|Chapter XCV: The Others|

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|Bruce's Airfield|

Thomas braked and parked the vehicle about 50 feet away from the airfield and Liliana opened the door quickly. "Thanks Tommy, I'll be back in a few." She said and he nodded at her, and then as she took off running toward the airfield, she spotted the big-ass RV comin' toward the airplane hangar.

Liliana managed to get there a few seconds before they started to board and load up onto the RV, as she was lucky that her cardiovascular system was so tough. "Don't leave without me." She coughed and Dick laughed lightly at her, as he opened his arms up to her for a hug.

Liliana walked into them and she hugged him tightly, as she smiled a little bit. "You gonna be okay out here, in the big wide world on your own?" Dick asked and Liliana hit him in the gut and he winced. "Ouch." He said and he let her go.

"I'm not going to be alone. I'm heading out with the twins, Carmen and Jason... maybe if you wanted to come V?" Liliana asked and Victoria smiled a little bit. "I would ask all of you, but I would feel awkward about asking in front of my brother." She said and Dick scoffed.

"Is that offer of yours still open for going with you?" Victoria asked and Liliana made a whole big-ass show of checking her watch.

"Nah, it expired already." Liliana said with a completely straight face as the group stared at her, until Liliana and Victoria busted out laughing together as a pair.

"So... Jason's going with you?" Dick had to make it awkward and Liliana's eyes rolled.

"With due respect, screw you big brother." Liliana said and she moved over to hug Kory. "I'm sorry that I was such a bitch." She murmured and the Tamaranian sighed, shaking her head at him.

"You weren't being a bitch, you were just protecting your own. I understand that, I think that we all do by now." Kory said and Liliana was smiling faintly, as she looked over her shoulder at Rachel.

"That goes for you too, Rachel, I am real sorry." Liliana admitted with an apologetic smile and Rachel opened her arms with lifted eyebrows. "But I am not hugging you." Gar laughed at that and Liliana smiled as she clapped hands with Gar quickly.

"Take care of Jason, will you?" Gar asked and Liliana nodded slightly as she clapped him on the back and she sighed, as she was once again now standing right in front of Donna with a sad smile on her face.

"Don't cry, kiddo. Please." Donna said and Liliana didn't cry but she still looked like she was going to, and she threw her arms around Donna in a massive hug. "You gonna be all right?" Donna asked and Liliana briefly nodded, as she sniffled a little.

"Goodbyes fucking suck." Liliana mumbled and Victoria laughed a little bit, and Liliana saluted Conner briefly as she crouched down and scratched Krypto behind the ears. "Now would you all just get going, you guys have a long drive ahead." She reminded the Titans and Dick smiled faintly.

"You even know where you are going yet?" Dick asked after they were the last ones in the airfield and Victoria had already gotten into their other team's car.

"Nope. But if you need me or need to talk to someone, I am here to talk for any reason... And of course as your little sister, to annoy the ever-living fuck out of you." Liliana said and Dick laughed a little, as he moved his arms around her again. "I'm serious, D, just call me every once and a while." She whispered and he nodded.

"Here." Liliana's eyes widened at the sight of him holdin' out one of his few specialty shuriken that were in his Nightwing symbol shape. "I know you collect them. You even have a wonder star from Donna and a batarang from Bruce, so take this one." Dick said and Liliana grinned as she took the deadly tool-weapon from him with a smile.

"Don't ostracize your team." She said and he nodded as Thomas honked the horn and Dick walked away up into the RV after Tim Drake had boarded it, as Thomas pulled up in the truck and Victoria flung open the door.

"Get in already!" Victoria shouted at her and Liliana rolled her eyes, and Victoria hopped out of the vehicle to allow Liliana in first.

"Take care of the Little Grayson!"

The entire team of Titans, including Donna and Blackfire shouted as she was embarrassed beyond all belief, and Thomas drove off when Victoria had hopped back in and the door had shut.

"So, T, where exactly are we going now?" Liliana asked as Thomas was continuing to drive, while the music blared all around them in the truck.

"Well, I do have a fairly solid lead from Roy that we can follow as an group, but for now, we should meet the others." Thomas remarked and Liliana raised her eyebrows at the words.

"Thomas, what do you mean by "the others?" Jason asked as Liliana leaned her head onto his arm, and one of her earbuds was in her ear, and the other hung loose.

"I didn't tell you guys? A few of us legacies of the Justice League, we all banded together a few years back and we made our own group. We have people all over on most continents, we even have a couple of people in Antarctica. We haven't really found a names for ourselves yet, but we were thinking about... the Centurions." Thomas said and they all looked at him, as Liliana chuckled.

"What in the holy fucking hell have I just gotten us all into?" She asked and the words set off both Jason and then Victoria in hysterical laughter, as she eventually caved in and started laughing right along with them.

"Never knew that the Little Grayson could set off so much laughter." Thomas said from the passenger seat, where him and June had switched places.

Liliana had no fear about leaning forward in her seat and slapping him upside the head. "Ow! Fuck that hurt, are you on steroids?!" She hit him again and Thomas grunted.

"It's your face, Thomas, if you want to keep on insulting her. Remember who she was raised by and much more importantly to our current situation, who she is related to." Jason had a way with words in that situation, as Liliana slipped her headphones on and she shut her eyes again.

"So if I hurt her, Dick would kill me?" Thomas asked and Jason looked at him, and he moved his arm around Liliana's shoulders, as Thomas looked on his other side and spotted a gun on his person.

"I wouldn't put it past him. He killed Fletcher, who shot Liliana. He would have killed Crane, if not for the fact that he didn't realize until almost a year and a half after the fact that Liliana was feeling the effects of fear... do you want me to keep going?"

"No thanks, I got the picture." That was the end of the conversation as the car continued to drive and for now, it was all well and peaceful.

Victoria was writing in a notebook and she looked over at Liliana who was sleeping peacefully and her eyes shifted to Jason, who was smiling down at Liliana with a sort of peaceful expression in his face that she had never seen before.

And so there we have it. The story of Liliana Mary Grayson. Younger sister of Dick Grayson, adopted child of Bruce Wayne. The child who grew up too fast, who became known of her family's secret identities far too young.

From Little Bird to Eagle, she rose up and conquered everything in her path that dared to appear.

Starting out fearing for everyone else in their household, before being dealt untold trauma from fear gas... finding a living anchor to find a way to hang on.

Emancipated at the age of very nearly 17, Liliana Grayson is starting a new chapter of her life and right here, right now in this car as I write this...

I am pleased to say that I am lucky enough to be a part of the first steps in her journey to becoming the amazing person that she is meant to be.

This will not be the last that we see of the Little Grayson, but it might just be the last times that we are allowed to refer to her by it.

Victoria shut the book and tucked the pen away, and she put it back into her bag as she spotted that Jason had also fallen asleep and she was smiling at the sight.

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