|Chapter LXXVI: Recovery|

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Liliana woke up the next morning to the familiar smell of cooking food and she looked over in the direction of the kitchen to see Jason coming over with food.

"You're awake already. I was just going to let you sleep longer." Jason said and he held out a plate of food to her, and Liliana took it awkwardly on her arm.

"Does he know about you helping me?" Liliana asked as she started to dig into her food, as Jason shrugged a little and he walked to the kitchen once again and came back with his own food.

"He knows better then to suggest to me, that I don't." Jason countered and Liliana scoffed at the words and she was nodding.

"Fair enough, I guess." She mumbled and she looked around, as her phone started to ring.

Jason got up and went over into the corner, quickly opening a drawer and handing her phone to her. Liliana was very much unsurprised to see that it was Dick calling her, as she looked up at Jason. "If you pick it up, it will stop ringing." He reminded her and Liliana sighed quietly, as she picked up the phone and held it to her ear.

"Hey big brother."

"Where the fucking hell have you been, Liliana? You haven't picked up your phone and even Barbara can't find you!" Dick snapped and Liliana looked at a small wound in her arm and she looked at Jason, who sighed a little.

"I took my tracker out months ago, I didn't think that it was fair for me to be the only one of us to still have a working tracker in her arm." Liliana was covering again and Jason saw the anger in her face, but she still lied her ass off. "I'm okay, I got shot but I was able to patch myself up. Where are you?" Liliana asked.

"We are all back at the Manor house and we are worried sick about you!" Was the shouted response and Liliana scoffed.

"Wait, even Kory and Gar? I thought that they hated me." Liliana was now deliberately trying to get him to hang up the phone.

"Not the time for jokes like that Liliana, you know that..."

"Bullshit!" Liliana snapped and she hung up, as she tossed her phone onto the coffee table. "You took my tracker out." It was a statement not a question and Jason nodded.

"They can't find me." Jason insisted and Liliana looked at him as she stood up and caught her balance.

"What are you so afraid of?" She asked and he scoffed at her, as she looked at the food on her plate and she put it on the counter in silence. "It is because, you killed Hank." She said and he nodded.

"Why aren't you, even hinting at being angry? You looked up to Hank and I killed him." Jason said and she glanced at him, as she paced the room and was trying her best to not move her arm.

"I am angry, Jason. But instead of focusing it on you, the Red Hood that has been manipulated by drugs that give him no emotion whatsoever and by Crane, I am blaming him not you."

"I tricked Dawn, I gave her the detonator not Crane. I was the one who told Crane everything about the Manor, about Bruce, about you and Dick. Why aren't you beating the shit out of me right now?" Jason asked and she scoffed quietly.

"For the same reason that you didn't kill me the last four or five times that you had the chance to. Where's my suit, I need to get going." She said and Jason tossed her phone at her and she caught it.

Jason handed her a duffel bag and he pulled a gun out of it, and he checked the weight. "How did Dick react to this?" He asked and Liliana shook her head as she took the gun and tucked it into the waistband of her pants.

Little Grayson |Titans|Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz