|Chapter L: Losing It|

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While the others had their wooden swords, Liliana had a pair of wooden escrima and they all had blindfolds tied tightly around their heads and over their eyes. She swung her escrima a few times to get the sense of her directions and the weight, before she joined the others in the center of the room for another fight.

Liliana had already gone against all three of them and won, when they had their eyes uncovered and she didn't, but when she had told Dick about it, he insisted that this time they were all going to be wearing a blindfold and see if it would be able to improve their chances at beating her, even if they failed miserably yet again. "Everyone ready for this round?" Liliana questioned.

"Ready." Jason's voice came from over to her right and Liliana's eyes were closed even behind the blindfold, just to make sure that she was forced to rely on nothing but her other senses. The smell wasn't so useful, but the touch and hearing senses needed to be impeccable in a situation like this, when she was facing off with opponents who had been trained the same amount or nearly as well as she had been trained herself.

"I am ready." Rachel sounded like her voice was coming from Liliana's left and Liliana tilted her head slightly to the left, before she moved it back to its normal position in silence and she could hear them all breathing.

"Let's do this." Gar was right across from her, Liliana was sure of it and her hearing must have been on point, as she heard someone walking into the room. "Victoria Dawson?" Gar guessed and the snort indicated that indeed it was.

"You can hear that, but you honestly cannot hear me shouting at you all for dinner? I tell you, kids these days." Victoria's remark hit hard and Liliana stuck out her tongue in the general sort of direction that she thought Victoria's voice was coming from. "Liliana, if you have been training without your eyesight for awhile, then you need to teach me. Because that face was directly pointed at me. You guys can go and fight if you want, I'm just here to make sure that nobody here gets hurt." Victoria said.

Liliana ended up sending Gar toppling back into a rack of wooden practice weapons, which nearly fell on top of him and it would have, if Victoria hadn't been ready for that sort of thing to happen and she sped over to catch the falling weapons, using her Themysciran strength to keep it from falling. Unfortunately, Liliana was too far away to stop it when Rachel started snarling at Jason.

"Leave him alone!" Liliana shouted, but it was too late for that and Rachel already had them both suspended in the air and Jason was choking. "Dawson!" Liliana pleaded and Victoria had no need for encouragement, as her lasso caught Rachel around the ankle and Victoria yanked hard, sending Rachel flying into the floor.

Liliana raced over to Jason, who had landed wheezing on his back and she shook her head at him. "You okay?" She asked and he was nodding, as she helped him sit up. He coughed a few times before he got his wind back. "Anything broken or bruised?" She questioned, dropping immediately into "medic mode" as the rest of the other Bat-sidekicks liked to call it and Jason was shaking his head. "Hey, easy. Come on." Liliana said and helped him up, as Rachel looked stunned and scared of herself, as Victoria yanked the rope back toward her.

Victoria and Liliana were standing directly in the way of Rachel, who had been trying to talk to Jason and Jason was shaking his head at her. "You stay away from me, you fucking freak." Jason said and despite the angry tone, Liliana recognized the fear that had shaken him and that the anger was just a reaction to it.

Liliana reached back and she took his hand in hers, as she felt it shaking and he looked up along with them all and Dick walked into the room. "Everything okay?" He asked as he walked in and Liliana looked up at Jason, who was briefly hesitating on what to say and he was shaking his head suddenly.

"No, no, it's not. Look, I really don't like just being left out of whatever plans you relics are cooking up out there, all right?" Jason snapped at Dick and Liliana walked forward and her arms were crossed over her chest.

"Neither do I." Dick's eyes moved from Jason to Liliana, as she stopped beside her fellow batman sidekick and she was shaking her head. "It isn't like we are untrained, Dick. I have been fighting the fight since I was twelve and Jason has been training for over a year and a half. You know who, wouldn't send us into the field without training if he didn't think that we were ready. So when are you gonna let us out of here? Because Titans Tower at the moment, it is starting to feel like more of a prison than a home." Liliana was blunt, honest and dead straight to the point, which made it easy to follow.

"They have a point, Dick." Victoria had joined the conversation and Dick was shaking his head.

"I don't care if Bruce thinks that you guys are ready. I don't agree. Besides, you did not honestly miss much, of anything. Gar, I need you. The rest of you, keep practicing." Dick ordered and Liliana could sense the fury in Jason, who was shaking his head as Gar and Dick left the room and Rachel looked relieved, as the trio turned to look at her. But if she thought that she was off the hook, she was very, very wrong on that.

"You need to get that shit looked at... by, like, a fucking priest." Jason snapped and he left the room, as Liliana was shaking her head at Rachel and she put the escrima to the side and Rachel looked nervous, sensing the emotions boiling under the surface of the cold exterior that Liliana was fond of using.

"Touch him or any of us again, you will be restrained in your room with padlocks and straps in a goddamn straitjacket, I swear to God. I will kill you myself if I have to." Liliana's threat was cold and calculated, as Rachel was suddenly fearful of the girl who usually seemed to be collected and she shook her head as she jogged after Jason.

Victoria simply shook her head with nothing to say to Rachel anymore, as she walked out in the direction of Dick and Gar, as she wanted to speak to Donna about Themysciran business and she didn't really think that the rest of the others needed to hear it.

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