|Chapter XXXIX: Kory loses it|

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Kory had a hand wrapped around Liliana's throat and a hand around Gar's, as Liliana was kicking out and she was choking and no matter how much her training had prepared her for these types of situations, Kory was six times stronger than any normal human being and she showed no signs of letting go. "Kory!" Liliana pleaded and she let out a loud cry, as suddenly Dick threw open the door.

"Kory, what are you--" Dick was thrown back by the force of Gar hitting him, as Liliana was thrown through the front window and to her shock, she landed in the arms of Victoria, who was shaking her head at her. Liliana hugged Victoria with tears falling down her face and the girl sighed, shaking her head.

"I have to get back in there." Liliana choked out and Victoria sighed quietly, as she put Liliana down onto the patio and Liliana stumbled back into the house, only to see that Victoria and Dick hadn't been alone when they came running in.

"Stop." Donna Troy's voice was calm and cool, absolutely sure of what she was saying as her lasso was restraining Kory by the neck and no matter how hard Kory was yanking on the rope, Donna stayed steady and she managed to knock out Kory with a single punch. As soon as she stood up, Liliana jumped at her for a flying hug and Donna sighed. "Hey kiddo." She murmured softly and accepted the hug.

"Thank you." Liliana whispered and Donna was nodding, as Liliana ran to Dick and hugged him immediately. "Dick." She said and he returned the hug at once, as she was tightly hugging him and she was shaking, scared out of her mind.

"You all right?" Dick went to ask Gar of all people first, which put a bit of a dent in Liliana's confidence as she moved to stand next to Victoria and Donna, who was retrieving her lasso from where she had used it to subdue Kory without any visible trouble.

"Yeah. Nice catch." Gar gasped as he was helped up by Dick, who was looking around at the carnage in the living room and Liliana was hiding half behind Donna and half behind Victoria, who were her chosen two in this situation apparently.

"What happened?" Dick asked immediately.

"She tried to kill us." Liliana whispered hoarsely and as soon as Kory came to, she was driving away in the truck that they had stolen the night before.

After checking on her one more time, Donna, Victoria and Dick got into Donna's vehicle and drove away from the house and started to follow Kory, while Liliana had found herself in one of the guest rooms with her suitcase and her weapons, as she was leaning back onto the bed and she was shaking her head, as she put her head on the pillow and hoped that sleep would eventually come for her.

|On the Road|

"You are making too many excuses for her." Donna declared to Dick, as she was relying on Victoria to hold the phone and to navigate.

"She took a left about two miles up." Victoria called out to Donna, as she watched the phone and Dick looked over his shoulder at her. "Do you want to navigate? If not, then stop staring at me Grayson Senior." She said and Dick rolled his eyes, as he focused his head back on the road again in front of them, as Donna continued to drive.

"Hang a right." Victoria stated and they reached a warehouse, as Kory had stopped and Victoria handed her phone back to Donna, as she took her lasso out of her bag and she had it in the inside of her jacket, in case she needed it and she was shaking her head at the sight of Kory, who was glaring at them.

"Who are they?" Kory demanded to know.

"I am the one that knocked you out." Donna Troy said evenly as Victoria stood on Donna's left and Victoria stared at Kory with a dark look on her face, as she had her fists clenched in the pockets of her jacket.

"And I am the one, whose best fucking friend you just threw through a fucking window, just over an hour ago." Victoria snapped sharply at Kory, who seemed to recognize her and Kory looked a bit upset, until anger took over again.

"I bet that you can't do it again." Kory said and Donna put a hand on Victoria's shoulder, as the younger half-Themysciran was ready to kill Kory if she tried insulting any one of them again, and she was infuriated at the sight of Kory being all casual about it.

"Victoria Dawson." Donna warned her calmly and Victoria was quick to drop her head slightly at the warning, but she was very clearly still ashamed of herself and she backed up a step or two to let the adults handle it.

"Kory, whatever this is that you are going through, please, let us help." Dick said at once and Kory stared at Victoria, who was staring back at her with a calmer gaze but there was still a fire in it, a fire that was burning with anger but it was more controlled this time.

Kory opened the doors to the warehouse and they all walked into the warehouse, unsure of what they would find but knowing damn well, that they needed to figure it out before Kory was going on a rampage again.

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