|Chapter XXVI: Secret Identities & Shuriken|

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Liliana opened her suitcase with her thumbprint, along with a retinal scan and she was looking at the suit, which was black and blue, much like the bruises she got to see whenever she was "drafted" or more correctly, whenever she was pushed into helping the guys clean up when they got particularly beaten up or bloodied after missions.

Liliana looked at the collection box that was in her locked suitcase and she very carefully brought it out from the case and put it on the desk. She sat down and she flipped open the lid with a small smile as she saw the lines of blades peeking out of their protective cases.

She had an arrowhead from Green Arrow, she had a robin-shaped shuriken from Dick and one from Jason's new suit. She also had a batarang, which made many of the other sidekicks jealous and she even had a wonder star from Donna, who mainly used them as trackers, not so much so as weapons, once they were activated by touching a target or the vehicle of one. Then the last ones were her own personal specialty ones.

Liliana had hers made into the shape of her "crest" on the suit that was a soaring eagle with its' wings spread wide. Liliana looked down at her tattoo on her inner arm and it was only then that she realized, that if she had taken out the dead small bird on the tattoo, that she would have the crest of her secret identity on full display. "I really didn't think that one through, did it?" She was mumbling to herself as she scrambled to throw everything back into her suitcase and lock it again, before she flung one of the shuriken at whoever was walking into her room and Dick was able to catch the shuriken, just before it would have sunk into his eye.

Liliana looked at him and Dick sighed, shaking his head at her and Liliana held out her hand for it. Dick looked at the shuriken with interest in his eyes and Liliana dropped down onto the bed, as she recognized that he wasn't giving it back until he had thoroughly examined it. "When he did he send you out into the field for the first time?" Dick asked and Liliana looked up at him.

"I was thirteen and a half." Liliana murmured and Dick sighed, shaking his head. "I went on my first mission in the field, the day after you left." She said and Dick looked at her. "I went on my own on my birthday, to Arkham Asylum Dick. To stop riots that had been caused by a bunch of stupid guards that made the mistake of taunting the wrong villains. Of course, already being conflicted by the fact that my brother had skipped out on my birthday and that he sent one of his fucking friends to tell me. Do you want to guess what happened next?" Liliana asked sharply and Dick looked at her.

"What the fuck happened to you in Arkham Asylum, Liliana?" Dick asked and Liliana looked at him with pain in her eyes and she moved her hand up to the small scar that was on the side of her neck, from the needle and she blinked quickly.

"One of the inmates managed to knock out the electricity, which disabled all of the locks in the area. I went down to the more dangerous levels, trying to stop the riots. I got shot with a fear gas needle by Scarecrow from behind." Liliana murmured and she felt tears falling, but she didn't care anymore and she saw Dick's face change into a darkening storm of anger.

"Where the fuck was Bruce?!" Dick snapped and Liliana was shaking her head and he looked at her. "The nightmares, you yelling at me to get out yesterday... was that you just seeing someone else then?" He asked and Liliana was nodding slightly and he handed the shuriken back to her, and she felt his arms around her in a hug.

"I don't remember much after that to be honest. I remember someone picking me up, then being carried... I woke up in my room." Liliana murmured and she still wasn't sure why she was hesitant to tell Dick about Jason, maybe it was because she was more then a little bit scared of what his reaction would be like. Could be as cool as a cucumber, could be as explosive as the atomic bomb. She wasn't sure that she wanted to be in the same room when he exploded out of that same sheer rage. "Victoria got me out of there alive, barely."

"You should stay away from Bruce." Dick growled in anger and Liliana sighed softly.

"He is my legal guardian, Dick. There isn't much that I could do. Until I'm 18 at least, Bruce is my legal guardian in the eyes of the law." Liliana pointed out.

"I am a legal adult." Dick replied evenly and Liliana looked at her brother, who stood up. "I could get you transferred into my custody, I have friends who could help me with it." He said and she was scoffing.

"Two days ago, you were screaming at me for wanting to find you and how it wasn't your fault that you left, that Bruce drove you away. What would stop you from saying the same thing and just sending me right back to Bruce in a fit of rage one day?" Liliana countered and Dick looked upset at the accusations and she was shaking her head. "Just go help Dawn and Hank with their case, will you?" She asked quietly and Dick seemed to recognize that she was hurting, as he was turning around and walking out. Dick shut the door behind him and she saw a familiar name on the screen of her phone. "Can I call you back later Dawson?" Liliana asked as she accepted the call.

"Sure thing kiddo. Whenever you're ready to talk." Victoria murmured and Liliana hung up the phone, as Victoria looked over her shoulder to see Jason and Carmen standing there, behind the two of them was Bruce. "Something tells me that she is hurting, badly." Victoria said and they all dispersed.

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