|Chapter LXVIII: Broken Wayne|

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"He seriously asked you to be Robin again?!" Liliana was outraged at the audacity of Bruce Wayne, as she was practically exploding in rage.

"Lili, just chill out, all right? I shut him down real fast and then, I left it alone from there. I would never take back the Robin Mantle, you know that. And even if I did, it is way, way too soon for someone else to take it up." Dick reminded her and he held out a box to her. "I found this in Jason's room at the Tower. It had your name on it, I guess he left it behind." He explained and Liliana took the box in silence, as she looked at it, all of the anger gone in an instant. "I figured that he would have been happier if I gave it to you."

"Thanks Dick." Liliana was barely audible, but her eyes showed all of it clearly enough and he nodded slightly at her. "Did Barbara come over, last night?" She asked quietly and Dick, he smiled a little.

"Yeah, she did. Thomas and June joined us for drinks, you should have come down. We were toasting to Jason and all of his, er..." Dick didn't seem to have a word for it and Liliana chuckled quietly, but there was no humor in it.

"Exploits?" Liliana hesitantly filled in the word, and Dick nodded slightly at her. "Did he have a list?" Dick's facial expression changed at the question and from that alone, Liliana had her answer.

"Ranging from kids who were not much older than I was when I started at 12, to the age that Jason would be now and everywhere in between." He said and Liliana clenched her fist that wasn't holding the box at her side and she looked silently down at the floor in shame, but not for herself. "Hey Lil, have you been down there since..."

Liliana shook her head and Dick sighed at her. "Dick, please don't make me go down there." She pleaded as he sighed, but he nodded and she moved her arms around him in a hug. "You aren't staying, are you?" She asked in a small voice and Dick didn't need to say anything, Liliana could already tell the answer by his body language and she took a shuddering inhale.

"Do your friends still have the ability to transfer my custody to yours rather than Bruce's?" She asked quietly as he smiled a little.

"You sure? You would be back in the Tower with Gar, Kory, Conner, Krypto, the Titans. Are you sure?" Dick asked and Liliana sighed.

"Either that or sign off on me being emancipated." Liliana murmured and Dick looked down at her.

"I can't believe that you will be fucking seventeen in a couple of short months." Dick murmured and Liliana sighed, nodding a little bit.

"I'm pretty sure that I could get used to Gar. It just might take me a week or at least a few days before I get used to his snark again." Liliana murmured as Dick laughed.

"Maybe I'll go with the emancipation option. You already work, behind the scenes for a computer company right?" Dick questioned and Liliana was nodding, as he pulled out a notepad and Liliana scoffed.

"Once a cop, always a cop." She remarked and Dick stuck out his tongue at her, as she was smiling a little. "I'm not being a horrible kid by asking to be emancipated, am I?" She asked in a small voice and Dick shook his head at her, as he reached over to quickly mess up her hair. "Hey!" She complained and he laughed.

"I just wish that I had tried to get emancipated at your age." Dick said quietly, as Liliana grinned at him and they got to work.

After Dick had simply decided to just sleep on the floor of his old room as to not disturb Liliana in her new space, the two siblings were sleeping in the same room for the first time in years and apparently, they weren't having a problem with it.

At least that is, until the sound of a loud clattering sound woke them both up and Liliana's eyes were terrified in the darkness, as the two siblings woke up in various states. Liliana was full of anger, pain and fear that made her ready to fight at the drop of a hat sort of, while Dick was very clearly still partially in the dream world.

"Bruce?" Dick asked after spotting their adopted father standing in the doorway with a crowbar in his hands and Liliana's eyes widened, when the smell of blood hit her nose and it was terrifying to her. "Bruce, what's going on?" Dick asked again, in more detail this time and Bruce looked at him.

"I ended it." Bruce wasted no words and Liliana moved her legs around to stand up and in the dim light behind Bruce, she could see that his clothes were covered in blood and also, that the crowbar in his hands was drippin' with it and it made Liliana want to go and puke. "I'm done, with all of it. I need you to fix it, finish the job. Be a better Batman." With that, Bruce dropped the crowbar and from Dick's place on the floor her brother jumped up and chased after Bruce, shouting his name.

All while Liliana was frozen solid from her half-risen position, it was as if she had been paralyzed in place by an unknown force. Her eyes were locked on the weapon on the ground and she was shuddering with fear and pain.

A bloody crowbar, lying next to the body by the docks. The Joker's laughter echoing, as Eagle, she was on her knees next to the body and her eyes were locked on the weapon.

Liliana backed up away from the weapon and she almost tripped on the corner of the bed, as she went to sit in the corner with terror in her eyes and she squeezed her eyes shut. "No. Not again." She whispered and she moved her hands up to her temples, and, she was crying once again.

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