|Chapter XIII: Birthday Crash|

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Liliana was storming around her room and she was looking around for the most expensive and breakable things to smash, while her palms were already bleeding from smashing an expensive vase onto the ground and tears streamed down her face. Liliana sobbed and she dropped onto her bed, as she folded her bleeding hands into fists and she was now trembling, shaking with tears and sobs of pain, both emotional and physical pain.

Jason knocked on the door and when he went to open it, her escrima smashed into the wall next to where his head would have been from the throw and Liliana dropped her head again in shame, as Jason looked around the room that was so neat and tidy earlier, which was now almost the complete opposite.

"Holy fucking shit." He murmured and he carefully shut the door behind him after he walked into the room, as she moved her knees up to her chest and her arms wrapped around her knees, as she avoided looking at him. "Show me your hands. Please?" Jason asked and Liliana carefully opened her hands and Jason sighed at the sight of shards of pottery in her hands. "Does this mean that training is off for tomorrow?" He asked as he carefully pulled out the pieces and she didn't flinch, as she shook her head.

"You get technology, utilities and computer training with me tomorrow." Liliana mumbled as he finished with one of her hands and she switched her hands in silence.

"I'm all done." Jason announced as Liliana swiftly used an old t-shirt of hers to bandage her hands and she wrapped them up quickly.

"Thanks." Liliana murmured and as she walked over to the window, Jason packed up the medical supplies as she shut the window with a shake of her head. "Bruce is going to kill me for my behavior and Alfred is going to kill me for the mess." She mumbled and she dropped onto the bed in silence, as Jason looked at her and he moved over to sit next to her. "I just threw a deadly weapon at you like five minutes ago, so why the hell are you still sitting in the same room as me?"

"Because I know that you didn't mean it. Any of it, you were just upset because your brother didn't bother to show up and that the rest of his friends that you know, were too busy to show up and stick around or didn't even bother to fucking show up in the first place. I would be pissed at the world too." Jason admitted and she looked over at him, as he gently put his hand on top of hers. "Party isn't really my scene anyways. I'm more of a bar person myself." He said and as if to prove it to her, he held up a six-pack of beer in his other hand.

"I would ask where you got it, but something tells me that it was Victoria." Liliana muttered and Jason nodded. "Moving as fast as she does, she could be an excellent criminal, I'm glad she's on our side to steal beer." Liliana remarked and Jason held one out to her with a raised eyebrow and she scoffed. "Fourteen and drinking, my brother would kill me." She mumbled and took the beer from him.

"He probably would. But since he isn't around, he doesn't have any way to stop you from drinking." Jason pointed out and Liliana chuckled quietly, as she nodded and drunk the beer in silence. "Happy birthday." He said and she snorted at the words.

"Thanks, I think." Liliana murmured and Jason handed her the escrima back to her and she looked at the weapon, before she took it back and spun it in her hand. "You had any more run-ins with Matthias recently?" She asked and Jason scoffed.

"Is that a trick question? You and Dick beat him up and down the streets of Gotham. Last that I heard of him, his brother had taken over and he was still stuck rotting in prison." Jason said and Liliana seemed to brighten up at the thought of the guy in prison, as she put the escrima to the side. "What do you think that Bruce will do to you?" He asked and Liliana shrugged.

"I don't know. But whatever he does, I'll be prepared for it. Hopefully." Liliana muttered and Jason moved his arm to rest across her shoulders and when she didn't react badly or hit him, he left it where it was. "Why do you even care?" She asked quietly.

"Because you have so far, you have saved me twice and I am rightfully prone, to keeping good track of shit like that." Jason countered and Liliana yawned suddenly, which Jason laughed at and she "gently" hit him in the ribcage with a good punch. "Ow!" He complained and when he looked over at her to complain more, she ducked her head and was laughing quietly. "Okay, I suppose that I deserved that." He admitted and Liliana nodded.

The alarm blared out in Liliana's earpiece and Liliana winced at the sound that blared out in her ear, as she swiftly grabbed a bottle of water, along with her escrima and she looked to either side of her room as she left it. "Hey, wait up." Jason said and he took off after her.

"Shit." Liliana murmured and she quickly opened the grandfather clock. "Watch for people, will you?" She asked and Jason turned away from her to watch the multiple entrances, to the room as she was quick to wind the hands to the time when Bruce had lost his parents. "Let's go." She said and she unwrapped the bandages from her hands, thankful that she had thought to stitch them up.

Jason ducked into the Bat-Cave tunnel after her and Liliana helped him shut the door behind them, as they bolted down the tunnel and Liliana shook her head. "Barbara?" She asked into her communicator. "Batgirl?" She asked again as she jumped into the "driver's seat" of their coms network.

"She is still in Central City." Jason said and Liliana cursed repeatedly.


"Went back to Themyscira."

"And Bruce is upstairs. It looks like I am going to have to go and deal with this one myself, it looks like it is a riot at Arkham." Liliana said and she tied up her hair quickly, as she tapped her watch and her suit was revealed. "Keep an eye on the orange blinking on the screen, it's my beacon from my watch. Grab the headset, you might have to adjust it." She said and walked behind a pillar quickly, grabbing her suit as she did.

Jason sat in her normal seat and he took the headset, which was too small for him until he adjusted it. "How are you so calm about this?" He asked and she came out from behind the pillar and she had no mask, which was normal and she picked up her bo-staff.

"Because I have backup if I need it. Stay here and if that dot stops blinking or flashing, get Bruce." Liliana said and he spun around in the chair to look at her with a question in his eyes and she sighed. "My vitals and my movements can be tracked on the screen to your left. If the orange dot stops moving... check the vitals screen." Liliana advised and Jason spun back to the screens, as Liliana raced over to the garage and a motorcycle roared to life, as she drove up the ramp and took off toward Arkham, as she saw the Bat-signal in the air. "I can do this." She murmured under her breath and although she didn't think that she could, she didn't much have a choice in the matter at the moment.

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