|Chapter LX: Heavy Metal|

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Liliana held the bag as Jason was beating on it from the other side and she raised her eyebrows a bit, when she heard footsteps coming down the hallway. "Jason." She warned and when Dick's familiar face walked into the room, Jason continued punching the bug in a quick blur of focused energy.

"You two all right?" Dick asked bluntly and Liliana didn't respond to the words, as she had nothing to say to her older brother at the moment. She could see the worry in his face and he was clearly for once worried, unless he was just a great actor.

"All good." Jason responded for them both and they were hitting the punching bag back and forth, and as they were trying to force the memories out of their brains and they weren't exactly doing a great job of it.

"It's past midnight already. You two should probably just be taking it easy, rather then doing whatever you guys are calling this." Dick said loudly to be heard over the random heavy metal music blasting through the speakers and Liliana was just punching harder, beating on the back at that and she was shaking her head.

"I don't want to take it easy, I feel good. We both feel fine." Jason remarked coldly to Dick and whenever he ducked, it was Liliana's turn to kick the bag and she swung her foot clear over his head to connect with the bag and Dick couldn't say honestly, that he wasn't rather impressed with the amount of coordination and silent communication that the two of them had.

"That was quite the fall. For both of you to take, are you two absolutely sure that you are okay?" Dick questioned and Liliana was looking at him, as Jason was flicking his eyes back and forth between the two Grayson siblings.

"It was a hellacious experience. How did it look like from your end?" Liliana asked sharply as Jason had been saved by Victoria from falling too far, but she knew from watching his reactions to things, she knew it damn-well that he was fearing and he might as well be currently fucking terrified of heights at the moment and for good reason.

"Scary." Dick answered and he looked at the two of them, standing side by side and he was shaking his head. "For the person falling, the person watching and for the person who was hanging, for all three it looked scary." He said.

"Guess it was lucky for us both that we had the duo of Wonder Kid and Wonder Girl, right on standby then." Jason was back in the conversation, as Liliana was watching Dick carefully and she was wondering what his response would be to it.

"I'm sorry." Dick said with a sigh and Liliana shook her head at him, remembering that Dick's apologies were never exactly any sort of overwhelming and that she really should already just be used to him constantly delivering underwhelming apologies by now. "You sure that you're all right--"

"Man, just cut the crap." Jason's sudden change in his tone of voice startled Liliana briefly and then in the moment of brief confusion, the punching bag bounced back and hit her in the nose and she staggered briefly. "Why don't you just say what you really want to say, huh? That it was all my fucking fault for going out there alone." He shot at Dick, who was looking at him for a second and then shook his head.

"No. No, I don't think that." Dick admitted and Liliana gently put her hand on Jason's arm, as the guy was trembling. Partially from his heavy workout, but there was another sort that was now working against him. The anger that was surfacing, it was hiding pain and fear, two things that no vigilante should ever show to others, in Batman's mind. "Rest up, the both of you." He said it like an order, as he turned and walked away.

Liliana raised her eyebrows at Rose, who was storming away from the direction of Jason's room and she knocked on the door, as she felt a weight against it and she heard crying. "Jason." She said quietly and the door opened with a creak, and she moved her arms around him, when she saw that tears were pouring down his face. "What happened?" She asked quietly and Jason was shaking his head at her, as she nodded and got the message that silence was what he needed.

Rachel looked angry as hell when she stormed into the room and she screamed obscenities in Jason's face. "Whatever you think he did, he didn't do Rachel!" Liliana said sharply as she stood in the middle, as Rachel was slamming out the insults and Liliana took the brunt.

"Then you must have done it! Who else would have put crosses on my stuff!" Rachel shouted in rage and her eyes glowed orange, right along with the gem in her forehead. "You two are nothing but liars and bastards!" She roared.

"Rachel, calm down and go cool off-" Liliana didn't get a chance to finish, as Rachel was quick to backhand her across the face and Liliana was thrown across the room and she hits the wall hard, as she choked on the sudden pain. Jason stormed out of his room with Liliana, who was following him at a slightly slower pace.

"These two assholes, they drew crucifixes all over my mirror!" Rachel shouted as the old Titans were in the kitchen and dining area, as Victoria was among them and she was shaking her head.



Jason and Liliana snapped at her.

"Look, if Liliana and Jason are calling bullshit, then I believe them. They wouldn't lie and for damn sure, they wouldn't do shit like that. I think that you should back off, before you go and do something that you regret." Victoria stated as she stood in between the raging Rachel and the two injured and upset teens behind her.

"Guys, it is okay if you're both angry--" Now normally Dawn's calming approach would have worked, except for the fact that they were blaming the wrong people for it and nobody ever took too kindly to that.

"We didn't do shit, okay?! Don't blame us for her voodoo issues." Jason shot back and Liliana was backing away, as the noise was starting to scare her again. "Look, I don't know what happened, guys, but I didn't do it." Jason said and he was shaking his head. "Neither did Liliana." He said after the fact.

Jason  had disappeared up to the roof and Liliana looked at the Titans Team in front of her that was made up of members old and new. Normally she would have been excited to see them act as a team, but her eyes were just filled with pain and disappointment. "Most of you have known me since I was a toddler. I can't believe how quickly you guys are turning on two of your own and I'm ashamed that ever I thought I wanted to be one of you." Liliana's words seemed to hit hard, as she walked away.

Liliana spotted Jason standing on the edge and for once, she didn't know what to say and instead, she just walked over and stood next to him. "Jason, get away from the edge." She had no edge in her voice, it was cracking with pain and he looked at her. "Come on, Jason, please just get away from the edge." Liliana murmured quietly.

"No. I'm not moving," That one sentence, it hit Liliana like a hard sucker-punch to the gut, but she knew that it was gonna be harder than that and she stepped up to stand next to him and he looked at her again. "Still determined to help save me?" He asked and she smiled sadly.

"Yeah, Jason. Forever and always, even if you sometimes make it a real damn chore." Liliana murmured and she heard the door open behind them. Dick came over and after quite a few attempts to talk both of them down and off of the ledge, Dick had revealed the poisonous secret that had been tearing the team apart.

"I killed Deathstroke's son." Dick said and the two teens looked at each other.

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