|Chapter XCI: Intelligence|

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|Gotham Police Department|

Thomas and June were working with the A.R.G.U.S agents, just to try to find the bombs planted and thanks to Vee knowing who they were, thanks to a certain leader of A.R.G.U.S, they didn't have to hide behind their masks.

"So, you two are the children, the son and daughter of the, Green Arrow, of Starling City?" Vee asked and the twins groaned, before they nodded quickly. "Well, considering who Roy Harper was before he became the leader of A.R.G.U.S..."

"We are trying to focus here, Vee, if you don't mind!" June snapped at her and Vee looked stunned at the sudden anger and June sighed heavily. "I-I'm sorry. It has been a rough couple of months, what do you have for us to work with, Commissioner?" She asked as Barbara wheeled herself into their private room.

"Nothing yet. Have you two been able to contact anybody, of your sort of network?" Barbara asked and June's loud ringtone blared out in her pocket as soon as Barbara asked.

Thomas' phone rang out at the same time and they both checked their cell phones. "Dad." June said bluntly.

"I have got Roy. Switch?" Thomas asked and the two switched phones as they each picked up the others' cell phones. "Hey Dad, what can I do for you?"

"Harper, we have a bit of an emergency going on here in Gotham right now. As you know, since you are here by proxy with all of your A.R.G.U.S agents working around the clock from within the GCPD." June said bluntly.

After annoying the people on their other end of the phones for just long enough, the twins hung up and gave their phones back to each other.

"Is he going to talk to us again then?" Thomas asked and June was glancing at him with raised eyebrows a little.

"Oh, you mean Roy? Yeah, obviously he will talk to us again. He will be all pissy for a few days, then he will talk to us again. You know the rule that we put in place with him. Annoy him and the maximum amount of time is three days." June reminded her brother and Thomas chuckled.

"He likes you a lot more than me June, you know that." Thomas was remarking and June rolled her eyes at him.

"He trained me, not a big deal. We have a job to do, let's do it." June said and back to business they were, as it was Barbara's turn to contact Dick, as they tried to get the information to the group of Titans.

"What do you have?" Dick's voice came out of the speaker phone as the quartet was listening in on their end of it.

"Not much. We don't know exactly but judging by it, could be dealing with anywhere from 500 people, all the way up to 2500 dead." Barbara explained and Dick sighed.

"We are working on it from our end, to try and figure out where the bombs are set. Has anyone heard from Liliana? She was supposed to be studying all this." Dick muttered.

"I can call her, see if she has brought up anymore possible information that we might be missing." June offered as she got a nod from Barbara and Vee, but she was waiting for a definite verbal confirmation from Dick.

"Go ahead. Call her and see if she has found or turned up with just... just about anything to help us with this." Dick said and June walked out of the room, and she dialed Liliana's cellphone number and waited.

"Liliana Grayson." The voice on the other end of the phone sounded very exhausted, as June sighed.

"Dick wants to know if you got anything done on the poem or the bombs' locations?" June asked and another yawn was heard, along with a painful sounding grunt. "Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, just tired. Dick... the bastard sent me a message saying that you all didn't even need my help. Ow, watch it!" She said painfully.

"Is someone with you?" June asked automatically, as Liliana grunted in pain. "Liliana, what's going on?" She asked again.

"I'm just trying to change my bandages. I got shot the other day at the GCPD, didn't you hear?" June was snorting.

"Fine. I'll just tell Dick that you didn't find anything. Good luck." June said a bit suspiciously, as she hung up after hearing another jaw breaking yawn.

"Did Liliana find out anything?" It became apparent that Dick was still on the line as June rolled her eyes, as she jogged into the room.

"Apparently she has messages from you, saying that you didn't need her to look around for it, since you had the rest of the team and us working on it all." June explained and Dick sighed.

"I didn't really mean it, but yes, I could see how she would confuse it." Dick explained and June sighed a little bit. "I'll call you guys right back." He hung up and June looked at the two of them as Thomas came bounding it from wherever he had been hiding.

"I just called and I managed to check a few things, with a few of the Justice League contacts that are still willing to work with a legacy and they didn't have very good news for me. Apparently the only known cure was manufactured by Batman and his contact, Lucius Fox? Unfortunately for us, he is not in town anymore. The two of them only made a few sparing doses in order to inoculate select people against the virus. One of them was the Bat himself, one was given to the one that you call Ghost or Liliana Grayson and apparently there is two more doses. Unfortunately, we can't replicate them because they are hidden inside of a compartment in the Batcave, that only Batman, Nightwing, Robin, Eagle or Wonder Kid can open. Anyone else tries it and the safe will self-destruct along with anything else being held in it." Thomas explained and June sighed heavily.

"We know how to contact two of those people. But the question is, can we convince them to sneak into the Batcave with fucking Scarecrow in it?" June asked and the chances of them being able to manufacture a cure without an original sample, is next to none.

"What if we didn't need the actual syringe itself?" Thomas wondered and June looked over at him with lifted eyebrows. "Liliana is already inoculated, her blood must be potent enough with it, to make a cure out of." Thomas explained and June sighed heavily.

"It's a good idea, but she is still just a kid. How much blood are we talking about?" June asked and Thomas lifted his shoulders a little bit. "I'm not calling her back to the GCPD, just so that she can become a lab rat, Thomas!" She snapped at once on the defensive of her younger friend, as her brother sighed.

"Fine. We have to find another way, then." Thomas muttered.

"Damn right we do, let's get on it then." June said and Thomas turned back to the phones, as June continued on her typing spree.

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