|Chapter XCII: Once A Titan|

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Liliana's watch beeped with the timer and she grumbled under her breath as she had a feeling that all across the fear-ridden city of Gotham, the Titans were mobilizing and now all of their plans were being put into motion.

"Jason." She said and Jason grumbled from where he was half-asleep on the couch next to her. "Jason." She poked him in the ribs and in response, he moved away as best as he could from the poking and he slowly opened his eyes, blinking as he did.

"It is seriously the time to go for it already? That really didn't feel like a few hours." Jason muttered as she moved over to let him have his arms free from where she had been leaning on them, as he stretched his arms out and grumbled again. "Ow... You remember where we were supposed to meet him?" He asked and Liliana nodded quickly, as she hopped up and tossed him the duffel bag with his stuff in it.

"Damn right. Let's get going." Liliana said and Jason shrugged, as Liliana disappeared into the bathroom to shower and change. Liliana changed in record time and she swiftly tied up her hair in a long ponytail, as she looked briefly at her reflection in the mirror.

Liliana sighed heavily at the sight of the dark bags under her eyes and the bruises that marked up her shoulders and her arms.

Not to mention all of the twisting scars and bullet scars that were all over her body and she was glancing at her trembling hands.

As she saw that they were not just scarred up and that every one of her knuckles were scabbed over as was unfortunately, was the usual case with her.

A knock came at the door and Liliana looked over her shoulder at the door. "You okay in there Lili?" Jason asked through the door and Liliana looked back at her reflection, before she pulled on a jacket over her suit and she opened the door. "You ready to go now?" Jason asked.

"Yeah, let's go." Liliana murmured and he handed her the weapons, as she slid her escrima into the holsters on either leg, as she took the bo-staff back from him and she was holding it briefly in her hands, before they were walking out and Jason left his helmet at home.

Liliana looked at the bandage that was covering her stomach and Jason glanced at her, as Liliana spotted Dick standing not too far from where they were told to meet him. "What's the plan, big brother?" She asked and Dick sighed, shaking his head. "I'm not going to like this one bit, am I?" Liliana asked.

"Probably not. Hey, you don't suddenly have a fear of guns now just because of your bad luck at being shot twice in the same week, do you?" Dick asked and in a split second, Liliana had grabbed one of Jason's handguns and it was pointed between Dick's eyes, as he chuckled quietly.

"That answer your question?" Liliana asked and Dick shrugged, as Liliana handed the gun back to Jason who put it away again.

"Also, no, I don't." Liliana replied to the question and answered it just for the sake of answering, as she crossed her arms over her chest. "So, Dick, what's the plan?" She asked again and Dick looked at her.

"How much do you trust me with your lives at stake?" Dick asked and Liliana hesitated.

| "Crane Manor"

1 Hour later... |

"I hate this plan already." Liliana muttered and Jason looked at her, as they were both being frog-marched into the kitchen where Fletcher and a whole lot more of the corrupt Gotham City Police Department were watching the house and Liliana was pushed forward into the counter, as she had her hands cuffed in front of her with zip-ties and she couldn't use her hands to stop, so her face crashed into it.

Liliana gritted her teeth to keep her cry of annoyance and half-pain to herself, as she managed to stand up straight and Jason moved one of his arms around to support her.

"Doctor? Red Hood and his young little bird are here." The very sound of Fletcher's voice, made Liliana want to force his head through the meat grinder nearby in the kitchen, but she forced herself to stay calm and collected and most importantly, buy more time for the rest of the plan to go to work.

"Yes, thank you Doctor." Fletcher tapped the Bluetooth in his ear to shut it off and he looked at the two, who were staring him down like rabid dogs. "Keep them here, I'm going to check around outside to make sure that nobody else is waiting around outside." Fletcher ordered and shoved into the two of them as he went by, which sent Liliana into the counter with a growl of annoyance.

Liliana got up and as soon as the alarms started going off at a clearly unexpected and unauthorized entry, the two of them moved.

The cops were disarmed and taken down with a variety of moves, and Liliana held out Jason's handguns and he put them away as Liliana crouched down next to one of the cops and she tried to rather awkwardly get her weapons back, since her hands were still zip-tied.

"Hey, just hold still for a second there." Jason said and Liliana saw a knife in his hand and she held out the cuffed hands.

Jason's knife cut through them quickly and Liliana flexed her fingers to make sure that everything was still working. "Do you want to be the one to take down Fletcher?" He asked and she grabbed her weapons back from the unconscious police.

"That fucking coward shot me. If I get the chance, I'll kill him for it." Liliana snapped coldly and Jason shrugged a little, as they made their way quickly through the hallways as the alarms had stopped. "Ten bucks says that it's Gar." Liliana murmured quietly and as soon as they rounded the corner, Gar was snarling. "Whoa, easy! Jason's with me." Liliana said and Gar looked between the two briefly.

"Your six!" Jason called out in a sharp warning and Liliana flattened herself to the wall without any hesitation in the slightest, as Jason shot the corrupt cop dead on the spot, that had been trying to shoot either Liliana or Gar, it was hard to tell.

"See? Dick sent us." Jason said and Liliana put her hand against the wall, as a scanner took the shape of her hand. "Wait, what is that?" Jason asked and Liliana looked at him, before she turned her face back to the scanner and a door the same color as the wall was opened a crack.

"What do you think it is, Jason? It's a secret door with weapons behind it, what fucking house of a justice dispenser, do you think we are breaking into?" Liliana didn't wait for his answer, and she went along and retrieved many knives, gadgets and shuriken that she had compiled over the years.

"I have got the left." Jason said and Liliana nodded, as she handed him a box and he cracked it open to see a whole bunch of shuriken, most of them shaped like the letter "R" for Robin and in the box it even had a couple of batarangs in it.

"We will watch the hallway, Gar, just let me know if you need help with the mainframe." Liliana said and Gar nodded, as Liliana shut the hidden door and it sealed itself again, as she ducked to hide to the right as Jason took the other side of the hallway.

"Does Bruce even know about that cache of weapons?" Jason asked her under his breath, as Liliana snorted a little.

"You think that he would approve of it? Of course he doesn't know." Liliana mumbled and as GCPD came running to attack Gar who was working at the router, Liliana quieted and she made a few hand signals at Jason, who was nodding.

Liliana's bo-staff snapped out and as the GCPD stopped and raised all their guns, they were still far, far too late as she took down three of them within a few seconds with a few hits from her staff and Jason shot the last one in the head.

"Nice shot Jase, but this won't be the last of it." She said as Jason nodded at her and Liliana collapsed her bo-staff as her hand was resting on the bullet wound that was still healing.

"You should take over the router... it might be bleeding again." Jason said and Liliana was clearly in pain, but she shook her head.

"I'm fine. Just got hit once with a punch, I'll be fine." Liliana said as she returned to her position on the right side of the hallway.

"Whatever Lili." Jason remarked.

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