|Chapter LXII: Back to Normal|

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| Location: Wayne Manor

Gotham City, a week later |

"Has Jason give any word yet to you, on when he will be returning?" Bruce asked as Liliana was practicing her severe lack of sword-fighting technique with a wooden weapon and she was shaking her head at him.

"No clue. He is with Rose anyway, so I don't really care. All I know is that he is definitely still in Gotham. The only question is where exactly that they are." Liliana said and she cursed loudly, as she hit herself with the sword again and she was shaking her head. "If this blade was real, I would have lost all of my damn limbs already." She said and was shaking her head in annoyance and frustration, as she dropped the weapon.

"You should stick to the bo-staff." Liliana's scoff echoed through the Bat-Cave and she turned to look over at the voice that came from the direction of the main entrance from the stairwell and she looked at Bruce, who had a similarly surprised look on his face.

"Speak of the devil and thou shall appear." Liliana stated and she walked over to Jason, who dropped his duffel bag and gave her a hug. "What the hell happened to your face?" She asked when she spotted the blood underneath his nose and Jason sighed.

"It is really good to be home again, let's put it that way." Jason murmured and she didn't even need to know the details about it, as she hugged him and he was smiling. "Any chance you want to steal me some beer?" He asked and she rolled her eyes at him, as she picked up his bag and she slung it across her shoulders.

"Come on, let's get you some food then." Liliana remarked and Jason followed her up the stairs back to the main part of the manor and Liliana was whistling as she walked, which had Jason looking around for the source of the new noise. "It's me, idiot." She muttered and Jason looked at her with a surprised look, before he shrugged and continued down the hallway.

"What did I miss?" Jason questioned and Liliana snorted, shaking her head at the words as she kicked open the kitchen door. "That much fun, huh?" He asked with a deadpan and Liliana was shaking her head.

"He was honestly going to send me out on the streets one night to look for you, but Alfred convinced him to not send me out, claiming something about a fragile mind." She muttered under her breath and opened the fridge, as she looked through the fridge. "You have a very fragile mind, Miss Grayson, I'm not sure that you should even be fighting at the moment." The accent that had once sent both her and Jason into stitches from laughter, it didn't have much of an effect anymore and she was shaking her head. "Pasta's up top." She muttered and she hopped up onto the counter, balancing on the edge and she managed to knock down the big bowl, as Jason was ready and waiting to catch it.

"Are you okay?" Jason questioned as Liliana split the pasta into two bowls and she looked at him silently, as she hopped off of the counter and she shut the fridge door. "Are you mad at me for ditching you with Bruce on your own?" He guessed.

"What made you come back?" Liliana avoided the questions that he shot at her with another question, as Jason crossed his arms over his chest with the familiar air of "I'm prepared to play twenty questions" and she looked at him. "You could have gone and left, you're legal to leave already anyways." She reminded him and she took her pasta bowl and left the kitchen. "And I'm still gonna be stuck." Her voice was quiet, barely audible as she left the kitchen but Jason had plenty of practice picking up on her quiet voice.

"Lili." He caught up to her and she shook off his hand and he managed to get around her and stand in her direct path and she raised her eyebrows at him. "Look, you can't just run from your probl-"

"You're one to talk." Liliana shot back and Jason looked surprised at the anger in her voice that made it clear, she was done with it. "Get out of my way or I'll make you move." She warned and at the words, he simply shrugged, putting the food to the side and she scoffed. "Really?"

"If I win, you need to be honest." Jason said and Liliana put her food to the side and she was shaking her head at him, at the familiar stubbornness that tended to show in both of the Robins that she knew or in general, just Batman's sidekicks altogether.

"Back at you." Liliana retorted and predictably, Jason made the first move and Liliana blocked the hard swing and her foot crashed into his ribs. Jason winced and Liliana almost felt bad at the sight, before she was on the ground hard, as she rolled to the side, barely avoiding the hard kick that was sent at the floor where she had been. Liliana swung her legs out and Jason crashed to the floor, as the two were back on their feet swiftly and fighting down the hallway.

Liliana saw the leg sweep too late and she hit the ground hard, as Jason caught her arm and held it in an armlock and Liliana cursed. "Come on, just tap out already." Jason said and Liliana growled in annoyance, but she hit the floor twice and he let her go. "And don't say that you let me win." He said and she grumbled, as she quickly rotated her arm to make sure that everything was still working right.

"Liliana, you need to come down here. At once." Bruce's voice was heard over the loudspeaker and Liliana looked confused, as she cracked her shoulder. "Now, there is something you need to be made aware of." His voice continued.

Liliana raced to the living room and moved the clock hands quickly, as she jogged down the passageway and she came into the Bat-Cave. "What is it, Bruce? I was just going to have some dinner--" Liliana saw Victoria with her head hung low in the Bat-Cave along with Bruce and her eyes widened. "What happened, V?" She asked and Victoria trembled.

"Donna...  Liliana, she is dead." Victoria whispered and Liliana was silent for a moment, before the cry that came from her throat was a sound out of hell. Liliana turned around and ran she was racing up the same way that she had come and she was choking on pain, grief and the agony of losing someone.

It was only after she got to her room, that she let out a horrifying cry and she slammed her head against the wall, sobbing as she leaned against the wall next to the window and, the door to her room creaked open. Liliana looked up through blurry eyes and she recognized it was Jason, as he walked over and without asking anything she felt his arms around her.

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