|Chapter XXVII: The Family|

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"You were going to leave us both here?" Liliana demanded of her brother to know, after it was the three adults had found them on the roof, after they had all come back from dealing with guy that was moving small handguns and Liliana was trembling in anger. "Was all that shit, just lies then?" Liliana asked and Dick looked worried, as Liliana swallowed and she was shaking her head at them. "I should have just gone back to Gotham." She snapped and Dick's face twisted at the mention of the city, as Dawn was looking at Liliana with sympathy on her face. "Clearly, you gave up on family the moment that you left."

Liliana turned and started to walk away, only for her to be stopped at the sight of a family of four, which creeped her out as she started to back up slightly. "Well, hello there, you five. Isn't it just a lovely night?" The mom asked and Liliana tried to stop Hank, but he didn't get the memo as the father kicked him back onto the ground. Liliana faced the brother and the sister, while Dawn and Hank were trying to deal with the parents.

Liliana caught the bat from the brother and she kicked him hard into the ground, as she swung the bat hard enough to break it over the sister's head in two. Unfortunately, the sister was proving to be much tougher than her big brother and Liliana held a half of the bat in each hand, a pair of very makeshift escrima.

The girl lunged at Liliana, who was able to avoid her strikes, until she felt something stab her in the arm and Liliana shouted in rage, as she spun around and the brother cried out in pain, as she ducked the knife once again.

"Dick!" Liliana shouted with a surge of rage and fear, once she saw that the Dad and sister had kicked him over the edge of the roof and the anger surged through Liliana with a force like a storm and she dropped the sticks into the dirt, reaching back and yanking out her bo-staff. It was extended to its full length and she lunged back into the fight to help.

Liliana knocked the brother almost off of the roof, the father had ahold of Dawn and the sister was restraining Hank. "Put down that pretty weapon, dear." The mother suggested and Liliana flicked her beacon on and suddenly she scooped up a rock and the mother scoffed. "And what do you suppose that is going to do?" The mother questioned.

"You just kicked my brother off of a roof and you are holding two of my best role models hostage, what do you think that I am going to do?!" Liliana snapped and the mother looked at her and Liliana felt a grim smirk come over her face. "You four are in the shit now." She said and out of nowhere, a lasso sent the brother flying and Victoria Dawson slammed the sister across the face. "Get Rachel out of here! The kid!" Liliana shouted as Hank was free to fight once again and Victoria nodded, as she disappeared. 

Liliana lunged forward at the father, but she was still too late to stop it and Dawn had been thrown through the birdhouse and off of the roof. "Dawn!" Liliana screamed as Hank had once again been brought to his knees and she lunged forward, but was faced with the mother and the father, who sent her onto the ground.

Liliana's eyes opened once again, when she felt someone shaking her and she looked up to see Dick standing over her. "Dawn, Dawn was thrown..." She whispered and Dick raced off toward the edge of the roof to look.

Liliana called Victoria when they reached the hospital, who finally picked up the phone. She was the person that had responded to the call and Liliana flicked off her beacon as Victoria picked up the phone. "Did you get Rachel?" Liliana asked immediately as the silence on the other end, it told Liliana all that she needed to know.

"I can't outpace a car, Li. I'm sorry, but they caught up. I tracked them for as long as I could, but couldn't catch up to them after they had her. I'm on my way back now, if you want me to come and get you. Take you back to Gotham with me." Victoria offered and Liliana looked over at Hank, who was sitting at Dawn's side.

"Thanks V, but no." Liliana murmured and she hung up the phone, and as she quietly walked into the room, Hank looked up at her. "I'm so sorry." She said softly and he moved his arms around her for a hug, as tears ran down Liliana's face.

"It wasn't your fault, kiddo. You know that right?" Hank asked quietly and Liliana looked up at him, still looking up since he was taller than her.

"But if it isn't my fault, then whose fault is it?" Liliana asked and Hank's eyes moved to look at somebody behind them and as Liliana felt eyes on her, she turned around and saw that Dick had his phone next to his ear as he watched the scene. Liliana's phone buzzed in her pocket with a call and Hank sighed. "Sorry Hank." Liliana murmured and she picked up the phone. "Grayson." She said, trying to keep the shudder out of her voice.

"Hey. Can we talk? I've got information." Liliana looked up a bit at Jason's voice through the phone and she sighed.

"Yeah, just give me a few minutes. I'm in a hospital at the moment." Liliana muttered and as soon as she heard him inhaling sharply on the other end, she realized what he thought of it as and she shook her head. "I'm not the injured one, Jason. Other then a bump on my head, I am just fine." She said as she walked out of the hospital.

"Is Dick still with you?" Jason asked and Liliana looked behind her to see that Dick was watching her back, as she scoffed.

"He tried to ditch me already, twice, but yeah. What's the information?" Liliana asked.

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