|Chapter LXVI: Robin Lost|

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| Wayne Manor,

Gotham City,

Three Months Later |

Liliana was soundly asleep and curled up tightly in Jason's bed where she had fallen asleep, after hearing him having trouble sleeping repeatedly. Liliana woke up after a shaky feeling in her gut, that she had come to rely on heavily when she had a feeling that something was wrong and she looked at her phone, which was ringing and it looked like she had multiple missed calls.

"Lili Grayson." She said when she answered the phone.

"Hey Liliana, it's Barbara." Liliana sighed with relief when she heard that it was Barbara, as Liliana looked over to her right and she realized that Jason was no longer there. "Hey, listen kiddo, I have got some bad news." Barbara said and Liliana raised her eyebrows.

"All right. Sure, B, just let me get Jason-" Liliana started as she stood up.

"The news... it is about Jason, Liliana." Barbara's suddenly shaking tone of voice pulled Liliana to a solid standstill, as she was standing up and halfway to the door. "He went after the Joker on his own kiddo, and we just found him. Here at the Gotham Pier." She said and Liliana didn't like where this conversation appeared to be headed.

"Is he okay?" Liliana asked and she heard police chattering in the background and Liliana's fist was clenching at her side, as she waited for the news. "Commissioner Gordon, is he okay?!" The demand in her voice was hard to miss and Barbara's silence was hard to miss. "Oh god, no." She whispered.

"I am... so sorry, Lili. But he is gone." Barbara said and Liliana felt like a hole had been punched through her chest, as she staggered and dropped onto her knees. A strangled sort of screaming cry, it tore through her throat and Liliana buried her head in her hands, as she rocked back and forth. "Liliana?" Barbara questioned.

"Get the fucking Joker back to Arkham before Eagle gets there." Liliana's voice was broken, but her anger was clear and Liliana hung up the phone, as she stormed down the hallway and kicked open the door to the Bat-Cave, as she got into her suit and she slipped on a newly added mask to the mix.

Liliana drove off on the motorcycle that she had built mostly herself, as she weaved her way through traffic and despite her not officially having a license, nobody questioned it when Eagle rode through on a motorcycle despite not looking old enough to drive one. She stopped it next to the pier and she saw the cop cars driving away, assuming that at least one of them held the Joker and she stormed through the crowd, who pushed back once they saw who it was.

"I'm sorry, but you can't just walk-" Eagle's shock baton punched him in the gut and the idiotic new cop went flying backward, as Eagle ducked under the line and she walked over to where the cops who knew her were standing.

"Right over there." A loud cackle came from behind Eagle and she saw that the Joker was standing there, surrounded by an army of cops and Eagle was being restrained by Barbara Gordon herself, as Eagle wanted nothing more than to beat the crap out of him. "No." The Commissioner ordered, as Eagle was turning to her with something like truly, indescribable pain in her eyes.

"Where is he?" She asked and Barbara led her over to where the body lay, as Eagle's shoulders were trembling. "Weapon?" Eagle whispered and Barbara pointed at the bloodied crowbar that was sitting on the ground, as Eagle crouched down next to the body of her best friend and she was shaking her head. "Why didn't you just wait for me?" She whispered and she trembled, as she was holding her head in her hands and she broke down once again.

Barbara waved the cameras away and Eagle shook her head, as Barbara lifted her eyebrows in shock and surprise at her head shaking. "Bring them back please, Commissioner, I have a few things to say." She said and despite the hollow tone, Barbara sensed the resolve in her voice and she nodded, waving the cameras back over to her.

"Eagle, how do you think that your mentor will react?" One of the reporters asked and Eagle looked directly at her, before she looked back at the cameras and the reporters looked confused at the lack of speaking.

"This is a great loss, a blow that cannot possibly be undone. Robin is an integral part of this city, one of the main reasons why the crime rate has gone down considerably in Gotham. I know that just as I am, Batman will be devastated at the loss of our brother in arms, our best friend. But I also declare, that this city will never see another Robin," gasps came from all around Eagle, but still she continued speaking. "The original Robin was lost and now, we have Robin dead in front of us. The Robin mantle is cursed and from now on, Gotham City, they will never see another young person die taking up the mantle of Robin. I will not allow it to happen." With that, Eagle was walking away and despite all of the questions for her, she slipped the motorcycle helmet on over her head and she drove off swiftly, unwilling to answer anything else... especially since she would have to answer to Bruce's utter rage soon enough.

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