in the same sentence when it came to him.

"The motorcycle on the stairs?" Liliana asked and she looked at Jason. "Again? You idiot." She said and Jason winced at the annoyance in her tone. "Next time you get into a motorcycle crash, you can clean yourself up." She said and glared at him, as Jason winced.

"I was practicing my tactical maneuvers." At the skeptical look on Liliana's face, Jason glared at her. "I was!" He complained and Liliana was drinking her coffee in silence once again, content to let them talk it out again.

"And those websites you bookmarked? You know that isn't what the Bat Computer is used for." Dick said and at the words, Liliana nearly choked on her coffee, as Dick knocked her on the back and she choked down the coffee.

"You are clearing all of that fucking shit off of the Bat Computer, before I see it again." Liliana's tone made it clear that this time, she was definitely not asking him and Jason looked between the two Grayson siblings and he could suddenly in sharp detail, definitely see the family resemblance, even beyond the facial features.

"Oh, come on, man. This gig is a waste of time!" Jason complained.

"It is called training. And you two, the both of you, know as well as I do that the training never stops." Dick snapped at them, nearly shouting and Liliana nodded slightly, as she was quickly dropping her head a little bit at the loud noise of his shouting. "Sorry kid." He said and Liliana moved her headphones over her ears and she stood in the corner, holding her escrima.

After they were done talking, Jason tapped Liliana on the shoulder and she pulled off her headphones, cutting off Starset's "My Demons" and she led the way into the hallway and toward the computer room. "All right, all, you get to work with me for the next three hours." Liliana said and Rachel groaned. "These hacking skills and ability to bring electricity back online with a few strokes on a keyboard, could save your fucking life." Liliana snapped and Rachel looked stunned at the sudden surge of anger. "But, by all means. Do take the time to simply sleep through it or leave." Liliana's tone was dark and Rachel looked stunned.

"I'm not training with you. I think I would rather train with Jason." Rachel admitted rather loudly and Liliana looked at her for a second, before Liliana's eyes shifted up to look into Jason's and he lifted his shoulders in a small shrug.

"Fine. Let me know when you guys are done." Rachel clearly hadn't been expecting her to give up so easily and Rachel's mouth was wide open. "I know where I'm not wanted." Liliana declared and she looked over at Jason with a half-smile on her face. "There's a manual on the table over there."

Jason's face nearly split in half with the smirk over the inside joke, as Liliana left the room and she ran headfirst into Dick and Victoria, both of whom looked down at her in confusion. "Rachel made it very clear that she didn't want to train with me. So, I left Jase in charge." She mumbled and slipped her headphones over her ears before she heard their response.

Victoria threw open the door and the other three teenagers looked up at her. "We need to talk."

Little Grayson |Titans|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora