|Chapter LXXII: Painful Discussions|

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"There was a dead body. Jason's body lying on the ground, bloody, broken... I saw it, I was there when they took the Joker back to Arkham." Liliana said as her hands trembled around the cup of coffee that Dawn had made for her.

"Bruce saw it with his own eyes and so did Liliana, as Eagle and as herself normally." Dick backed up her claims and it was just the adults in the room, as Liliana was standing next to Dick.

"Maybe he was confused." Hank offered and it would have been a sort of viable scenario, that is, if they were not dealing with Bruce Wayne, master detective and Batman.

"Bruce doesn't do confused." Dawn shot Hank's words down, as she was sitting intentionally, just on the rather opposite side of the room from where he stood.

"I don't really want to say it, but--"

"It was him. It was Jason, I saw him. I also dug up his grave. There, wasn't a body." Dick said at once, cutting Kory off before she even finished her sentence and Liliana gulped.

"It was Jason. He fought like he did when he became Robin, street style. It was like he wanted me to figure it out, before anyone else. I don't think that he counted on you being there, Dick, I think that he was mainly looking for me." Liliana said as she looked up to her brother and Dick shook his head.

"You know him the best. But is he really the same Jason, as he was the last time that you saw him?" Dick asked and Liliana hesitated, as she shut her eyes briefly as she acted like she was struggling to recall it and in the process, tears began to fall down her face.

"I don't remember, Dick, I suppressed a lot of the night when he was killed. I only remember the call from Barbara, rushing to the docks, trying to kill the Joker and then- and then the body." It was a horrifying account and Liliana's hands came up to her head.

"Or he faked his death well enough to fool even Bruce." Dawn suggested and Liliana's eyes were welling up with fresh tears at the words.

"Maybe, but there is a big factor that we are forgetting here. Liliana was in that building, she was there at the scene of his death and you all saw how close they were, before they left the Tower. Liliana, is there any, any sort of possible way, that could he have fooled you like that?" Dick asked and Liliana wiped at her eyes quickly, as she put her coffee on the table and it was untouched.

"No." Liliana's answer was complete and they all looked at one another in silence for a moment.

"Either way, he sure as shit didn't do it on his own." Hank snapped and Liliana felt worry in her veins icing as it were and this was when she would have once gone running to Jason, but he wasn't there anymore.

"Whatever's happened, he has changed. The kid always has issues, but he was not a full-blown psychopath." Kory pointed out.

"He could be using." Dick suddenly suggested as Liliana looked up at him in surprise, lifting her eyebrows in surprise that she didn't think of it first at the time. "When I got to Gotham, I found a place where he was cooking. I tested a few samples in the computer, no hits." Dick stated.

"That could explain why his personality is so different from the Jason that we knew. Well... that I knew, I guess." Liliana murmured and they all looked at her.

"Fuck's sakes. Enough with the paralysis by analysis." Hank shouted and Liliana jumped out of her chair as she hid behind Dick, who looked over his shoulder at her, as she was quietly trembling.

"Everyone's just trying to figure out what the hell happened, Hank." Dawn snapped to try and keep him calm, as Liliana hesitantly poked her head out from behind Dick again.

"He is right on this. We have to figure out the how and the why later. Jason's out there, we need to stop him." Then suddenly, Liliana moved out from behind Dick and her eyes flared up with anger.

"You guys do what you want. But if it ends up him vs me, the kid is goin down." Hank snapped and Liliana looked at the other adults in the group as she was suddenly scared of what Hank might do.

"So now we're killing Jason?" Dawn asked.

"No!" Liliana cut sharply into the conversation before anyone could say anything else and they looked at her a bit stunned at the fierce reaction. "No, we aren't killing Jason." She said.

"You're too close to this, kid. You should find yourself a day job real quick, before we have to take you out too for being a Red Hood supporter." At Hank's words, Liliana broke down and she swiftly ran out of the room.

"Liliana, he didn't mean it." Dawn said and she caught up to Liliana, who was in the corner of her room and Liliana looked up at her.

"Yes he did." Her voice was trembling with pain as Dawn sighed quietly. She was moving carefully to crouch down in front of the teenager as Liliana was shaking her head. "Hank, he would kill me if I protested him killing Jason again?" She sounded terrified and Dawn sat down next to her.

"No he wouldn't. Hank would have to go through Dick, through me, through Kory... he would never even get close to you like that." Dawn murmured as she looked at the teenager.

"I saw Jason's body once, Dawn. If I see it again..." Liliana didn't have to finish her sentence, because Dawn understood and instead of responding to the words, Dawn moved her arms around Liliana as the younger girl was crying once again.

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