|Chapter IX: Replacement|

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"But it's only been a week since..."

"It has been a week too long." Bruce announced coldly and Barbara didn't bother speaking over him again or even trying to, as Liliana kicked the motorcycle into gear and she ignored the tears that threatened to spill over. They were referring to Dick, plain and simple, as he had left nearly a week ago in the night without even saying goodbye to her.

Liliana drove up into the garage and she typed in the code, as the tunnel opened up and she drove down into the Bat-Cave and the tunnel filled in behind her. "What was so important that we had to come running back here?" She asked sharply as she cut the engine and she left the motorcycle against the wall, as she walked over.

Bruce was already showing someone around the Bat-Cave and Liliana shook her head. "You already found someone else. Unbelievable." She said coldly and Bruce looked over at her. She left her weapons by the door and was shaking her head.

"Don't judge a book by its cover, Eagle. You should know that by now." The clear tone in Bruce's voice was indicating that arguing with him about it would end well for no one, so Liliana simply shook her head again.

"Whatever. Don't get in my way." She said and pushed past them both, as she made her way to the computers and she dropped into the chair again. After a few moments, she got sick of their eyes on her and she spun around in the chair to face them. "What is it now?" Liliana snapped.

"You will be training him." Bruce said and Liliana groaned in annoyance, as she was shaking her head. "He needs extensive training, similar to the training that I gave you. Find his clear strengths and weaknesses." He said.

"You didn't train me. Dick did." Liliana spoke up and Bruce looked wounded at that statement, as she shook her head. "The only thing you ever taught me, was how to avoid the stupid parties that you love throwing so much." She said and Bruce handed her a training manual. "I'm not using this." Liliana said and threw it over her shoulder, where it crashed into the wall.

"Start with the tour. That doesn't require a manual for it." Bruce said and meanwhile as he was speaking to her, the supposed "New Robin" was looking around at the Bat Cave, as Bruce walked away and disappeared once again into the darkness.

"Who are you? So that I know who I'm touring around the damn Bat-Cave... and the manor house above it." Liliana said and the guy looked over at her with a shrug.

"Jason Todd." Liliana spat the water out of her mouth and was coughing, as she was shaking her head.

"That's unlucky. I already know that you suck at fighting against groups of people, and that the main thing that you pride yourself on is being able to get out of situations by talking yourself out of them. But I also know that the words usually just make the situation worse for you. Am I on the right track?" Liliana asked and Jason looked stunned.

"How do you know?..." Jason seemed stunned and Liliana nodded a little bit.

"I know more information, if you want me to keep going. I keep tabs on people for Bruce and doing so, is usually very informative at the end of the day. But I found most of your information when I saved your ass two years ago." She said and Jason's eyebrows lifted.

"You're Liliana? No way that Liliana was a vigilante, the girl was barely twelve." Jason seemed like he was in denial, which was understandable, considering she looked completely different then two years ago.

"I wasn't a vigilante back then, Jason Todd. I was just the adopted daughter of the first vigilante in Gotham City and the much younger sister of his sidekick. I only intervened because I had the surprise element on my side. How did Bruce even find you?" Liliana asked and Jason raised his eyebrows at her.

"I tried to steal the hubcaps off of the Bat-Mobile." Jason said and Liliana was shaking her head in disbelief, as she sighed. "I know, I know. That's what got me in trouble the last time that you saw me..."

"You are brutal." Liliana muttered and a familiar blur of motion came in. "Oh thank god. Here is Wonder Kid, who can take over the tour from here." She explained and Victoria stood up with a shake of her head.

"Sorry Lil, I'm busy." Victoria said and Liliana glared at her, but Victoria didn't blink as she disappeared.

"Looks like you are stuck with me." Jason said and Liliana flipped him off. "That wasn't very nice..." Jason was unprepared for her leg swinging out and he hit the ground hard, coughing and wheezing at the wind being knocked out of him.

"I'm stuck training you. It doesn't mean that I have to like it. Get up and follow me." Liliana said and Jason was coughing, as he finally got his wind back in his lungs and he scrambled up onto his feet to follow her again. "If you have a problem with it, talk to Bruce." She suggested unhelpfully, as Jason caught up to her.

"Is there a reason why you are so hostile?" Jason asked and Liliana continued to walk through the Bat-Cave, trying her best to completely ignore him. "Hey! What the fucking hell did I ever do to you?" He asked and Liliana stopped, as she looked at her shaking hands and she jammed the two into her pockets.

"You didn't do anything. Bruce is replacing my older brother like he was just nothing more then a simple tool in his artillery belt." Liliana shook her head and tears prickled at her eyes. "I'm not angry or... I'm not trying to be hostile toward you, Jason. I am just fucking angry at Bruce, because he drove my brother away."

"So I didn't do-"

"You didn't do shit to me, Jason. Now let's get on with the tour before an alarm goes off again and I get stuck back here babysitting you." Liliana remarked and the emotional side of her was gone instantly, as she continued walking. "You have a lot to learn before you can go back out on these streets as Robin." She called out over her shoulder and with a smirk on his face, Jason ran to catch up to her.

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