|Chapter XLVI: Training|

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"If you are always so tired, have you ever considered simply sleeping as an option?" Liliana looked over her shoulder at Jason, who was fully aware that he sounded like a hypocrite at the moment and she was shaking her head.

"The curse of being a vigilante. When you really want the sleep, it doesn't come whenever you try to get some. But when you really need to do something that is not sleeping, naturally that is when it does show itself." Liliana murmured and Jason nodded, as he walked into the room and he looked around.

"First one to dead?" Jason asked and Liliana tossed the wooden sword at him. Jason caught it and Liliana picked up her bo with a nod. "If you are still practically dead on your feet, then how is this fight even remotely fair to you?" He questioned and she looked at him, shaking her head to clear it.

"Because it is the perfect situation by a total fluke, for me as the weaker and exhausted one just to simulate an unfair fight with a severe disadvantage to me." Liliana stated and Jason looked at the wooden sword in his hands and he swung it a few times, before he was in his familiar fighting stance and she casually stood there.

"I somehow still don't think that Dick would approve of this." Jason remarked as the wooden sword clashed against the bo and Liliana managed to knock the sword from his hands, as her staff was pointed at his forehead. "Shit." Jason said, raising his hands up in surrender and the girl laughed a little, as she reached down and picked up the wooden sword, balancing it awkwardly as she held it out to him.

"Dick doesn't approve of most of the things that I choose to do, Jason. In fact, I am almost certain that he got the trait from watching Bruce being disappointed in damn near everything of mine, ever since I was brought into his house." Liliana reminded him and Jason took the sword back from her. "Sword lessons for bo lessons?" Liliana asked and Jason chuckled.

"I'm assuming that you said bo, because we both already know that I am-"

"Utterly and absolutely terrible with escrima?" Liliana finished with a humorous tone in her voice, as Jason was laughing and inclining his head, as he knew better than to try and lie right to her face, even if others didn't.

"Why aren't you sleeping right now? You look dead on your feet." Liliana rolled her eyes at Dick's ability to appear almost out of nowhere and immediately start to criticize whatever one of the people under his care happened to be doing at any point in time. Especially, when it was her and not one of the others.

"Training, obviously. Why?" Liliana asked and her older brother scoffed at the words, as Jason moved slightly as now him and Liliana were both facing Dick, who walked into the room and he was shaking his head.

"You won't be of any real use to anyone, if you don't sleep. Put the rest of your weapons away and go get some rest." Dick had just sounded like Bruce, exactly like Bruce, which was something that Liliana had definitely not been expecting to hear and she was very reluctantly handing over the weapon, as she felt the exhaustion coming back to bite her in the ass, yet again. "Where are the rest?" Dick asked and Liliana was nearly out the door when he started to speak up again.

Liliana turned to look at Dick over her shoulder, before she glared at him and she pulled her escrima out of her pockets and she put them onto the bench. "And?" Dick prodded and Liliana snorted, shaking her head and she was able to remove a couple of grappling hook devices that she had attached to her wrists and she put the devices to the side.

"Are you some sort of new and improved airport security now or something?" Liliana asked and Dick lifted his eyebrows at her words, as Liliana sighed.

She removed a bunch of shuriken from a variety of places on her person and there was even a gun that she removed from the waistband of her pants and she tossed the weapons down onto the bench and she finished by removing her collapsible bo-staff from her pants. "All right, now you can go." Dick stated and Liliana rolled her eyes and she walked out of the training room. "Put the escrima back!"

Liliana blew a raspberry and dropped the weapons onto the ground, as she walked away and disappeared down the hallway.

"Well done, Dick. Real good idea just there." Jason remarked with irritation in his voice, as he walked away and followed Liliana who was already racing down the hallway with annoyance in her bearing and body language.

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